
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Battle of Legends (Part 1)

A few hours ago, before Shirou's reanimation.

The tide of the war which was in the allied forces's favour shifted completely as Madara Uchiha joined the battlefield completely decimating the allied forces's army. Although the Tsuchikage and the Kazekage was there, they could only do so much against Madara's overwhelming powers.

The Kazekage and Naruto Namikaze's clone made a good chance after getting beating around for a while.

"Wind Style : Wind Rasen-Shuriken" Naruto's clone yelled as he threw his jutsu towards Madara who had been taken out of the protection of the Susanoó thanks to the Kazekage's efforts.

The attack collided with Madara head on but contrary to everyone's expectations the attack did no damage but was instead absorbed by Madara completely.

"Too much energy" Madara commented as the different pattern in his eyes became clear enough for everyone to see.

"Th-that's the Rinnegan!!" Tsuchikage muttered

"But how does that Madara possess the Rinnegan eyes?!" Naruto yelled as he thought about the implications of Madara possessing the Rinnegan and realised just how powerful of an enemy they were facing.

To avoid the Kazekage's sand, Madara leaped back towards the high ground where the second Tsuchikage Mu was present. Although he was just being used as a medium of communication by Kauto.

After a few minutes of strategising the allied shinobi forces tried to fight Madara with a newfound vigour. But...

"Do not misunderstand it. This is not the power of your creation!!" Madara said as his Susano manifested around him and made hand-signs as well.

Before anyone could figure out what he was doing a huge shadow was cast upon the entire battlefield.

Looking up, everyone found the source of this shadow and were left baffled as soon as they saw it.

"Is this the power of a god?" Kazekage muttered as he looked up at the sky.

A giant meteor big enough to block out the sky was falling towards them at a really high speed.

"Run!! Get away from the battlefield as fast as you can!!" The Tsuchikage Onoki yelled and the shinobis followed his order but still couldn't help but fear getting crushed under that meteor.

The Tsuchikage flew towards the meteor while saying to himself 'I have to stop this no matter what!!'


However, even before he could reach the meteor, it suddenly vanished out of thin air leaving everyone on the battlefield in a confused expression.

But all of their doubts were answered as they saw the figure that landed in front of them.

"All of you guys evacuate. I will deal with Madara myself."

A blonde man with spiky hair stood in front of them wearing the Jonin jacket and blue tracksuit underneath. Nobody could not not know who this person was.

"Thank Heavens!! Lord Fourth is here!!!"

"Quick let's get out of his way!"

"Yeah. If Lord Fourth's here, we don't need to worry about anything!!"

The ninjas of the allied shinobi forces cheered at the presence of their hero and saviour.

"Mianto Namikaze eh? Looks like you mastered that little bastard's techniques quite well." Madara said as he looked down at Minato.

"And you are Madara Uchiha. The strongest Uchiha of his time and the history."

"Hahah. Well it seems you certainly have a way with your words." Madara said and then slammed his foot on the ground beneath him as he let out his fighting intent mixed with bloodlust and said.

"Looks like I won't be bored anymore. Come show me your strength Minato Namikaze!!" Madara yelled as the Susano manifested around him and he launched the 'Yasaka Magatama'.

In response, Minato simply stood there and held out his hand and as he did sealing formulas appeared in front of him.

The Yasaka Magatama struck the sealing formula and was instantly launched back to Madara, striking his Susano and leaving him shocked.

'He can use sealing jutsu and that too teleportation jutsu without any medium at all?' Madara thought to himself as he tried to analyze the full extent of Minato's abilities.

What Minato had just used was the reason why he had become the strongest shinobi of the current era.

His proficiency and mastery over the sealing justu and teleportation jutsu had surpasses his predecessors by a huge margin. he had even surpassed the Uzumaki clan leader himself when it came to the sealing arts.

In his fight against Danzo, Sasuke was able to summon a bird mid-air. So sealing jutsu can be performed on air itself but it is just that the more difficult the sealing jutsu is, the more difficult it is to use it this way.

Summoning jutsu doesn't require the user to possess any knowledge of sealing arts which is why it is the only jutsu that is used this way.

However even with all of his strength, after failing to protect 3 of his students, failing to save the love of his life, Minato felt just how powerless he is.

Which is why after he was forced to retire from his position as the Hokage after it was revealed that one of his students, Shirou Hatake had become a rogue nin, instead of wallowing on his sorrows, Minato pushed himself into training to become the strongest.

So strong that he would never have to lose anything or anyone in his life.

And this was the result. He reached the highest level mastery of sealing arts which wasn't even there before. He created a new rank of sealing mastery that is the 9th level of sealing mastery.

He could now create any seals he wants in thin air as long as the sealing is within 5 meter radius of him.

And the justus he used just now was the extension of the teleportation jutsu he had created. He would teleport his opponents attacks back towards them as soon as they come inside his range of 5 meters.

Not only attacks, even people themselves would be teleported away from him whenever he wants. With this justu, Minato had created a perfect defence for himself.

In this way, no ninjutsu and taijutsu attacks will ever reach him.

"I see. You are one hell of a talent aren't you!! Well let's see what you are gonna do about he second one!!" As he said that another meteor descended from the sky but this time it was even bigger than the previous one.

"Let's see. Are you going to get rid of it the same way or will you show me something special!!" Madara yelled as he was incredibly excited about the current situation. After all no one except Hashirama Senju had ever come close to challenge his supreme power.

But now....now there was such a person right before his eyes. A person without an ocular power or tailed beast power. A man who made all the way here to the realm of the strongest without relying on any cheat codes like the Sharingan and the nine tails.

"You know, you can't call yourself the strongest with defence alone. To be the strongest, you must also have a fearsome attack!" Minato said as a huge rasengan formed at the palm of his hands just a little smaller than the meteor above him.

And as the two collided, it didn't even take 5 seconds for the meteor to be completely decimated.

The onlookers of this fight couldn't help but be excited as the showdown between two of the strongest shinobis to ever walk this Earth began.