
Naruto: King Of Hell

In A world, commonly know for strong men and women rising to the top with their strength and skills, unknowing of the reality they truly live in, A boy strives to reach new heights and surpass his limits and become something much greater. An emperor of the sea is someone known to be one of the strongest pirates, rivaled by foes as strong as the pirate king himself. However, these names and titles, as well as the era of pirates has seemingly disappeared, lost in a world of shinobi and ninja. The title "pirate king" once claimed by Gol D Roger will die out, with the legacy of the one piece never to be found. Or so it seemed... Author's note: One me, I suck at writing synopsis. I couldn't find a way to explain the story without giving anything out so I mostly bullshitted what I wrote. This is not wrong from what the fic will be, however I made it as confusing as possible. I Think... Let me know what you think!

Knifetistic_Gaming · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

I could See Souls

I could always see souls.

I don't know when or how it started, but as long as I could remember, up to my earliest memory, I could see souls. A bright white ball surrounded by light blue smoke. That was the Best description of these weird objects I would see floating inside someone's upper chest area, or in some rare cases, something. Something I could visually see if I concentrated enough, yet never something I never Understood.

Other than them Emitting a light bright enough to be a slight distraction, they never seemed to bother me. They would always give out a sound, almost like low grumblings, or maybe it was the stomachs of those attached to it, I could never tell. However, it was never explained to the inanimate ones. A theory for another time. Closing my eyes won't make a difference. It would just make it easier for me to see them. Almost as if I was viewing the world in the 3rd dimension. I've heard a few stories of an ability that ninjas would use to do that, but couldn't pinpoint its exact descriptions. Something I would like to experiment on later as well.

I started documenting my findings as soon as I learned how to write. Although my parents were allayed that I picked up the habit of writing in a journal, they never questioned nor read through them. Something I'm eternally grateful for. They just saw it as me practicing writing.

My thoughts were interrupted as an audible knock echoed through the room, completely taking me out of my trans. Followed by the sound of a soft yet powerful voice.

"Breakfast is ready!"

Looking at the time on my alarm clock, I whispered a low curse. Getting lost in writing made me lose the bit of time I had left to get ready. After all, today was a special day. The start of my academic adventure on becoming a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf, my first day at the shinobi academy.

I rushed towards my closet and opened it with a small sense of urgency. How could I not, I was going to be late. The last thing I wanted was to anger my mother. Scrambling to find my newly bought shinobi attire, I put it on as efficiently as possible. A slight movement in my right leg landed me on some clothes that had fallen in my state of emergency. Uncomfortably twisting my ankle, causing me to become unbalanced. Before I knew it, I was facing the ceiling of my room, falling at great speeds. In a final attempt to control my landing, I twisted and turned my whole body to face the ground.

Or at least I tried to. The body of a 6-year-old with barely any experience in flexibility could never committee such movements. But in my panic that never crossed my mind. And so the body of a 6-year-old, positioned uncomfortably, landed harshly on the floor, creating a loud crash that most likely was heard throughout the entire house. Soon followed by a low groan and more muffled curses.

A few seconds later, A figure rushed inside the room, Followed by quiet but panicked footsteps. The figure was a tall man, bigger than the average man, with green hair and pitch-black eyes, common for the Uchiha clan. In his right hand, he was holding a large kitchen knife, and on his left was a common kunai you could buy at any shinobi store. Followed behind him was a beautiful woman with black hair and a rare shade of purple eyes. In her hands was just a kunai that seemed to have been pulled out of her left thigh, seeing how the holder located there was now empty. They were both wearing what would be considered common civilian attire, except for the male, wearing a kitchen robe on his.

"Where are they? Who dares to attack my cute son?" A loud and gruff voice bellowed in anger.

The silence was what respond to him.

"Zoro, honey are you okay?"

"I see you have chosen death…" mumble the same voice.

"Ryuma! This couldn't be an attack, could it? Not in Konoha at least?"

