
Naruto: Reborn As An Inuzuka... Kinda?

Alex used to be your regular, run of the mill guy. He spent most of his time in highschool and on his club, playing football (or soccer). One day he had to go search for a loose ball on the street, and just when he was about to catch it, Truck-sama sent him on the path of reincarnation. Now in the world of Naruto, owning the body of a young Inuzuka, Alex is no longer himself. His new identity is that of Ryota Inuzuka, an orphan of the Inuzuka clan. What will he do to survive this dangerous world, while still trying to enjoy his new life? ----------- This story IS NOT a Harem, so don't even mention it.

WooingTheStars · Anime e quadrinhos
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52 Chs


Our last month in the Academy had arrived and, with it, my last spar with Sasuke. This would be his last chance to train with me, since I would most likely not see him until the Chunin Exams later down the year.

"Ryota Inuzuka vs. Sasuke Uchiha! I want to see how much you've improved since the first time you fought here. Begin!"

Sasuke had learned a lot in these last four years. Most things came in the form of advice from me during our spars and him looking attentively at my movements, but he did learn a couple tricks on his own. One of those was the combination of Jutsu, Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu he was using against me.

"Katon! Mythical Fire Flower!"

It consisted of throwing the Mythical Fire Flower and hiding Shuriken inside each of those and, after throwing the Jutsu, dashing forwards, trying to guide me towards the flowers. It was a fairly simple combination, but it didn't lack merit. Had his opponent been any other person, it might've worked. But I was his polar opposite.

"Suiton! Water Shield!"

Creating a shield of water around me, I hig from Sasuke's sight. From inside, I used Liquid Bullet on the ground while his Fire Flowers drowned on my cover. Then, I used the Water Puddle Jutsu. When the Water Shield dissapeared, the training grounds had puddles all over it. In the last year I had trained the speed at which I could cast my Jutsus, and I had improved by leaps and bounds.

Then came the one jutsu I had spent the most time training. Ox, Snake, Ram

"Suiton! Hidden in Mist!"

Everything was covered in mist, blocking the sight of both Sasuke and everyone else watching. I didn't have any problems traversing this area because I had learned a trick and trained to hace a more accute smell and hearing. The trick was a simple jutsu known as Mist Vision, which allowed me to see clearly through the mist I created. As such, I already had my parfect scenario staged.

"Imitation Beast Ninja Arts: Four Legs Technique. Suiton, Water Puddle Transportation"

My traits became more animalistic and I stood on all fours. My nails grew longer and sharper, same as my canine teeth. My nose wrinkled and my nostrils opened a bit more. My hair also gew a bit longer. As I jumped from puddle to puddle, Sasuke had no way of knowing were I was.

"This is the technique I came up with to use all of my strong points to my advantage. Water Beast Ninja Arts: Silent Hunting"

I was extremely proud of myself. I already had a technique on par with Haku's Ice Mirrors, and I was surely already on Chunin level. Thought I was sure I would need a lot more training to reach the level of a Jonin, that didn't mean I couldn't survive one.

"Bye Sasuke. Kari!"

Appearing in the puddle nearest to Sasuke, I dashed at him and used the one technique I had created to get a sure kill on any enemy within my capabilities.

"Water Beast Ninja Arts: Nameless Prey"

Sasuke had no time to react when I hit him on the back of his neck, effectively knocking him out. Then I dispelled the Hidden in Mist Jutsu and only the water puddles remained. I was standing still while looking at the unconscious Sasuke, my animalistic traits still present. A few seconds later, when they vanished, I began walking towards everyone else. Of course, I also took Sasuke on a fireman's carry.

"Congratulations, Ryota. I am proud to say that I was your teacher"

"Thanks, Iruka-sensei. I'm sure you're the best thing that happened to this Academy since it's founding"


The end of the month came quickly. I could see everyone going through the Academy three basic jutsus. I found it funny when they asked Sasuke and me to perform, since we had already proven that we could use Jutsu well beyond the level of the Academy.

Once everyone had passed, even Naruto who now had been able to train properly, it was time to go back home. The next day, we would have our pictures taken, our teams assigned and we would meet our Jonin sensei.

"Ryo-kun! Congratulation on officially becoming a Genin!"

"Thanks, Tenten. Did you really have to hug me in front of everyone?"

To answer me, she only tightenend her hug, which took a helpless smile from me. I really couldn't get mad at her, even when I tried. As such, I just put a hand on her pack and gave her two taps. That was the signal of "please let go, I'm embarrassed". Luckily, Tenten was very respectful, so she just let go whenever I did that.

"Let's go, your mom and I prepared a small party for you and the guys. Everyone's already there!"

"Really?! Did you hear that? Shika, Choji, Naruto, Kiba, hurry up!"

"What a drag..."


"Woohoo, party!"

"Yeah! The first one there get's the meat!"


How had this happened... no, I knew how it happened. I had the answer right in front of my eyes.

"*nom-nom* This meat is *nom-nom* delicious"

"At least swallow before you speak, Choji..."

"Man, what a drag"

"*sob* My meat..."

"Oy Choji! Don't hog all the meat!"

Yes. Choji Akimichi had won on a race against all of us. Even without Jutsus, I was fastest one, but the thought of having more meat for himself seemed to stimulate Choji to the extreme. I could swear I would never see him run so fast in my life ever again.

"So, Ryo-kun, who would you like to have on your team?"

"That is a good question, Tenten. Who is it, Ryota?"

With such atmosphere, everyone began talking happily and excitedly about their wished and expectation now that we had graduated. Everyone's parents were also eating happily while drinking and talking about the relation between their children. From time to time, I could see Tenten taking a sneaky glance in my direction, but I simply blamed it on her being happy for me.

'This is what I love about Konoha... this is why I'll fight with everything I have'

And the night arrived with a lot of laughter and yelling coming from the Inuzuka compound, probably annoying everyone close by. But we couldn't care. We were enjoying the best of our lives as Shinobi.