
Naruto: Ninja for Hire

When the hidden leaf village won't let you join the academy why not go in to business for yourself? I know there will be spelling mistakes and I apologise if there are any timeline inaccuracies but nobody is perfect. Also updates might be irregular as I do have to actually work and have a life haha sorry, not sorry.

James_fanfic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 16: Battle

"Who are you?" I put my hand on my hilt of my sword ready to pull it out at any moment.

"I'm Yoshihara Kazuki and he owes me" he pointed towards Ida.

"What is he talking about?" I turned to Ida and asked, he had moved behind the carriage.

"I hired him a while ago before I knew he was a rouge ninja, once I found out I sent him on an errand and ran away"

"Why? even if he is a rogue ninja you just wanted protection right?" I was sure that rogue ninja's typically either became mercenaries, willing to do anything for money.

"That's not it, I do a lot of business in the hidden cloud village. Can you imagine what they would do if they found out I had hired a rogue ninja from their village"

"Hmmmm yes I suppose that makes sense, but they why didn't you just paid him and go?"

"I just wanted to get away from him as soon as possible, I cant risk my business for him" Ida pointed at him and the hid himself away again.

"Yes well I was planning to kill you as soon as we left the town anyway" The rogue ninja said with a smirk.

"and you've come to finish the job?" I asked.

"That's right and now you will join him in the next world" Yoshihara gave me a cold smile.

Yoshihara jumped backwards and started making sounds. "Water style: Water wave" A large wave of water started to rush towards me.

"Earth style: Mud wall" I pressed my hands on the ground and a large wall of earth appeared blocking the water wave.

I drew my sword and used flash step to close the distance between us. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it in one move because of the distance which gave him time to adapt to my speed. I thrust my sword towards his chest but he didn't doge or parry me, I felt something was off and his body let out an electrical spark. His body vanished and I could feel a large surge go through my body. He had switched out for a lightning clone. I can only assume he did it when I created the mud wall, that was the only time I had let him out of my sight.

I had made my first mistake, I had relied on my eyes when I should have been relying on my chakra sensing ability.

I felt a sharp pain in my back "Not bad kid but you are far too inexperienced to face me" Yoshihara appeared behind me pulling a kunai out of my back. He hadn't done any serious damage, even though he aimed for my heart, my regeneration had already started to kick in.

"You may be right, but, I learn fast" I stabbed my sword straight through my chest. Yoshihara was obviously shocked as the blade shot out of my back in to his shoulder. I used flash step to distance myself from him and pulled the sword out of my chest. Yoshihara held his shoulder and looked shocked that I had no wound from my sword.

"Wind style: Air bullets" Yoshihara was obviously trying to keep me at range.

"Fire style: Fire ball jutsu" I spat out a ball of fire that collided with his air bullets. The air bullets only expanded my fire jutsu as it headed toward Yoshihara creating an even bigger fire ball.

Yoshihara's body had been replaced with a nearby log but I could feel his chakra close by, I used flash step to appear only a few meters away.

"Getsuga Tensho" I shout and swing my sword towards Yoshihara creating a slash of chakra flying towards him.

Yoshihara looked surprised as he saw a dense wave of chakra headed towards him "Water style: water wall" A wall of water appeared him front of Yoshihara trying to block my blow. My Getsuga Tensho was too strong to be stopped by such a weak jutsu, it cut straight through causing Yoshihara to try and jump away.

"What.. the.. hell.. was.. that" Yoshihara was out of breath, he had barley survived my attack, he had a large cut across his chest and blood was flowing from the wound. If he reframed from moving he could still be saved.

"I will give you a choice now. I can kill you now or I can take you back to the cloud, your choice" Bringing the Raikage a rouge ninja from his village would be a good way of building a relationship with the cloud.

"Think you have won already huh. TAKE THIS!" He rushed towards me. "Lighting Style: Thunderbolt" Two bolts of lightning appeared in his palms. His wound opened up even more as he rushed towards me, he was a dead man either way now.

'It's a shame but, bringing back him back dead should also work' I raised my sword.

"Hatake Style: Flowing sword" I used flash step to get closer as Yoshihara tried to hit me or my sword with his Thunderbolt attack, my sword flowed through the gaps and cracks in his attack. (These moves I'm creating on my own as the anime didn't really show any moves)

We had passed each other at high speeds and were now back to back. I re-absorbed my sword to recover some of my chakra, I knew I wouldn't need it as I heard two thuds hit the ground.

I turned around a saw Yoshihara's head laying besides his body. I stared at his motionless body, I had killed somebody, yet, I didn't feel bad, I felt, relief. Relief because I was alive and he was dead, he came at me with the intent to kill and I had survived.

I could feel my hand shake but I shook my head. 'This is the nature of the ninja world, if someone comes at me with the intent to kill, I shouldn't hesitate.' I had given him a chance to surrender, he didn't take it. 'I knew I would have to kill since I came to this world, but I won't become a monster, I won't kill just because I feel like it or for no reason at all'

"Looks like someone has done our job" A voice suddenly sounded out. I was so distracted I hadn't noticed two large chakra signatures appear so close.

[Fujino Hitoshi (Cloud Hunter)

Rank - Jonin Intermediate

REP - 5]

"Yes it would seem so" A second voice back from behind me.

[Toma Masumi (Cloud Hunter)

Rank - Jonin Intermediate

REP - 5]