
The Twins

The twins were playing ball in the yard.

As usual, Boruto was pushing against Kawaki so much but the other twin hung on kicking the ball determinedly towards his brother's net. Suddenly Boruto reached out and picked up the ball then threw it towards Kawaki's net and started in that direction.

"That's against the rule!" Kawaki shouted in frustration.

"There are no rules," Boruto replied. With a swift kick, he launched the ball into Kawaki's net then turned around and laughed. Kawaki bit his lip and started for the porch for a drink.

"What? Are you giving up?"

"I'm getting a drink," Kawaki replied but his voice was not much audible. Boruto rushed at him and jabbed him playfully in the ribs. It hurt. Kawaki humped his shoulders to keep him away.

"Don't be a sore loser," Boruto giggled throwing his weight across his twin. "

"I'm just getting a drink. Get off me!" he shoved his brother away and reached for a glass of water which he downed immediately.

Hinata came out to the porch. Now leader of the Hyuga clan, she always wore a long white robe and packed her hair behind her head in a flowery bun. Her eyes sparkled clearer and her body proportions were beautiful even as she carried a child.

"Mom," Kawaki waved and they ran up to her. She was holding fresh fruit.

"Are you picking on your brother again Boruto?" she demanded pulling playfully at his cheeks. 

"If he's my twin, he should learn to fight like me."

"I fight like me, Boruto. And no Mum, he wasn't picking on me. I just let him win to humor him."

"You saying you let me win?" Boruto said, his hand stopping halfway as he reached for a watermelon.

"I'm saying if you put us in a field with actual rules, I'll beat the hell out of you. Picking the ball like that is just dog fighting and I don't play like a dog." Kawaki replied picking the watermelon Boruto was reaching out for and biting into it to make a point.

"It's just the two of us. Why do we need rules? Roughing it up is the best way to show who is the best man."

"Well that's hardly civilized, won't you agree? I don't have to resort to underhand tactics to win you."

"And a person who's concerned about such things as the right way to win will never win at all!"

Hinata laughed.

"Have some fruit first both of you."

 She was not new to this banter between the boys. They never managed to agree.

Suddenly, Naruto walked briskly into the manor. He walked right up to her and took her in his arms.

"Wife," he said very seriously. "I have to go."

She looked at him and noted the serious look on his face. Then she looked outside. Standing there was Hikan. When he saw her looking at him, he walked up to her. As usual, he had a sad expression on his face so no one could read him at all. He had the same expression, whether all was well or not. He reached out and pulled her out of Naruto's hand.

"What the –" Naruto was saying but Hinata was already used to Hikan.

He was the second in command of the Hyuga clan. A sickler since he was young, he had been hidden away from the world for many years because his family had no thought that he would survive. He had lived this way quietly but he spent all his time learning many skills. After the ninja war, when his parents died, he decided it was time to come back into the world. And when he did he became so besotted with Hinata and transferred all his loyalty to her.

He held her hand and said. "My lady, I ask your permission to accompany the shadow Hokage on a private mission of which details I cannot keep away from you if you demand it of me but I have been told to keep a secret for now."

"Let go of my –" Naruto was saying when Hinata spoke even as softly to Hikan.

"Take care of my husband. I'll be rest assured if you are with him. You're the most formidable individual the Hyuga clan has. You have surpassed even my cousin Neji and have mastered almost all the Hyuga techniques even those I have never seen myself and have been hidden for centuries."

"I'll keep watch over the Shadow Hokage, at you request, my lady. You mu-st ta-ke good care of your-self, Hi-na-ta Sa-ma." his voice became bumpy at the end as Naruto jerked at his hand that still held his wife and as he finished speaking yanked him away.

He bowed to Hinata then looking at Naruto like he was some sort of pest wobbling around in his porridge, he went away.

"Konoyaro!" Naruto cursed through gritted teeth. Hinata's hands enclosed around him and she pressed her body against his. Suddenly Naruto was blushing. He looked down at his wife who had raised her head to look at him too.

"It's not so dangerous a mission, I believe?" she asked, her fingers nuzzling the hair around his neck.

"No," he replied. His throat was thick with the emotion he felt. Even her protruding stomach didn't make her less desirable. It was a strange thing his wife had mastered over the ten years. It seemed like a Hyuga charm. Whoever was a few meters away from her suddenly felt very peaceful. She was called the Hyuga healing balm. The sound of her voice and her mere presence had a calming effect on people. It was in this way that she was a dearly beloved leader of the Hyuga clan and everybody in Konoha doted on her. He was feeling that same effect now as he stared into his eyes, thinking about how blessed he was to have married her when Shikamaru came in.

"Naruto, we have to go if we'll make the village by nightfall. Lady Hianta." He bowed curtly and so did she then stepping away from Naruto she started to wish him luck but he immediately reached out to her and raising her chin, printed his lips on hers in a sloppy kiss.

"Dad!" Kawaki said as Shikamaru grabbed him and his brother and covered their eyes. 

"Naruto, let's go."

They left.


"It seems pretty important, Mum," Kawaki reached out and held her hand leading her slowly to a chair where she sat.

"Thank you, my little gentleman."

Kawaki handed her a drink. As she raised the glass to her lips Boruto asked:

"If Uncle Hikan is going then it must be. Say, didn't Uncle Hikan just return from a secret secret investigation?"

"Nothing passes you, Boruto," Hinata shook her head as she chuckled.

"What's going on, Mum?" Kawaki wanted to know.

Hinata hesistated then she said.

