
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 - First Spar with Mira and Rasengan

In the courtyard, Taiyō stood between the two young children like a referee. Glancing at both sides, he smiled as it was Senju vs Uchiha once more. Even if Kagami technically just carried the name and not the strong bodies nor large chakra of a senju member.

"Now since this is a formal spar between future comrades. Both of you make the Seal of Confrontation." Taiyō stated.

Both Kagami and Mira raised their right hand which formed half a hand seal that would be used to form a jutsu. Once he was satisfied as they formed the seal correctly, Taiyō nodded before raising his hand up. He swiped his hand down.


Kagami quickly reacted as Mira collected chakra to her feet and kicked towards him in a great burst of speed. Her small fist was heading towards his head as he twisted his body. Using her momentum, Kagami tried his best to imitate a move in martial arts in his previous life.

While he grabbed her outstretched arm, Kagami slid his other hand underneath her upper part as he pivoted on his toes. Then in a fluid motion, he tossed her over his shoulder as he pinned her to the ground. As her arm was twisted and outstretched the match came to an end.

"Kagami wins. Now make the Seal of Reconciliation." Taiyō smiled.

Linking two of their fingers together, Kagami smiled at Mira who just huffed

"I will defeat you next time." Mira stated.

"Then I will await your challenge." Kagami smiled brightly.

In truth Kagami didn't like beating up children, though he is a child himself. However, he did like to have friendly competitions which carried over from his previous life. Hence he did feel happy and couldn't wait for the next challenge.

After staying a bit longer, Kagami and Taiyō left as the morning was coming to an end. Watching the two leave in the distance, Mira huffed as she sat down next to her great grandfather. Feeling the old hand rubbing the top of her head in an attempt to comfort her.

"Do you think I can beat him?" Mira asked.

"If you practice hard, maybe one day." Uchiha Maru answered but his mind was thinking completely differently.

'My great granddaughter, even if you're probably the most talented Uchiha since Madara. I'm sorry but you probably pale in that boy potential.'

Maru felt his experience and intuition telling him about this fact and in his long life, it has yet to let him down. So, he was interested in seeing what kind of person Kagami will grow up to be and how he will change the world.


Since meeting Mira, Kagami's life had changed. In the two months that followed their first sparring session. Mira would come find him at least once or twice a week for a rematch. Allowing their taijutsu to improve as each match would be drawn out a tad longer.

Outside of their matches though, besides his basic training under his grandfather. Kagami continued to tinker around building a couple clocks or household appliances. Such as a unique dishwasher that would wash and dry the plates and utensils on a conveyor belt.

Is such a dishwasher needed? Truth be told no it wasn't but Taiyō got in touch with a few restaurants around and the Akimichi clan. Hence, he had been building up the unique dishwasher quite a few times as well and got paid a decent sum.

However, the most important thing about the past few months was Minato's return. When he wasn't directing his newly formed genin team or with his girlfriend. Minato was with Kagami checking upon his training progress.

Satisfied with his current progress in chakra control. Minato decided to teach him a jutsu that once mastered would allow him to reach the peak of chakra control and shape transformation.

So under the late afternoon sun, Kagami was currently sitting before Minato. There Minato was explaining the steps to focus upon when forming the technique. Kagami began to break down the steps and soon realized what technique it was.

The Rasengan.

Upon the realization, Minato before him soon formed a blue orb in his hand. Inside white lines formed as the insides rotated in random directions at high speeds. The famous technique in his previous life was soon presented before him.

"Do you understand, Kagami?" Minato asked with a smile. "Do you want to give it a try?"


While Kagami had decided to ask Taiyō to take him shopping tomorrow to buy a few water balloons and rubber balls to practice. He decided to give it a try now and soon thought of spinning his chakra in his hand at high speeds as while pumping his chakra into it while forming a shell.

The end result was a bumpy blob that soon dispersed. While it was a shame he couldn't learn it on his first try. The result wasn't too bad in his opinion either as he tried it again to get a similar result that was only slightly better.

Thinking he would be slightly bad about failing to learn the technique quickly, Minato tried to comfort him. "Don't worry, Kagami. It took me about three years to create and completely learn it. It took my master Jiraiya three months to learn it too so it will take a while."

Kagami just smiled as it was slightly trickier than he expected but it wasn't too bad. He thought it would take him only a few days to learn after completely mastering the steps. Hence, he wondered what kind of shock Minato would get the next time they met.

"Well, I will be in the village for a few weeks so if you have a couple questions. Come find me." Minato said as he looked at the time. "See you next time, Kagami."

After a fist bump, Minato vanished from Kagami sight soon after. Still having enough chakra for a few more attempts, Kagami managed to smooth the shell into a sphere shape in his last attempt.

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