
Naruto The Big boss in front the scenes

In the World of Naruto , where Strong thrives and weak dies . A modern earth Scientist Reincarnates as Hatake Kirito Follow his journey as Big boss behind the scenes Why Big boss behind the scenes because this isn't a Chinese novel in which protagonist gets golden fingers (or so they say) and gets ridiculously OP and becomes boss this is Down to earth novel with realism. Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto.

Ashborn_57 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Meeting with Tsunade

Today was yet another day in which I was going to be busy with my experiments as I was on my way to Ichiraku Ramen, I felt someone crash onto me at first I felt, a little annoyed, but after that I become rather intrested, what is the possibility of me to run into Senju Princess although she was still a cute little loli with Amber eyes and blonde hair and flat chested but had a Tomboy personality when she bumped into me, She just without giving me a chance to think, punched me

" You pervert ! How dare you touch me ."' I mean how unreasonable can someone be, it was obviously you who was running without watching the surroundings.'

I narrowed my eyes and blocked her punch, while punching her back on her stomach.

As expected she fell on the ground yelled in pain, I just sighed and left while thinking,

''No matter how cute you are I am a true believer of Gender equality.''

After I went inside the Ichiraku Ramen, I ordered

"As always Miso pork ramen, Teuchi san"

Ohh! Kirito-kun I heard hokage sama rewarded you his sword, as he was impressed by your sword skills."

"You are embassing me Teuchi san, it's just that I got lucky."

After some usual talk with Teuchi, I was about to leave when I met The Tomboy again, she still had dirt on her clothes and was rubbing her stomach on the place I hit her and had tear in her eyes.

But when she saw me, she instantly became raged and tried to attack me again l, to which I disarmed her and was about to punch her again but was stopped by what appeared to be ANBU, he unleashed his killing intent to which I released double his amount and with a snort of disdain I left.

While leaving I heard, Tsunade shouting

" Do you know who I am, I am Senju Princess Tsunade Senju, you are definitely going to regret it."

To which I replied in a cold voice ,

" Even if you are the Daughter of Hokage or even Damiyo I couldn't care less."

She had a shocked expression on hearing my words, when I was pretty far away I heard a loud shout behind me, surprisingly it was Tsunade, who still had dirt on her clothes, she asked loudly.

"My name is Tsunade and yours ? "

"Kirito" After answering her coldly, I left with a Body Flicker Jutsu.

Tsunade still standing there with a daze, suddenly asked

"Do you know him Ayane."

"Hai, Tsunade-hime, his name is Hatake Kirito, who is one of the genius of Hatake clan, even more talented than Sakumo who became Genin at 10 years old able to pull off a D rank Jutsu with such efficiency as expected, but how dare he disrespect you Princess, I must report him to Hokage sama."

"No need", Tsunade replied coldly,

Hatake Kirito huh!, with a smile on her face that even she didn't knew about, Tsunade left towards Senju clan compound.


I might have gone too far when I hit her, this but firstly I felt some weird energy, trying to control me was it just my illusion, or something else.

Looking at the familiar hologram screen of AI Chip which had a notification at the tike when I met Tsunade I read it again

[Beep! a foreign source of energy is infiltrating the host, Expel


"AI Chip scan my body at the time of meeting Tsunade, and search for possible, Genjutsu or Manipulation agents."

[Beep! An unknown source of energy detected, Determined to be modifying host's Emotion Levels]

"As expected it wasn't an illusion I bet this energy also infrared me when I first met Tsunade, although I am not very Emotional person but I know how to restrain them and more importantly I don't Judge people based on their, appearance as appearance can be a deception specially in the Ninja World, I always wondered why I had such a wild thought when I first saw Tsunade, so that's the reason.'

"AI Chip notify me if this energy ever tried to infiltrate me and name this energy Fate energy ." I gave my command

[Beep! Task Established!....]

'One of the things I hate the most is being manipulated heheheheh..., think you can control me huh!.' I snorted with disdain.

'It's good that Tsunade isn't a complete asshole which she is depicted in canon in which she just,

punches anyone carelessly and only cares about Gambling.'


