
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
148 Chs

chapter 54

Chapter 54

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, and Yamato journeyed toward Konoha. Meanwhile, at the place where their paths had initially crossed, Orochimaru lay lifeless. His heart had ceased its rhythm, brought to an end by a single jutsu from Naruto.

Kabuto's gaze remained fixed on his sensei, felled by a single strike from Naruto. Anger surged within him, an overwhelming force that rendered his eyes bloodshot.

"Orochimaru-sama, I will avenge you..." Kabuto murmured to himself, his gaze unwavering as it remained fixed on the lifeless body of the sannin.

However, he recalled Naruto's assertion that he wouldn't meet an easy demise – a statement that left Kabuto pondering its implications. Unbeknownst to him, the true purpose behind the cursed marks Orochimaru had branded upon many of his subordinates remained beyond his knowledge.

Kabuto had taken the time to respectfully bury his sensei's body. Now, he was on his way to his concealed base. However, a sudden surge of heightened senses jolted him.

Ahead, a portal began to materialize, its form resembling a swirling vortex. Emerging from this enigmatic portal was a masked figure, one of his eyes spinning in a mesmerizing manner.

"Sharingan..." Kabuto uttered in a hushed tone, his voice tinged with astonishment. He was taken aback by the presence of a Sharingan that wasn't Sasuke's or Itachi's.

Gazing at the man's attire, Kabuto's realization crystallized – the distinct black cloak adorned with a crimson cloud pattern. "Akatsuki..." he whispered under his breath, his recognition undeniable.

"Kabuto... join the Akatsuki," Tobi's voice resonated.

Kabuto regarded him, well aware of his master's betrayal. However, the enigma of their attempt to recruit him lingered.

"Why do you seek my allegiance? Orochimaru's treachery against you is evident. Aren't you concerned that I might follow suit?" Kabuto inquired, concealing his chakra scalpel in his hand behind his back.

"Orochimaru is no more, and the Akatsuki will ensure your safety. Moreover, your considerable power renders betrayal a moot concern," Tobi stated with an authoritative tone, an underlying threat palpable in his words.

He recognized that refusal could carry severe consequences. Tobi was well aware of Kabuto's brilliance, akin to Orochimaru's, and deemed him a pivotal asset for the upcoming War.

Kabuto looked at him and nodded. He values his life.

A considerable distance away, a team of five was making their way toward Konoha. Among them, Sakura exuded an evident sense of jubilation.

Her happiness was palpable, her rosy cheeks complementing her vibrant pink hair. She intermittently cast glances at Sasuke, who strode ahead alongside Naruto.

Living alongside Sasuke had been her cherished aspiration, a dream she held dear. Perhaps unbeknownst to her, a subtle but undeniable obsession for him had taken root within her.

"You seem incredibly joyful, Sakura," Naruto spoke, his keen observation evident through his perceptive gaze.

"It's not exactly what you think," Sakura replied, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she directed her gaze toward Sasuke.

"Oh... so you're not happy about Sasuke joining us," he playfully teased, intentionally provoking her.

"No... I didn't mean it that way. Stop teasing me, Naruto," she chided, her gaze still fixed on Sasuke.

"Fine, fine," Naruto's response carried a sense of resignation,

The group continued their journey, their destination drawing closer with each passing minute.

However, their attention was diverted as a deafening thunderous roar echoed through the air.

All eyes turned towards the horizon where Konoha stood. The sky had transformed into a tableau of dark clouds, and the brilliant flashes of lightning illuminated the landscape.

The ominous sight evoked a sense of foreboding, hinting at the events that had transpired within the village, even from a distance.


The group's senses were heightened by the cacophonous symphony of thunder and the blinding flashes of lightning that now engulfed Konoha.

Each resounding strike reverberated with an intensity that could be felt even from their distant vantage point. The relentless onslaught of lightning painted an alarming picture – a village under siege by the elements themselves.

The once familiar and serene village had transformed into a canvas of chaos and turmoil, a stark contrast to the peaceful village they knew.

The spectacle before them underscored the gravity of the situation that awaited them as they neared the epicenter of the storm.

A satisfied grin adorned Naruto's countenance as he witnessed the sequence of events through his heightened perception. The spatial divide was rendered insignificant; it felt as if he were present on the scene.

"So, she's accomplished it at last," he whispered softly, his words discernible only to Sasuke's acute hearing.

"Who done it," Sasuke inquired, their position at the forefront of the group ensuring their conversation remained private.

A wicked grin adorned Naruto's visage, the crimson glint in his eyes adding an eerie aura. "Hehe, you'll find out soon," he quipped to Sasuke.

Through his all-seeing eyes, he watched the unfolding events in Konoha, fully aware of the occurrences within the village.

Sasuke regarded his sole friend, noting the increasing enigma surrounding him and his growing intensity reminiscent of a wild beast.

"Hnn..." he responded in the Uchiha tongue, his tone cryptic.

"Let's increase our speed... the situation in the village is unknown," Yamato urged, taking charge as the team leader.

They all nodded in agreement and quickened their pace. In a mere hour, they arrived at the village gate.

