
Naruto The Big boss in front the scenes

In the World of Naruto , where Strong thrives and weak dies . A modern earth Scientist Reincarnates as Hatake Kirito Follow his journey as Big boss behind the scenes Why Big boss behind the scenes because this isn't a Chinese novel in which protagonist gets golden fingers (or so they say) and gets ridiculously OP and becomes boss this is Down to earth novel with realism. Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto.

Ashborn_57 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

A Sleepless Night (2/2)

Date- Warring States period year 562

Time- 12:44

'A lot of things, happened in these years firstly, 5 years ago father died in a battle against Uchiha Tajima, the clan leader of Uchiha Clan, so Big brother became our new clan Leader and his wood style has been the source of terror in the whole shinobi world and above that, no one knows his limit not even me.'

'Because of this Uchiha clan has been on the losing end, but war is far from over as Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna have been barely able to stop brother and that is also, due to brother showing mercy to his childhood friend.'

At this moment we need a decisive win, the centuries long war between Senju and Uchiha can finally be won by Senju, and after that the dream ideal peace of Big brother can be realised.'

'For this, I have been continuously studying seals in our clan land for 4 years, and I have made a very realistic plan in which I will break the balance between Uchiha and Senju by killing Uchiha Izuna.'

'I have been trying to invent a technique related to space which can help me manipulate the space by the help of seals and teleport next to my seal coordinates on my kunai.'

'And today is the day I am indefinitely close to success.'


'Everything went according to my plan, I was able to take out Uchiha Izuna by the element of surprise and hack my sword deep into his gut.'

'I am almost sure that he can't survive with that kind of wound.'

After that, Uchiha's retreated.

'I smiled at them, but big brother seemed

dispirited, watching Madara leave.'

'After a few days we once again fought against Uchiha and as I had expected, Uchiha Izuna died,

Big brother' Wood Release: Wood Human Technique and Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, which resulted in big brother's win.'

And after noticing the result of the fight already dispirited Uchiha's surrendered.'

After the fight, I was about to kill wounded madara when, big brother stopped me, and once again tried to convince madara about the village, but this time he agreed but on the condition Big brother kills himself or me.'

'Damn these Uchiha are born as embodiment of evil, but Big brother believed his words and took out his kunai to kill himself but at the moment he was stopped by madara.'

'Maybe Uchiha's are not bad after all, this thought crossed my mind for a second, before it disappeared.'


Date- 2 years

Time- 11:34

'In these two years, big brother went clan to clan talking about his dream, at first all clans were sceptical, but after these two years most of them are convinced.'

'It's been two peaceful years since the establishment of Konoha, and everything is going fine and big brother is very optimistic about the future of Konoha.

But my cautious attitude as a shinobi doesn't allow me to relax and always prepare for unexpected.'

'So I made a genius plan, based on which the survival of Konoha can be guaranteed for a long time.'

'I made a deal with Hatake clan Leader they were formerly a Samurai clan, so they easily took the bait, in exchange of Basic Chakra related books they would help me have a baby with his daughter and I will groom him to become Second Hokage.'

( A/N- At this time Tobirama didn't knew about Hashirama's illness)


Date- 8 years

Time- 01:38

Everything went according to plan, but there was an unexpected error in my judgement, My child (Haruto) with Hatake clan has everything except for innate talent, due to which he can't master Flying Thunder God.' although he could be called a genius and shall become a talented shinobi, but being a Elite Jonin was his limit and at most he could become a Lower Kage level.

And the most important thing was his attitude which resembles Big brother a lot, which isn't fit for being a leader as a Leader should be decisive, and not kind hearted, as for Big brother he is a special case as he has his 'Monstrous Strength and Wood Release' as his back up.

'I have to find other ways. In case Konoha gets in danger in near future.'


Date- 23 years

Time- 01:38

'Big brother told me about his illness and I inherited him as second hokage, during this time he went into seclusion, with his Granddaughter Tsunade who was born a few months ago.'

My son, Haruto is 21 years old this year, although he bacame a Jonin and was deemed genius all across Konoha and also became Clan leader of Hatake Clan.' 'He also found him, a women Himeko a blue eyed civilian chunin talented enough , who is expected to give birth in a month.'

'My first thought was to Train him to become a capable shinobi then hokage, but Haruto wanted his child to become a civilian and live a peaceful life in Konoha.'

'With a long sigh, I finally gave up and agreed to him.'

Date- 27 years

Time- 05:56

'This year brings me yet another bad news, after death of big brother the previous year, my Son and daughter in law, died while in an ambush from Iwagakure Ninja.'

'I spend my days, doing experiments and the only source of my entertainment is watching my Grandson 'Hatake Kirito' via a shadow clone, who became a clueless child to a less clueless child.'

He started practicing Hatake Swordsman ship but after a day of his practicing he started practicing an improved version of it, which piqued my interest.'

'After about a week, I summoned him to my office, and when I used my killing intent which would even scare off a jonin.'

'He was able to withstand it and even answer my question.'

'At that time I told him the truth about his father, but to my surprise he didn't even flinch, he was able to control his emotions to a level even I cannot.'

'His wisdom and way of thinking is also not simple-minded he is realistic in his mind.'

'He could also sense my shadow clone at the age of 4 which means his innate talent surpasses mine.'

''Prodigy' was only word I could think of.

Sorry Haruto your son is a genius of a ninja I can't let him waste his talent, so after this thought I decided to make him a capable shinobi whom the world would fear just like Big brother.'

(POV end)