
Naruto: The vicious glutton

A guy is reincarnated into the Naruto universe with his own kekkei Genkai.

Preston_Shaw · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

A large red-haired youth was sprinting through the trees a large toothy grin plastered to his face this was Kyoryu Tatsu he was jumping from tree to tree moving as fast as he could towards Takigakure.

Man, I can't believe stealing the Shuigu was that easy God when I think about how I snuck past those guards even though I'm fucking 8 feet tall hahaha I'm totally ninja material with my stealth abilities.

Right now I'm in the land of fire the village hidden in the waterfall is located to the north of it and at the speed I'm going I should reach it in a few days as long as nothing gets in my way.

One thing that keeps bothering me is what timeline is this is it the original Naruto or is it Naruto: Shippuden it isn't Boruto yet I know that and thank God it isn't boruto sucks but I wish I knew what era this is if I knew things would be so much easier.

After a few hours of running, I see something that stops me in my tracks a few miles away from me is a small dirt road walking through it is none other than team 7 Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura.

I noticed several things one they are all pretty young so not Shippuden and another key detail is Sakura still has long hair which means they haven't gone on their first mission if memory serves correctly they go to the land of waves and face Zabuza and Haku after that mission Sakura's hair was short.

Yes now I know what timeline this is Naruto should be twelve right now and I'm sixteen so I'm four years older than him and in just a few weeks is the Chunin exams hehehe if I hurry I could participate wait did the hidden waterfall village take part in the exams hmmm? pretty sure they did whatever let's just hurry.

Wait before I go let's gauge their power with my chakra sense Kyoryu closed his eyes and the world turned grey with blue energy all over the place I focused on team 7 and what I saw wasn't too surprising I'm stronger than them both in terms of physical ability and the amount of chakra I have.

It's not surprising my unique ability lets me digest almost anything extracting all the nutrients and chakra in it to temper my body and make me stronger, in other words, all I have to do is eat to get stronger hehehe.

Hmmm? But that Kakashi in terms of strength I have him outmatched but he has pretty sizable chakra reserves then there's the Sharingan that makes him pretty dangerous not to mention the large number of Jutsu he knows.

Whatever once I join Takigakure and learn jutsu of my own I have no doubt that I could crush him, yeah now I'm motivated let's go full throttle to Takigakure.

Hmmm? Kakashi stopped in his tracks he felt like someone was watching him measuring his strength and from the distance, it could only be a sensory type a very skilled one at that.

Sakura "What is it Kakashi sensei,"

Kakashi "Oh it's nothing don't worry about it,"

Whoever he was he's gone now from now on I should stay more alert that guy seemed dangerous.

Kyoryu didn't know that Kakashi noticed him but he didn't care he skipped from tree to tree humming a tune as he made his way toward the ninja village occasionally stopping to eat after about two days he reached a small village Using his chakra he found no shinobi in the village.

It was nighttime right now as Kyoryu moved towards the village he saw a young man in his twenties he needed to know if he was close or not to his destination.

"Hey, you there shorty am I in the land of waterfalls,"

"Huh? Oh um yes you are um very large sir hehehe,"

The young man chuckled nervously it's not ever an 8-foot tall man with sharp teeth walks into you after all the man was impossibly muscular with scars all over his body he looked like a savage bandit he didn't want to piss this guy off.

"Thanks say how far away is the hidden waterfall village from here buddy,"

"Oh um, it's only a couple miles to the northwest of here you should reach it in a week or two,"

"Oh, why thank you and sorry about this,"

"Huh? Sorry about what?"

Kyoryu put his massive hand on top of his head and squeezed the man's head cracked like an egg brain matter and skull fragments shot everywhere covering the road and grass there was no resistance it just popped Kyoryu barely used any strength to do it.

Kyoryu has not eaten a person in a while this would be great hehehe in a blink of an eye the man's corpse was gone there were not even his bones left but he was still hungry that village isn't that big about seventy or so people there no one would care if they vanished right hahaha hahaha!!!

That night sounds of screaming echoed throughout the small village in the morning, not a soul was left alive all of them regardless of age or gender were eaten.

Kyoryu licked his blood-soaked lips after a night of feasting he was exhausted Kyoryu felt an itchy sensation all over his body as he absorbed the nutrients into his skin, muscles, organs, and bones making them stronger he even felt his chakra pool expand a little bit more.

After he was done digesting he sprang up and ran to the northwest with his speed he should reach there in just two days nothing gonna stop me now I'll join Takigakure and be a shinobi.

(two-day time skip)

Kyoryu was staring at a large tree with a village built around it there was also a waterfall near it this was Takigakure he was here he ran towards it but stopped when a waterfall Jonin showed up he wasn't alone there were nine others in hiding.