Their steps directed them toward the Hokage's office, the village enveloped in a somber atmosphere. The persistent shroud of dark clouds seemed to echo the collective mood. Each individual was absorbed in their own musings.

"Who could've imagined that the Hyuga princess would turn against her own clan and betray the village?" a villager murmured.

"She used to be such a sweet and lovely girl, but now she's turned into a traitor," another man chimed in, his tone laced with both contempt and fury.

'Lovely, sweet,' Naruto contemplated to himself. 'Their words ring true – she truly is sweet and endearing... hehe, though that's reserved for me alone... as for anyone else... well, let's not delve into that.' Naruto's thoughts drifted to her, a fond smile gracing his lips.

Sasuke observed his friend's expression, well aware that Naruto had a keen understanding of the situation.

They proceeded towards the Hokage's office, Sasuke concealing his identity behind a mask to prevent any premature recognition. They aimed to ensure that their information remained confidential until their encounter with the Hokage.

Along their journey, they encountered numerous rumors concerning Hinata's actions and various other topics. However, they disregarded these whispers. Sakura regarded Naruto with a concerned gaze, cognizant of his affection for Hinata.

She wondered about his emotions, contemplating his potential reactions and internal turmoil.

Unbeknownst to her, Naruto was already aware of the situation. Hinata was engrossed in honing her Byakugan in his concealed laboratory.

Sensing her stare, he questioned, "Why are you looking at me like that?" he inquired, addressing Sakura's gaze.

"Ahh... Hinata... she left the village... what will you do?" she asked him, voicing her concerns.

Having witnessed his actions firsthand, including the demise of numerous ninjas during missions, she remained uncertain about how he would respond.

"You don't need to be concerned about her," he reassured Sakura. She nodded in response, refraining from posing any further inquiries.

In the Hokage office.

Tsunade's gaze fixated on the five individuals before her, her attention particularly focused on Naruto and Sasuke. 'So he finally freed Sasuke from that snake,' Tsunade thinks to herself, she had heard full information about their mission. Yamato had told her about the mission details,

'So he dispatched Orochimaru with a single move. He's becoming increasingly dangerous as time goes on. What about the Uchiha brat? How powerful has he become? There's a certain similarity in their chakra," Tsunade contemplated, her gaze remaining fixed on them.

The three Hidden Villages – Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo – were growing uneasy with Konoha's increasing strength. They had begun to take action, their shinobi implementing tactics to hinder Konoha's operatives during missions.

"You've done an impressive job, Naruto," she commended him.

"And make sure you don't engage in anything perilous," she directed her words at Uchiha. Having assumed the role of Hokage after Sasuke's departure, she remained unaware of the boy's thought process. From her perspective, Orochimaru had likely influenced him to abandon the village.

"Hnn..." Sasuke responded to her.

'It's unfortunate to lose one genius from the village, but on the positive side, Sasuke has returned. Things seem to be balanced for now, but I wonder how long this equilibrium will last,' she contemplated silently.

She cast her gaze upon them, another matter weighed on her mind – the necessity to address the deaths of numerous Konoha shinobi during their missions.

"You're being assigned a mission, an S-rank mission," she informed them.

They exchanged glances, weariness evident on their faces. The burden of back-to-back missions seemed to have taken its toll on them all, except for Naruto and Sasuke, who appeared relatively unfazed.

Tsunade observed them closely, aware that they had only recently returned from their previous mission. Recognizing Naruto and Sasuke as two of the village's most powerful shinobi, she felt an urgency to address the issue promptly. The loss of several chunin from Konoha in the mission weighed heavily on her mind.

Fully aware of the inherent danger, Tsunade held steadfast confidence that this challenge could be successfully resolved by entrusting it to them.

"Given your recent exhaustion, I'll assign this mission solely to you two. The rest of you should take the time to rest," she declared, her gaze first fixing on Naruto before addressing the others.

Without questioning the Hokage, they departed from the office, leaving only Naruto and Sasuke behind in the room.

"So, what's the mission?" he spoke in a casual manner and sat on the couch in the room.

Tsunade cast a gaze in his direction, remarking, "At the border of the Land of Fire, rumors have circulated regarding a mysterious bandit group. Tragically, numerous of our ninjas lost their lives during the mission. The group's size and strength remain uncertain, yet judging from the reports, it's plausible that several Jonins are part of this group," she shared with them.

Naruto's attention was immediately captured. "A group of mysterious bandits? That sounds really fishy," he remarked, leaning in and directing his gaze toward Tsunade.

"So, when are we leaving?" Sasuke asked.

" you are going right now?" she said, tossing a scroll to Naruto. "These are the mission details we've managed to gather so far," she explained to them.

"You're free to leave now," Tsunade told them.

They both nodded in acknowledgment and set off on their mission.

"Why isn't that boy asking about Hinata? What is he planning? Does he know what's going to happen? He seems strangely composed about the entire situation. It's becoming increasingly difficult to comprehend his motives," she pondered silently.

[Author's Note: Let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comments section!

Starting from this point, the story will gain momentum, unveiling numerous twists and turns.

Can you guess who the ultimate antagonist of the story will be?

Please show your support with power stones, folks!]