
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


Chapter 49 Wampa Star, Broly (seeking an evaluation ticket for flowers)

As time passed day by day, seven years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past seven years, some enemies like BoJack appeared on the earth, but they were easily solved by Son Goku and others...

Son Goku's strength has reached the level of Super Saiyan III, and even Vegeta has become Super Saiyan II.

Of course, Qin Yu's strength has also been greatly improved.

Android 18 has also successfully become the hostess of Qin Yu Villa.

And at this time in Qin Yu's villa.

"Today seems to be the time for the No. 1 Budokai in the world. Son Goku and Vegeta invited you to participate half a month ago. Are you sure you are not going?"

Number 18 said to Qin Yu.

The temperament of No. 18 at this time has changed significantly from that of seven years ago. It is a transformation from a girl to a woman.

As for why there is such a transformation, it is estimated that only she and Qin Yu know...

The first prize is 10 million yuan, which is quite attractive.

If Qin Yu goes to participate, you can definitely get this bonus!

"It's boring, their strength is too weak, and we are not short of money now, right!"

Qin Yu spoke to Number 18 lightly.

The two of them have actually been together for seven years, but Qin Yu didn't have children.

Because Qin Yu feels that he is still weak, and he hasn't even reached the level of Angel.

Although such strength is considered top in the universe, it is vulnerable to a real ruler.

If you have a child now, maybe it will only become your own fetter...


"But I have signed up! It's a bit too boring to stay at home anyway."

No. 18 continued to speak.

Although the 10 million bonus is nothing to them, after all, they can buy a lot of beautiful clothes.

"Okay! You may have unexpected gains if you go!"

Naturally, Qin Yu would not stop this kind of thing.

But since the world's number one martial arts club is about to begin, Majin Buu must be coming out soon.

"The Junior Group of the Budo Club seems to have already started, are you sure you don't want to check it out?"

No. 18 asked again.

If he left, Qin Yu would inevitably be a little boring alone.

"Go! I want to leave the earth temporarily, not for long."

Qin Yu said with a smile.

In fact, he had already planned.

Ready to go to another planet and meet someone.

"Other planets?"

"Okay! Then you have to be careful."

No. 18 actually doesn't worry about Qin Yu, because he knows Qin Yu's strength very well.

Maybe no one in this world will be Qin Yu's opponent.

Of course, it's just because she didn't know that there are many strong men in this world.

After speaking, on the 18th, I went directly to the venue of the world's No. 1 Budokai.

"Okay, then I'm leaving too."

Qin Yu's right index finger and middle finger nodded at the center of his eyebrows, then his body flickered twice and disappeared into the room.

Unlimited Instant Transmission, this is the ability he has acquired in the past seven years.


When it appeared again, Qin Yu's body had already reached a deserted planet.

There are some huge reefs everywhere on the planet, the air is very sultry, there is no vitality around it, and there are signs of lifelessness!

"Is this the Wampa planet? It is exactly the same as described in the animation."

Qin Yu swept his eyes around, muttering to himself.

And he felt two breaths, one of which was stronger and the other very weak.

It can be ignored!

"It seems that these two breaths should be Broly and Paragas. That's right!"

After feeling those two breaths, Qin Yu spoke again.

That's right, the purpose of his coming to Wampa this time is to find Broly.

You know, Broly, is definitely Saiyan, the seventh most talented Universe!

In "Dragon Ball Super Broly", the two days from the beginning, even the normal Vegeta could not be beaten, and in the end it was directly comparable to the super game Gogeta.

Although he lost to Super Blue Gogeta in the end, it was enough to show his strength and fighting talent.

Definitely a genius among geniuses...

"Being able to live in this kind of place for decades, the vitality of the two of them is also tenacious."

Qin Yu smiled, and then his body disappeared again.


In the next second, Qin Yu appeared directly in front of a dilapidated Universe spaceship.

Broly and Paragas are eating the legs of a giant spider.

The moment Qin Yu appeared, Broly's gaze suddenly came over, and his eyes became vigilant and fierce.

"People... are people?"

After Paragas saw Qin Yu, the spider leg in his hand fell directly to the ground, and tears of emotion suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Forty years, forty years!

He finally saw people again...

He was finally able to leave this ghost place.

"It really is you two, Broly and Paragas."

Qin Yu looked at Broly and Paragas who looked like savages, and said with a faint smile.

After Qin Yu's voice fell, Broly's expression became more alert.

Like a beast, he looked at Qin Yu fiercely.

"You...you know us? Are you Saiyan too?"

Paragas rubbed his hands excitedly.

Now that the other person knows himself, it's easier to handle...

Maybe he and Broly could really leave this horrible place.

"Calm down Broly."

Then Paragas ordered to Broly.

Hearing Paragas's order, Broly's watchful look eased a little bit.