"I know only what your uncle Hikan told me when he returned. He had gone on an investigation to Uzushigakure, the land which had belonged to the Uzumaki people."

The boys listened silently.

"The Uzumaki were a very powerful people. Some of the clans began to fear their power and in a planned ambush, they were massacred."

"That's so sad," Kawaki said.

"The place has lain in ruins for many years now," Hinata continued.

"Why would Dad suddenly want to go to Uzushigakure?" that was Boruto.

"Your uncle told me something a while ago. Something strange has been happening there for some ten years now. Merchants who have to pass close to Uzushigakure on business reported seeing a red-haired ghost with something like a cape on. The ghost seemed to wander around and fade in the mist. People who went after it never came back again."

The boys looked seriously at her. She chuckled. "It could be old wives tales though. Now you boys ought to keep your noses out of your father's business. He's not the shadow hokage for nothing. He's the…"

"…strongest and most reliable man in the whole of Konoha." The twins finished. Boruto rolled his eyes. Kawaki's eyes glinted with pride.

"It wasn't very easy for him to get there too."

"Mom," Kawaki said suddenly making a fist and throwing it forward "I'll be a greater ninja than Dad."

 Hinata smiled. "You just may sweetheart."

Buroto blew raspberries and the duo turned to look at him.

"What? He can't even beat me in a ball game!"

"Well, like your Dad will say, you need a lot of hard work too," Hinata told Kawaki then laughing she added, "Throw in a rival friend and you're definitely on your way there."

"A rival huh," Kawaki said eyeing his brother. "Want to go for another round?"

"You bet!"

Boruto ran off into the lawn and Kawaki followed but not before rubbing his mother's stomach and speaking reassuringly to the baby inside about how he'll kick his brother's a--.


The moonlight pierced through the boy's room. The window was open and the curtains wafted in the wind. On Boruto's side his walls were designed with writings. Boruto was vastly well-read for a nine-year old. He scribbled a lot of his thoughts on the walls. He wrote poems, drew people and made notes. On the other side of the room was Kawaki's. There were pictures of Minato, Jiraiya and Naruto. There were also picture cuts of Konohamaru, his favorite uncle. There was the Uzumaki, Hyuga and Senju clan symbols. There was a model sculpture of the current hokage faces. There were model sculptures of Minato, Naruto and Jiraiya and a large Hashirama too. It was clear that Kawaki had a great love for his clan and his ancestors and all the teachers. Boruto on the other hand absorbed practically all information available about any of the clans. He never wore symbols and never referred to his father's ancestry unless in relation to the other clans. For the nine-year old Boruto, he was one without a root and with all roots.

Boruto lying at his corner was sniffing in his sleep and thrashing about. Kawaki, sleeping peacefully had a model figure of Naruto in his hand. Suddenly Boruto woke up. He was sweating and breathing hard. He threw the covers and walked across the floor to his twin brother's bed then began shaking his brother vigorously, Kawaki woke up.

"What's up?" he asked frowning deeply and trying to look through sleepy eyes.


Boruto's head hurt. It seemed like something hot and searing had been pierced suddenly into his head.


Kawaki jumped awake and shook him.

"Boruto, are you okay?"

"My head! Ahhhh!"

Boruto had his head in his hands and his eyes shut tight. His eyes were hot and he was feeling feverish all of a sudden. Sweat had broken out over his body.

"Boruto!" Kawaki shook him.

Suddenly hot tears were running down his cheeks and as Kawaki touched him, he discovered he was heating up faster and faster. His brother jumped up to call their mom but Boruto held him firmly back with his hot hand and looking into his eyes he said:

"I saw him."

"Who? Who did you see?"

"The Uzumaki wearing a cape. He said…"

"When did you see him?" but he asked instead "What did he say?

"He said…" Boruto replied and as his eyes closed in a faint he added "…it's my destiny."

Kawaki rushed out of the room to call for his mum. He hurried into her room and burst the door open but she was nowhere to be seen. As he turned around down the halls he saw Aunt Hanabi. What was she doing here? He thought but that was not important.

"Aunt Hanabi, my mom – "

Aunt Hanabi whispered to him smiling. "Your mum is not here. Go to sleep now."

She had a smile on her face as if it held a secret as she started towards the door.

"Aunt Hanabi. It's Boruto. He has a terrible fever."

Her eyebrows perked. "Is that so?"

They entered the boy's room together. Boruto was lying on his own bed sleeping softly. Hanabi placed her head on his head and her brow furrowed so Kawaki reached out and held his hand. It was cool.

He could not believe it. Just a while ago, Boruto had fainted on his own bed. What had happened now?

Hanabi turned to look at him and cooing softly said:

"He'll be fine. He doesn't seem to have a bad fever but nonetheless, I'll make him take an aspirin before heading back. You, should go back to bed."

"Where's mum?" Kawaki asked. He was now feeling stupid and he hated that feeling. Was everything another of Boruto's pranks?

"Your mum is very indisposed now, sweetheart." She had that smile again. Then moving towards the door, she said: "Go to bed."

True to her word, she returned with the aspirin and made Boruto wake up and take it. After she'd gone again Kawaki asked the silence that settled between them.

"Hey, are you okay?"

He heard Boruto heave a sigh. "I'm fine," he replied curtly and turning his back on his brother he seemed to go to sleep. Kawaki decided not to think much about it and turning his back on his brother too he thought all was fine now.

Little was he to know that nothing would be the same again after that day.

Thanks for reading. If you liked this chapter, hit the like button and drop a comment and I'll see you in the next chapter. Arigato!

Aes_MQcreators' thoughts