
Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

A young girl is reborn into the Shinobi World before chakra even existed. Watch her become its guardian who helps guide fate while intervening when she deems it necessary. Not gonna be a long one and purely Imaginative. Discord: https://discord.gg/zhSjBbUy Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime e quadrinhos
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61 Chs

Chapter 30: Healed

(AN: From this point onward, she will only be referred to as Yao.)

Yao instructed Hikaru to guide the man to her chambers, with her preparing some of her famous tea for the guest.

He arrived shortly thereafter, with him sporting an appearance that seemed a lot older, showing that he was now an older man.

Hagoromo calmly sat opposite of Yao as he analyzed the enigma before him, still unable to understand the woman thoroughly.

The person he knew as Yao was someone he had only met once in his life, but that one meeting had left a profound impact on his life.

She was the sole reason that the battle with the Ten-Tails ended so abruptly, with her powers still being something he did not understand.

She had forced the Ten-Tails inside of him, giving him its power rather than taking it for herself.

And even after so many years had passed, he was unable to understand her reasons or motives for helping him and his brother, as anyone else who placed their position on protecting the world would have eliminated them as well.

But she entrusted him with the power of his Mother, making him believe that she either saw that he could contribute to the greatness of the world, or that she simply saw him as a vessel she could use to contain its power.

However, he felt that it was closer to the first, with him deciding to journey the world and spread the ideals of peace and Ninshu.

But now, when he was close to the end of his life due to the disease he had contracted, he chose to visit her for what could be the only chance he would have in his lifetime, as even his spirit was being harmed by the disease.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Lady Yao." He began the conversation as he took a sip of the tea.

"It is a pleasure of mine to see you as well, Young Hagoromo. I have been expecting your visit for quite some time, though I didn't expect for you to wait until it got to this point." Yao said as she took a sip of her own.

Her words made Hagoromo nearly choke on his tea, with him looking up at her in astonishment.

"You already knew of my illness?" he questioned

"I've seen stranger things than an energy-based illness." Yao said, and her words were true.

Her adventures over the years had led her to see all forms of dimensions, some that many would feel are filled with eldritch creatures.

"I don't suppose you would have a remedy for my issue?" Hagoromo questioned.

'It seems he hasn't gained the particles to heal himself from that meteorite yet. Oh well, I might as well heal him, it's not like it's a big deal anyway.' Yao thought.

Hagoromo still seemed surprised by the fact that Yao already knew of his illness, though he decided not to question it as Yao began to weave complex signs.

"I call upon the Dimension of Light, Heal this Man with Thy Divine Might!!" Yao commanded, her power flaring as it seemed that light blinded the room.

Hagoromo was stunned by the display of power, as he had never seen anyone be able to command such a massive amount of energy at once.

But, he suddenly felt his body regaining strength, as he no longer faced the ailment of being poisoned, his body growing more powerful with every passing second.

"Well then, there you are, now, was there anything else I could help you with?" Yao asked as she poured herself another cup of tea.

'Goodness, I have to get more of this strand of tea. I don't recall it being this delicious.' Yao thought as she took another sip.

"Actually, yes. I didn't come here to get healed by you, though I greatly appreciate it, but I came here to inquire about a question I have." Hagoromo said.

"Ask away." Yao replied, intrigued about what question was plaguing the future Sage of Six Paths.

"Why do you protect the Shinobi World? With your power, it can't be hard for you to impose your will on the world or to just travel to new realms. What makes you choose to stay here and protect it?"

Yao smiled as she finally understood what he was asking.

Read chapters ahead on P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023