"Who are you? Are you here to pick me and Broly out of here?"

Paragas still asked very excitedly.

"That's it!"

Qin Yu replied ambiguously.

I really wanted to take Broly out of here, but as for Paragas, I didn't plan to take him away. *

Chapter 50 Broly, unleash your power (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

"But... you don't seem to have a Universe spaceship!"

Paragas looked around and did not see the Universe spacecraft.

If there is no Universe spacecraft, they can't leave the planet Wampa at all.

"I don't need a Universe spacecraft."

Qin Yu looked at Paragus and said lightly.

"I don't need a Universe spacecraft? How do we leave?"

Paragas frowned.

Is this guy deliberately playing tricks on himself?

"Before I leave, I need to fight Broly."

Qin Yu pushed Paragas away, walked in front of Broly, and said.

Broly's fighting talent is very powerful.

I can help him improve his strength, and then take him as a subordinate.

I am absolutely unwilling to subdue to those so-called gods in the future, so I need some powerful helpers.

For those guys like Son Goku and Vegeta, Qin Yu doesn't have much interest at present, but Broly is different!

Broly's talent is very powerful.

And he is more loyal, which is the most important thing.

Seeing Qin Yu walking towards him, Broly's eyes became fierce again.

"You said you want to fight Broly?"

"I advise you not to do such a dangerous thing. My son Broly's combat effectiveness is very powerful, and it is definitely not something you can contend!"

"If Broly accidentally hurts you by then, that's not good."

Paragas said quite proudly.

For Broly, he is still very confident.

You must know that even King Vegeta had a combat power of only over 10,000.

And his son Broly, now has millions of fighting power, maybe even higher.

The guy in front of him wanted to fight Broly, and he couldn't help himself.

If he could not let himself and Broly leave this ghost place, he really wanted Broly to kill him.

"The unseen frog at the bottom of the well."

"Come on! Broly. Have a good fight with me."

"If you behave well, I will take you away from the planet Wampa."

Qin Yu glanced at Paragas contemptuously, then looked at Broly and said.


Broly gritted her teeth tightly, clenched her fists, her arms bulging.

However, he looked at Paragas, and seemed to be waiting for Paragas's consent.

"Well, you will fight him a little bit, but don't hurt him!"

Paragas said to Broly.

After getting Paragas's consent, Broly was like a fierce beast, and his body flashed out and rushed towards Qin Yu.


Only in the next second, Broly's fist was easily blocked by Qin Yu.

Then with a grip and a flick, Broly's body flew out.


Directly smashed the huge reef hundreds of meters away into rubble.

"What? Broly was shot flying? How is this possible?"

Seeing Broly being thrown away easily, Paragas' face suddenly changed drastically.

He is very clear about the strength of his son.

Maybe even the Universe emperor Frieza is not Broly's opponent.

But who is this guy in front of me? Why can he fly so easily Broly!


After being thrown into the air by Qin Yu, Broly's eyes showed a fierce glow like a beast, and the blue veins all over his body wriggled like a small snake.

"Release your anger Broly, let me see your true power!"

Qin Yu looked at Broly calmly and said.

In "Dragon Ball Super Broly", Broly belongs to the blood of the stronger Vietnam War. I don't know where his limit will be?


Broly roared suddenly and shook her arms, and suddenly a grass-green flame burst out of her body.

call out...

Then his body flashed, and he rushed towards Qin Yu again.


Broly punches out of nowhere, but it's really fast.

Qin Yu just keeps moving his body, which hides Broly's fists.

"It's too slow, make it faster."

While avoiding the attack, Qin Yu said sharply to Broly.

Qin Yu's voice became a provocation in Broly's ears.

Then he showed a fierce look, and once again raised his strength.


Broly's fist soon formed an afterimage.

This kind of attack, even Son Goku, who has now become Super Saiyan III, may not be able to take it down, but Qin Yu can do his job with normalcy.


In the next second, Qin Yu's fist fell directly on Broly's face.

Broly's body flew out again.

This time Qin Yu apparently increased the power of the attack, and directly knocked Broly a thousand feet away, smashing the reef pile after another.

"No...impossible, Broly is so strong, how could he have no power to fight back in this guy's hands?"

Paragas was already a little dumbfounded at this time.

Originally, he was worried that Broly would accidentally kill Qin Yu.

Now it seems that it's not the same thing at all...

call out...

Qin Yu's body flashed and appeared in front of Broly.

At this time, Broly's body was embedded in a huge rock, with a look of anger.

"I know your power is not only this, continue to release your power!"

"Otherwise, you and your father will most likely be killed by me."

Qin Yu said to Broly coldly.

He knows that Broly is different from other Saiyans, very filial.

In "Dragon Ball Super Broly", the reason why he was able to have such a big improvement is because after Paragas was killed, Broly completely released his anger! *