In the aftermath of Naruto Uzumaki's sudden disappearance from the shinobi world, a new era begins, bringing forth a generation of young ninjas burdened with the legacy of their predecessors. Sarada Uchiha, driven by her desire to restore her clan's honor despite being an uncultured girl lacking in education and talent must strive to be recognized by her father. Sasuke and Hinata must uncover the truth behind Naruto's disappearance as the world is thrown into turmoil without the nine tails and Kawaki struggles to keep the shinobi world like it always was against his brother who is hell bent on making everything anything but how it used to be. Meanwhile, there is death lurking at ever turn and someone greater than any the shinobi have ever faced is coming!
Home was a cozy house with blooming flowers—not the Uchiha clan, not his Genin room, not Orochimaru's caves.
Yet, Sasuke still felt trapped.
"I've put your things up, Sasuke. Freshen up. Dinner will be ready soon," Sakura said.
"Thank you," he replied, barely recognizing his voice.
As Sakura started to leave, she paused and looked back. "You don't have to be so polite, Sasuke-kun." She pecked him on the cheek and hummed softly as she moved away. She seemed to float with joy since he had returned. And he? He had hardly been able to move his legs.
Fit in! Don't ruin this. But how could he?
All his fears came rushing back. What would he be now? A "Shadow Hokage"—a shadow of his former self. He'd get a title he felt he didn't deserve, and everyone would expect him to smile. It was nothing more than a badge to signify the end of his days of glory; an excuse to make him feel prominent. So what if he was just as strong as Naruto? Taking orders was not exactly his strong point. Being so obviously brandished as a second wheel rebelled against every fiber in his being.
Frustrated, he smacked his forehead, baring his teeth. Just then, Sakura entered the room, saw him, and rushed over.
"Sasuke-kun, are you hurt? What's wrong?"
He lowered his hand and looked into her worried eyes. How could he tell her he still wanted to be left alone, to atone for his existence? To feel the bitter edge of vengeance come against him from someone. Better still from his family. Like his brother had needed of him.
That was so messed up!
And yet if he continued to push her away, he'd only hurt her. Already, he could see the lines of worry and neglect etched on her face as she had borne the family's worries alone all these years. He raised his hand and cupped her jaw.
"I'm not hurt," he said softly. "I hurt you. I hurt you Sakura. I'll do everything in my power to make it up to you."
He kissed her, and she trembled, her hands tightening around his neck.
"Sasuke-kun," she whispered as tears fell. He held her closer, his fingers cupping her waist, and continued to let her feel the intensity of his sloppy kiss.
"Hate to break up this beautiful moment," a familiar voice called from behind.
They realized they were still standing in the open doorway.
Sakura gasped and they both turned to look at him. He was adorned in a large yellow flowing shirt with a huge c-cut that showed his toned chest and some of his abs.
He had a rope tied on his head like a local Japanese fisherman only it was sewn of golden threads. His blonde hair he'd let grow long caught in the evening sunlight was like golden fire and wafted in the breeze. He radiated with warmth, especially when he flashed his bright smile.
"Naruto," Sasuke said.
"Sasuke," Naruto replied.
They stood in silence, Sakura still in Sasuke's embrace, her head on his chest, looking at Naruto too.
Naruto sighed. "Welcome home."
As Sasuke stood there in the evening light, looking at his friend, he felt a sudden sense of relief. As long as Naruto was around, life was sure to stay interesting.
The next day, the twins learned their mom had given birth the night before. It was the day before the coronation. Naruto had returned, met his wife and new baby, then went to see Sasuke before preparing for the big event. Lanterns were being hung, and decorations were going up. Konoha was buzzing with activity.
"This is the first real celebration I've seen a Hokage have." Someone in the crowd said.
"Ah it's just like Uzumaki Naruto. Coronation? Hontō ni medachitagarīya da ne." another replied.
"What you see right here kids is the result of a young boy's dream and carefully working towards it," an old man pointed out to a set of kids.
Everyone was arriving from far and near. Tsunade, the Raikage and other people from many villages had entered Konoha.
Gaara arrived with his brother Kankuro and a small entourage. Temari met him them at the gate. For once Shikadia was quite awake. He was always sober whenever it had to do with Gaara.
"Uncle," he greeted.
"Nephew," Gaara replied.
"Boy, you're so grown up," Kankuro exclaimed whisking him up and swinging him around before placing him back down on wobbly legs. Jerking him up again he cried: "Stand tall ninja of the sand, nephew to the Kazekage and the very awesome me! Say, when we're done with this coronation thing I'll treat you to ice cream. Get you a load of sugar, eh?"
Shikadai smiled. He didn't care that Kankuro treated him like a child. Both uncles doted on him and he loved and respected them for that.
Someone tripped and sprawled on the dirt behind them at that moment. It was Sarada. She had been running. As she picked herself up, Shikadia went to help her.
"What's the rush?"
"My Dad," she replied breathing huskily and dusting herself quickly. "My Dad is back."
Shikadia held her elbow looking her over.
"You're hurt. Look, you grazed your chin." A handkerchief was whipped from his pocket in no time and her dabbed at her face. "Your dad, huh?"
"I was at Lord Kakashi's ward, like every day since the accident. It was time for him to rest, and I couldn't find my mom. A nurse told me she'd gone home—and why. I can't wait to get home. Come see me tomorrow, okay? I'll make curry. Bring Inojin. I'm sure Dad won't mind."
Shikadai stopped to look at her. Her eyes were glinting with happiness. He knew she had always wanted to say that.
"Slow down," he smiled. "Tomorrow is the coronation, but I'll see you after."
"Okay! Jaa ne." She smacked his arm in thanks and ran off.
Shikadai watched her go then he went back to join his uncles.
As all these preparations were going on Boruto was holding himself with an effort. It seemed all consciousness was slipping away yet, somehow, he felt powerful. There was a huge amount of power brewing inside of him and the more it grew the weaker he became. As he moved, he almost staggered and his vision gradually grew blurry. During dinner, many people came to see the baby whom his Dad called Himawari but he couldn't make out most of what everyone was saying. That night, he slipped into bed gratefully hoping to feel better by morning.
It was not to be so.
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