Tsunade POV-

I just went inside a Gambling house and again lost my pocket money, that Grandmother gave me.

Damn why am I so unlucky, as I was busy thinking about my actions. I saw a handsome boy with white hair and blue eyes wearing an unusual black clothes, he has a very cold expression on his face and for a minute I carefully observed him and saw that he resembles Grandfather Tobirama a lot everything except for his blue eyes, while Grandfather have red eyes.'

So, I grinned while thinking on ways of bullying him, how would he react, and then I chose my favourite plan, to bump onto him 'accidently' and attack him.

But things took an unexpected turn as he disarmed me but, didn't stopped at that and instead attacked me, me The Senju Princess, who has nerve to even touch me, and he didn't stopped

And said the most annoying thing in the world

"No matter how cute you are I am a true believer of Gender equality." 'Gender equality what is that, this bastard and he left me beaten on the ground, as I starting to feel angry, Senju Ayane who is a retired chunnin that is appointed as my caretaker, saw me beaten on the ground.'

''Princess How did you get injured,shall me take you to Infirmary in the Clan.''

"Ayane there isn't need for that with my physique this would heal only in a minute."

"Hai Tsunade-hime" I said in my usual annoyed tone.

As for why I was annoyed, they called me a genius when I was able to feel my chakra at the age of 3, able to perform E rank Jutsu at 4, everyone had high expectations from me that I would be just like my grandfather to which I had been constantly to live upto their expectations and but as I grew up I felt I wasn't a genius that everyone thought me as, but I was able to pull it off due to my hard work, but a genius is different he/she can do it without any hard work, sick of their high expectations for me, I started finding pleasure in Bullying children around my age and Gambling like Grandfather although I have only been with him until I was 3 years of age but those three years were best of my life.

We used to have a lot of fun and I always won from him or he deliberately loses to me again and again.

As I grew up more I started to feel that I really wasn't s genius like other children they often talked about,that's when I started to hate those Geniuses and at that time 'Grandmother Mito' encouraged me to just enjoy my life but Grandfather Tobirama had other plans for me, he was very strict and forced me to train even Grandmother Mito can't say anything to him, I know he is doing this all for my sake but he doesn't have to be so forceful.

It was just another day when I was running from those boring training session I encountered a boy who looked like Grandfather Tobirama so I had a thought to bully him to relieve my stress and anger on Grandfather. But the plan backfired me.

I was full of anger when I was just about to enter a Food stall I encountered him again.

Without thinking about anything I just rushed towards him and yet again he was able to stop me and was going to punch me, when Ayane came and relesed his killing intent on him, although it wasn't directed towards me I still felt fear, I tremblingly watched the boy but he still had an indifferent expression as he didn't felt anything, I was shocked and couldn't help but admire him, after what happened just changed my worldview the boy also released a horrible killing intent which not only offset Ayane's but also overpowered her.

After that he left with a snort.

I was completely numb and wasn't able to move even my finger but I wasn't going to let him off the hook this easily,

"Do you know who I am, I am Senju Princess Tsunade Senju, you are definitely going to regret it."

I shouted to which he replied with arrogance

" Even if you are the Daughter of Hokage or even Damiyo I couldn't care less."

How could he say that wasn't he afraid of anything not even Hokage or Damiyo, at that time I saw my Grandfather's Shadow on him.

After what appeared to be a illusion I couldn't help but ask him "My name is Tsunade and yours ?"

"Kirito" After which he left with a Body Flicker Jutsu

I just sat in the middle of the street for half a minute and asked Ayane

"Do you know him Ayane."

"Hai, Tsunade-hime, his name is Hatake Kirito, who is one of the genius of Hatake clan, even more talented than Sakumo who became Genin at 10 years old, able to pull off a D rank Jutsu with such efficiency as expected of a genius, but how dare he disrespect you Princess, I must report him to Hokage sama."

"No need" I said coldly and left towards Senju clan compound, After which I met Grandmother

She saw me and asked

"What happened Little Tsu, you look happy."

"Happy.. What are you saying? Grandmother."

I left running towards my room.

'How can be I happy he is a Genius the type of people I hate the most.' I thought