
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mira Uchiha the Unbeatable

In the village of Konohagakure, an old man holding the hand of a young boy walked through the early morning streets. The man has pure white hair and wrinkles covering his face showing his advanced age, while the boy raven dark hair and youthful looks greatly contrast his. Neither moved at a fast pace, nor were they slow as they headed in the direction of one of the highest clans in the village.

The Uchiha Clan.

"Morning Taiyō, handsome as ever."

Passing by a small merchant shop, an old woman fairly advanced in age called out. Her voice was slightly heavy as she coughed right after. Heavy wrinkles were around her eyes and mouth as her hair hovered between gray and white.

"I didn't realize your taste had changed so much." The woman teased.

"Tatsu, you're the same as always." Taiyō rolled his eyes. "This is my grandson I told you about."

"Tsk, what a cute boy, you should bring him out to play some more."

"Isn't he out now?" Taiyō grumbled but continued walking while muttering. "Such an old witch she is."

Kagami pretended not to hear his muttering as they continued their walk. Soon, the liviness began to die away as more and more entered the street. Then it quieted down as they strolled into the Uchiha Clan ground where Kagami saw the red fans painted on the walls.

While walking around, Kagami noticed a few Uchiha were going around with stoic faces. Not that he blamed them as the ones he saw were either scrapping or painting over graffiti. He had also noted that unlike all the fanfics he read previously, Uchiha's weren't all filled with handsome men or beautiful women. Many in fact looked average at best due to their stoic faces.

'Well, it should be a given as the anime showed this fact already. Much like how many theorized that molding or building up on chakra reserves through training shortens one's lifespan. It's just a bunch of nonsense.' Kagami mentally grumbled to himself.

Thanks to Minato's help, Kagami discovered the cells in the human bodies in this world produce far more energy which is used to produce chakra. So unless one forcefully squeezes their cells to overdraft their bodies or use a technique like Tsunade Creation Rebirth. Theoretically shinobi unless injured or killed can live well into their twilight years.

Following Taiyō deeper into the compound, it wasn't until they walked nearly to the otherside did they reach the destination. There in a fairly large courtyard, sitting in a chair in front of a two story house that was fairly large. An old man with the Uchiha clan symbol on his sleeve sat peacefully as he clicked his tongue at Taiyō.

"You old bastard is back again." The man snorted.

"I got to make sure you're still breathing. Wasn't sure if you will kick the bucket yet or not." Taiyō replied, almost childish.

Then to Kagami amusement, both just laughed as Taiyō took a seat next to the old man. The old man seemed to be a bit older than Taiyō and while still had some hair, it was incredibly thinner.

"So this is your grandson? Hmm, quite the gem you picked up." The old man said. "He may be as talented as my great granddaughter."

"Tsk, biased old timer." Taiyō answered.

Kagami just blinked at the interaction of the two and looked for a spot to sit. He just hopes this trip can end sooner and he can return home. There he can continue to work on his project of recreating the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After a few minutes of taking jabs at each other in which Kagami learned the old man's name. He was called Uchiha Maru and he was the leader of the faction that inherited the Will of Fire from Hashirama.

Unlike the younger ones who feel entitled or harass others in the name of Uchiha Honor. This old man truly cared for the village and probably represents a true Uchiha Honor despite not being one of the insanely talented Uchiha.

'If this old man was younger he probably could keep the younger generation in check.' Kagami sighed silently to himself.

To him the Uchiha Honor isn't something fragile that it can break on the slightest grievance. However, from the little he knows and guesses, since the founding of Konoha, the Honor of Uchiha changed. Now instead of having the reliability and strength their ancestors had during warring states, most of the Uchiha members are like those rich second generations that run wild in the news.

While thinking about some nonsense such as Obito and Sasuke who ran wild and unchecked due to their grievances. Since the two acted like they were the only ones that lost their loved ones or families. Kagami's eyes soon caught a small figure of a young girl who appeared from the house.

The girl has short black hair that reached the base of her neck and dark eyes with baby fat puffing her cheeks out a bit. Dressed in a bright red shirt and dark colored shorts, she came outside with an energetic bounce in her step.

"Mira the Unbeatable has arrived." She said in a childish voice sounded in the courtyard.

"Oh, did you finish your morning training already, Mira?" Taiyō smiled.

"Of course, I am going to be the strongest kunoichi. So strong and able to protect the village like the First Hokage." The girl replied, puffing out her chest.

"Then you wouldn't mind having a sparring session with my grandson?" Taiyō continued to smile as he tilted his head in Kagami direction.

Mira's young eyes looked over and looked into Kagami's. His eyes seemed to ignite her fighting spirit.

"Of course not, it won't even be a warm up." Mira confidently stated.

Maru Uchiha just silently shook his head at his great granddaughter's words. He doesn't know why but he vaguely saw Hashirama's figure behind the boy. A sight when Hashirama would take part in friendly competitions.

'I guess the old fart wasn't kidding when he said his grandson reminded him of Hashirama at times.' Maru grumbled mentally to himself.

Thanks for Reading.

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