
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs


Chapter 47 Women are hard-mouthed (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)


"This bastard...how powerful is it?"

No. 18 swallowed hard and looked at Qin Yu in amazement.

It is impossible to imagine his power!

call out...

And Qin Yu's body flashed again and appeared directly in front of Cell.

Wow wow...

Cell was lying on the ground, vomiting constantly, light green liquid mixed with purple blood spit out from his mouth.

Obviously it is very painful.

"What's wrong? Wasn't it arrogant just now?"

"Can't you even take a punch from me?"

Looking at the painful Cell, Qin Yu laughed coldly.

"Asshole... damn asshole, I won't forgive you."


Cell hammered the ground hard.

But he was vomiting uncontrollably.


Suddenly, Cell directly spit out No.17 from his mouth.


Cell quickly grabbed number 17 and wanted to swallow it again.


Qin Yu kicked it out and hit Cell's chin hard.


A crisp bone crack sounded, and Cell's entire head was completely deformed.

The body also flew upside down again.

At this time, No. 18 also rushed over, quickly helped No. 17 up, and then looked at Qin Yu.

"Okay Cell, you can disappear."

Qin Yu's playful eyes suddenly became cold.

Then a purple energy ball was directly condensed.


After the sound fell, the destructive energy from the fingertips flew out instantly and penetrated Cell's chest.

The small island behind him and Cell's Cell directly began to turn into purple light spots and began to disappear.

"No...no, impossible, I can't possibly lose."

Cell's screams echoed for a long time on the island, but his body has disappeared without a trace.



"This guy, in addition to being strong, he is also very decisive in killing, and he didn't give Cell any chance at all!"

Seeing Qin Yu instantly kill Cell, Son Goku took a breath.

Unexpectedly, Cell, which made them completely helpless, was killed by Qin Yu so easily.

"It's really powerful and outrageous."

"I just hope that no one on earth will provoke him, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Piccolo said solemnly.

After speaking, I looked at Son Goku.

"Don't look at me like that, Piccolo!"

"Although that guy's strength really makes me feel excited, but I won't just say anything like the test, because the gap between us now is too big..."

Seeing Piccolo's gaze, Son Goku hurriedly smiled and said.

Naturally, I really want to compete with Qin Yu, but I can only think about it.

The gap between them is too big!

"That's good, but I hope that Vegeta guy will be a little safer then."

Piccolo thought for a while and said.

The arrogant Vegeta, that's a time bomb!


"No. 17, are you okay! Hurry up and wake up!"

No. 18 shook No. 17's body, obviously he still cared about his brother.

"Don't worry! He's fine, just temporarily unconscious."


"Of course, what did I lie to you!"

"Okay, I'll do it to the end. Since I saved you, I will help you again!"

After Qin Yu finished speaking, with a sudden wave of his right hand, seven football-sized Dragon Balls appeared in front of him.

This is the seventh Dragon Ball of Universe Namek.

When I was in the Sixth Universe, I once completed a mission in the Sixth Universe.

So at that time, he took the sixth Universe Seven Dragon Ball directly.

Anyway, staying there will not do much for them...

This wave of operations by Qin Yu naturally shocked Son Goku and others.

After Qin Yu summoned Shenron of Namek in the sixth universe, Xu's wish was for the bombs in the bodies of No. 18 and No. 17 to be removed.

Qin Yu's approach moved the 18th very much.

"Well, the bomb in your body has disappeared!"

"Although there is no way to return to the previous humans, this should be pretty good for you."

After making a wish, Qin Yu said to No.18 after putting the Seven Dragon Ball in the system backpack again.

"You... why do you want that wish?"

No. 18's face is quite tangled.

He is a normal woman, and he will naturally have the feelings of a normal woman.

For the first time, this guy hit himself and made himself very angry, but also made himself remember him firmly.

Just a few minutes ago, he suddenly appeared when he was facing the danger of being absorbed by Cell while facing the possibility of being destroyed by the remote control.

He smashed the remote control with one foot, defeated Cell with one punch, and saved himself.

It is impossible to say that there is no throbbing in my heart!

Especially the man in front of him, with handsome facial features, and extremely powerful.

Anyone who is a normal woman would have a good impression of him...

When women are most helpless, they are most vulnerable to fall.

And now, he actually made a wish to let the bomb in his body disappear.

This made her heart moved again.

"I like this."

"Why, don't you plan to thank me well?"

Qin Yu shrugged and said with a smile.

"Don't... don't be whimsical, don't think you saved me, I will forgive you for hitting me before."

"I won't thank you...huh!"

No. 18 suddenly said to Qin Yu with a stubborn look.

Then he picked up No.17 directly and flew into the air.

Then turned his head to Qin Yu and said, "Even if the previous things are even, I forgive you, there will be a period later."

After speaking, I flew away!

Looking at the number 18 flying away, Qin Yu smiled and shook his head and said: "Woman, just a hard mouth

Chapter 48 The awesome little brother-in-law No. 17 (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

No. 18 and No. 17 appeared on another island.