The man now named Ryuma, almost disregarding her words, scanned the surrounding only to find an open window. With a low growl, he prepared himself to jump. Tensing his legs, imputing just the right of what seemed to be light blue energy seeping out of his soul into the soles of his feet and the upper muscles of his thighs, he was about to launch. Only to hear a low-grown coming from a pile of clothes he seemed to have ignored in his search. The momentary distraction, caused laps in concentration, making him trip and fall, dispersing the chakra built up on his legs and feet. He too, landed with an even louder crash and a groan.

"Zoro?" The woman asked tentatively

Followed by another groan and a flinch. A sigh came out of her mouth as she swiftly and gracefully traversed through the messy room. Putting a hand inside the pile, only to reach out to a small child, a mop of messy green hair popped out, followed by the body of a small child. If you look closely, you could see a small bump forming on his head. Looking back at her where two black eyes with a slight tinge of purple. His mouth slowly moved to form a word, as if he was fatally injured, making it sound gruff and dry.


"Don't Yo me you crazy bastard!" screamed out the beautiful female.

"And here I thought you were injured, or kidnapped, or even worse…" he slowly drowned out the voice of his mother, already used to her reactions. Although it got harder to breathe with her hugging him tighter after each possibility passed through her head and out her mouth. And how the hell could they come up with these possibilities over a small crash sound anyways?

"You don't have to be so loud you know, Handcock" Ryuma stated while standing up. Picking his nose with his left pinky, he followed up with…

"Plus, he's fine, isn't he? So there's nothing to be worried about."

" Why are you acting so nonchalant? Were you also the one who was screaming with a dark look " Who dares take my cute son?" like some sort of wanna-be overlord?" She replayed with an annoyed tone

A tic mark appeared on his forehead and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "Who are you calling a wanna-be overlord?" back when I was a shinobi in the ninja war, they called me the Green Samurai of Konoha! I was greater than an overlord!"

A condescending smirk ruined her graceful features "Ha! Greater than an overlord my ass! More like…"

Slithering of his mother's grasp which has weakened due to her losing focus on him and putting it all on Ryuma. Hearing them argue every day was more than a chore, so he audit to just sneak slowly sneak out of the room without being noticed. A sweat drop fell from the side of his head as the argument turned to loud screaming.

" How did this end up becoming a screaming contest when it was originally about my well-being?"

He sighed and continued his path toward the door, making sure to grab his journal and equipment before silently closing the door.

Making his way to the kitchen, he saw a small plate of eggs and bacon, a rice bowl on the side, and a cup of orange juice. As simple as the meal sounded and looked, he always enjoyed it. Eating as if it was his last meal, savoring every bite with a smile.

As a young child at the age of 5, he was surprisingly mature. He noticed when he would learn faster than other kids around him, and understand topics that would probably never cross the minds of kids under the age of 12, or before the shinobi academy. His view of the world might have been completely different than what would be expected of anyone in general, due to one thing he knew that no one knew. There is way more to the world than it the eyes could perceive.

With that thought in mind, a massive, almost devilish grin appeared on his face. A goal in mind and the determination to achieve it. He finished his food and walked out of the house.

Today was the start of something big, The start of what would be the stepping stone to his path of achieving his goal.

He realized a long time ago that he needed to be strong to see everything that the world has to offer with his own eyes. And what's stronger than a samurai?

"I am definitely going to be the strongest swordsman!"

Small giggles could be heard as a kid with green hair ran toward the academy, with a maniacal grin on his face.

Author's note

This is the last Author's note I might right. Ive come to realize that most stories lose their sense of adventure when there is an author's note added at the end or beginning of them so I'll leave this one as the last one.

Anyways quick note, This is a test story to see how it goes. My first ever fanfic which Ive been thinking about for a while. I dont know how much suppoert or criticism it will but Im mostly doing it for fun. With that being said, Ill gladly take any feedback you guys give me and will try my best to improve as I post new chapters.

Appreciate and dont be scared to add to Library to stay updated. Ill try one everyday for this week to see how it goes

Knifetistic_Gamingcreators' thoughts