"You there why have you come here speak now and know if you bring ill intentions you will die here,"

"Hahahahahahaha!!! sorry, it's just I spent so long trying to get here you see I wish to join your ninja village I even brought with me a valuable ninja tool,"

Hmmm? This one is definitely crazy laughing in this situation but he has that large dirty scroll on his back and a golden cane tucked in his belt his clothes are dirty and ragged looks like he sewed them together himself but what scares me is that he stinks of blood and death not to mention his size he's absolutely enormous.

"Oh really well pardon my skepticism but I don't believe you and even if you had these so-called treasures an outsider could never join us now you die,"

The Jonin rushed at Kyoryu with a Kunai he appeared next to him in a flash faster than any normal human ready to slice his throat but Kyoryu sensed danger and punched him in the neck crushing his windpipe the Jonin flew back and slammed into a nearby tree laying limp there dead.

The nine other Jonin appeared out of the trees but Kyoryu knew they were there he expected something like this so he had a plan just keep killing Jonin until the leader shows up.

"I knew you bitch's were there now I'll say it again I want to join your fucking village are you gonna do that or do I have to keep killing you weaklings until your village head shows up!"

Kyoryu was pissed off these idiots were getting on his nerves he just wanted to join but they wouldn't let him through well then time to kill.


An old man with a craggy face and long white hair just showed up wait that's Senji he was Hiren's the old leader of Takigakure aid but he died and his son Shibuki took over if my memory serves me correctly makes sense he's here though after all Shibuki was a coward at least until he met Naruto in that OVA episode.

"You their big guy why are you here," said old man Senji.

"Heh, I'll say it one more time but only once okay I want to join this ninja village and I brought this it's the Shuigu from the land of Redaku don't know if you heard of it but it can produce an unlimited amount of water and I know how to use it if you let me join I'll gladly give it to you,"

Hmmm? Hisen had heard of it but only members of the royal family of Redaku knew its appearance and how to work it that gold cane does look like a ninja tool though still, I don't trust him.

"Your gonna have to prove it use that cane to make it rain if you can do that'll consider letting you join,"

Old man Senji was skeptical but even if that is the real Shuigu and he somehow learned to use it he wouldn't let him join he was a savage-looking beast of a man he'd only bring trouble.

Heh, fine, then I'll do this old fart Kyoryu raised the Shuigu then shortly after he did it started to rain Senji was amazed he knew that man didn't use a jutsu to make it rain so it had to be the cane.

"Well then you were telling the truth but unfortunately I will never let you join this village,"

"Wait before you make any hasty decisions I have something else to show you,"

Kyoryu walked over to the dead Jonin and opened his mouth wide he then began to eat the Jonin much to the disgust of Senji and the nine other Jonin in less than a minute he completely ate the dead Jonin.

"What the hell did you just do you, devil,"

Senji was beyond angry never would he imagine someone just devouring someone like that it was sick he was just about to order the Jonin to attack but the man spoke.

"Wait take a look do you notice something haven't I changed take a look and see for yourself,"

What is this savage talking about wait his body it just grew slightly larger and his chakra increased to did this happen because he ate that man?

"You see old man I possess the ability to digest almost anything and absorb the energy in those things to strengthen my body I believe something so extraordinary that no one else can do would be a Kekkei Genkai correct,"

My word he's right no other shinobi could do something like that it's not natural so it must be a Kekkei Genkai.

"Do you have to eat a person to grow stronger,"

"Well no any that's rich in nutrients or chakra will do but people like shinobi who are full of chakra are the best you see,"

This changes things there aren't many in Takigakure who possess such abilities he would be useful plus I think it would be harder to kill this man than just let him join it would be most beneficial to use to accept him into this village.

"Fine, you can join but you must pass a test you must complete a mission which will be decided by me if you do you can join,"

"Oh fine, what is it,"

"Hmmm? there is a group of bandits hiding out in a small town if you can get rid of them you can join this village they call themselves the bloody sword bandits,"

"Oh, wait do they have a red katana as a symbol cause I killed those guys about two days ago,"

What Kyoryu said was true that the village he wiped out was the place where those bandits were hiding out he ate them two but saved a piece of cloth with their emblem on it cause he thought it looked cool he showed it to Senji whose eyes widened in surprise.

"Well uh? I guess you are now a Genin here at Takigakure wait how old are you,"

"Me I'm sixteen old man,"

"What your sixteen but you're huge *cough* I mean well whatever you are now a member of the hidden waterfall village,"

Yes finally now my ninja journey can start I'll grow strong and fight the strongest in this world it's gonna be a blast hahahahaha!!!