"I said the 18th, actually I think that Qin Yu is pretty good..."

Number 17, who had been in a coma, suddenly spoke.

"You... when did you wake up?"

No. 18 looked at No. 17 in surprise, and asked.

She has always been like Qin Yu in her mind now, lingering.

So on the 17th, she was a bit startled just now.

"Woke up very early."

"I think that Qin Yu is really good. Although he is not as handsome as me, he can make do with it. The strength seems to be better than me."

"If he is my brother-in-law, in fact, I am not particularly opposed to it..."

No.17 said to No.18 with a sly smile on his face.

In fact, what he said was true.

A man like Qin Yu is absolutely unforgettable, and from what he did just now, it can be seen that he also has a very good impression of the 18th.

Otherwise, they will not be courteous for no reason...

And as a younger brother, he still knows No. 18 very well, and she definitely has some interest in Qin Yu too!

Otherwise, he won't look dazed.

"Shut up on No. 17, you don't need to talk about me."

"Also, what is it that Qin Yu is not as handsome as you? Only a little better than you? You are too narcissistic, right!"

No. 18 glanced at No. 17 coldly, and said with contempt.

"Let's take a look. I turned my elbows out."

"As a younger brother, I can remind you that a man like Qin Yu is hard to find with a lantern. You don't cherish that some women like it. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop!"

After talking on the 17th, he stood up and moved Kinho.

Being absorbed into the body by Cell is really uncomfortable.

"Quickly shut up, talk nonsense and I will tear your mouth apart."

No. 18 scolded No. 17, and then seemed to be lost in thought.

On the side, No.17 smiled, not speaking.

My sister! Sometimes it's too arrogant.


Originally Cell was reserved for Son Goku and Son Gohan and others to upgrade, but now he was easily killed by himself.

It is estimated that the history of this time and space will be slightly changed!

But Qin Yu naturally wouldn't care about this kind of thing.

Anyway, Son Goku likes to practice, there are still seven years before Majin Buu appeared, he should be able to break through Super Saiyan III.

As for Son Gohan, he will become Nobihan anyway, so it doesn't matter...


As time passed day by day, three months passed quickly.

At this time, Qin Yu also used some means to get himself a comfortable villa in Xidu.

After all, I practice hard and try my best to become stronger, isn't it just to make myself live better?

During these three months, Qin Yu was not in a hurry to practice, but was enjoying life.

At this time, two figures appeared in the sky above Qin Yu's villa.

These two people are the 17th and the 18th.

"I think we'd better not go!"

No. 18 was a little bit twisted, and said to No. 17.

"What? Are you scared? Isn't this your character?"

No. 17 looked at No. 18 and made a joke.

My sister said that she didn't like it, but she was in a daze every day for three months.

As a younger brother, he naturally knows what the 18th is thinking?

So today, in the name of thanking Qin Yu for his life-saving grace, he has become an adult.

After all, it is a good thing to have such a powerful brother-in-law.

"What am I afraid of?"

On the 18th, quibble quickly.

In fact, although she doesn't want to admit it, she also knows her heart that he likes Qin Yu.

Because of these few months, that guy will come to mind almost every day.

This made her very uncomfortable, but she was embarrassed to take the initiative to find Qin Yu.

"Since you are not afraid, let's go!"

After speaking on the 17th, his body fell directly into Qin Yu's courtyard in a flash.

No. 18 can only gritted his teeth and followed.

At this time Qin Yu was watering the little flowers and grasses leisurely, and was a little surprised to see No. 17 and No. 18.

"Yo! This is a rare guest!"

"You two came to me..."

Qin Yu put down the water bottle in his hand, smiled and looked at the two of them, and said.

In fact, he also wanted to go and look for the 18th, but then he thought about it, man! Never be so proactive.

Looks like he is licking a dog like that.

Sometimes, the method of boiling the frog in warm water can achieve better results.

Now it seems that I was right.

"This isn't the last time you saved us from Cell. I haven't had time to thank you! So today, thank you for your life-saving grace."

No. 17 also said with a calm smile.

The number 18 behind him blushed inexplicably.


"Let's go! Go and sit inside."

Qin Yu finished speaking and walked directly into the hall.

The 18th can only follow up.


Qin Yu and No.17 seemed to be chatting very speculatively, and they talked for more than three hours.

"Mr. Qin Yu, your house seems to be quite big. Our two brothers and sisters still have no fixed homes!"

The 17th finally started to get to the point.

After talking for such a long time, how can Qin Yu not know the idea of ​​No.17.

This guy is obviously here to match himself with the 18th, and I have to say that this brother-in-law is indeed very righteous.

"It's really big, if you two don't dislike it, then live here!"

Qin Yu looked at Number 18 and said.

"Who...who wants to live with you?"

"You have already thanked the 17th, hurry up and go."

After finishing talking on the 18th, he left the villa in a panic.

But Qin Yu is not in a hurry.

Since the 18th is here today, the frequency will be more frequent in the future.

He believed in this