
Naruto: The vicious glutton

A guy is reincarnated into the Naruto universe with his own kekkei Genkai.

Preston_Shaw · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

Kyoryu ate the samurai until only his bones were left he never tasted anything so delicious before and that fight was incredible hahaha looks like I'm a battle maniac not that I care.

Oh God, what's happening to me Kyoryu felt an itching burning sensation all over his body he looked at his arm and saw that his veins were bulging and writhing around like snakes his bronze skin turned a shade of red as his blood pressure increased and his muscles expanded.

Kyoryu was in great pain it was pain like he never felt before but after a few minutes his body returned to normal he breathed heavily but something felt different he looked and noticed his muscles got bigger and he sensed strange energy in his body could this be chakra.

Kyoryu closed his eyes and focused and what he saw was a grey world with wisps of blue energy everywhere he knew what this was looks like he was a sensory-type ninja which was a good thing to have all shinobi can sense chakra when it's released in large quantities but sensory type ninja can sense it all the time.

They can track individuals and tell if someone is lying they can also tell people apart from their unique chakra signatures and know if they're under the effects of a genjutsu it is a really useful ability.

Kyoryu focused on himself and saw that he now had small wisps of chakra he finally understood how he must have some sort of Kekkei Genkai why else would he get hungry enough that he would hunt down and eat a person and how else could he eat someone and grow stronger and even get chakra.

It would explain a lot like why my metabolism is so high and why I can digest almost anything my guess is my stomach can break down and extract chakra from what I eat and use it to make me stronger meaning the more I eat the stronger I get and the more my chakra increases.

Yes now, all I have to do is eat and I can get stronger hahaha time to go hunting Kyoryu used his sensory ability to find many plants and animals with chakra all of which he will eat to grow stronger the next day the woods were eerily quiet almost as if all the animals in the woods disappeared without a trace.

(time skip 10 years)

The people of Nagare Village stared at the massive giant of a man walking down the street he had bronze skin covered in scars and bite marks from the vicious beasts he fought he had incredibly large muscles like that of a bodybuilder and stood at the ridiculous height of 8 foot 9 inches he was the largest man in the whole village possibly even the entire land of Redaku.

Some looked at him in awe others with fear because of his ferocious-looking appearance Kyoryu sharpened his teeth in razor-like points to make ripping flesh and bone easier and sharpened his fingernails in claws to use as weapons to rend flesh from bone these features along with his reptilian eyes made him look like a vicious predator.

Over the years Kyoryu had increased his chakra to an incredible degree he was at least Jonin level strength Kyoryu spent years training and eating to grow stronger he has trained his chakra control abilities he could now walk on water and climb trees like a shinobi he has great chakra control so he could learn genjutsu or even medical ninjutsu if he wanted.

However, I still couldn't learn any jutsu because no one here could use any and there aren't any shinobi in this land to teach him which is why I decided to leave this stupid place and join a ninja village and he knew which one to join the Village hidden in the waterfall the reason he wanted to join that village was he didn't want to join any of the major villages to avoid messing up the plot plus even though it is a smaller ninja village they have a tailed beast and frequently produce skilled jonin.

They were the perfect village to join but Kyoryu wasn't stupid he knew he couldn't just walk in there and say hey can I join you he needed to so he was valuable so he decided to steal the Shuigu to show to the waterfall ninja leader he knew they would accept him then in the manga the Shuigu was a gift from the sage of the six paths to Redaku's leader it was a special tool which could produce an infinite amount of water.

Redaku is prone to drought with famines being common in the past but the Shuigu could provide rain to water crops and livestock and is the land's precious treasure it was Kyoryu's ticket to joining the waterfall village he planned to journey to the capital and steal it from the king since there was no military or shinobi to stop him it would be easy he even knew how to use it from the reading the manga.

The Shuigu is a golden cane with a ring but inside the cane is a scroll similar to a summoning scroll once you sign it you immediately knew how to use it it's that easy hehehe.

Kyoryu didn't have anything to take with him so he immediately made his way running toward the capital but he stopped he felt something calling him he turned on his chakra sense and noticed that the ground a few feet away from him leads to an underground cave for some reason he felt compelled to go down what's one little detour gonna hurt besides he had all the time in the world.

Kyoryu dug into an underground chamber he made his way through the tunnels with the help of his sensory abilities until he found what attracted his attention a large scroll it was old and dirty but it was huge the size of a full-grown man but it was still small to him though he brought it back to the surface and opened it.

It was definitely a summoning scroll for what Kyoryu didn't know there was only one name in it and it was too faded to tell who it was but he just felt a connection to this his instincts told him this would be useful to him so he bit his thump and wrote his name in blood then marked his fingerprints underneath it.

After that, the earth then began to shake the sky darkened then a large amount of smoke erupted exposing a large monster that looked like a giant tyrannosaurus rex with leathery greyish-brown skin that split open in some places exposing the beast's muscles under its skin it had glowing red eyes and a humongous pair of jaws stained red from blood Its teeth were a yellow color and each step it took shook the earth it was the same size as the nine-tails.


It said before leaving and God was he loud I'd thought I'd go deaf his voice was so deep and booming but I could tell he was powerful he said I could summon him whenever I want so that's gonna come in handy.

Anyway, enough wasting time let's go get the Shuigu Kyoryu ran towards the capital at full speed, and after a few days arrived but he was surprised to see that it wasn't all that impressive in fact it was just slightly larger than my own village there was also a big building at the center which looked nicer than most of the other houses that were the king lives let's get to stealing.

Kyoryu used his chakra sense and found the Shuigu there were guards but not many plus they were all weak Kyoryu easily snuck in and found the Shuigu hidden in the king's bedroom he took it but checked inside it first and found the scroll yes time to go Kyoryu stealthy made his way out of the capital to join a ninja village.

After running for a few hours he stopped and took out the scroll writing his name in it then putting it back suddenly all the knowledge on how to use it entered his mind Kyoryu raised the golden cane and a large jet of water shot out slamming into a tree the pressure caused the tree to shatter into pieces it works yes now onward towards Takigakure Kyoryu ran towards the village with determination.