
Naruto: Hero's Fist

A Man awakens in the Land of Rain with the body of Monkey D. Garp and the Devil Fruits that belong to the High Ranking Marines. Read Chapters Ahead on www.p@treon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

The pitter-patter of rain against the windowpane was a constant backdrop of the Land of Rain.. Inside a modest house on the outskirts of the village, Monkey D. Garp sat at a worn wooden table, his massive frame dwarfing the furniture. His weathered hands, calloused from years of combat, held a crisp piece of parchment.

Garp's eyes, sharp despite his advancing years, scanned the elegant script. A hearty laugh erupted from his chest, echoing through the house. "Bwahaha! Hanzo sure doesn't waste time, does he?"

The thunderous laughter drew the attention of three young children who peeked around the corner. Yahiko, the boldest of the trio, stepped forward. "What's so funny, Gramps?"

Garp's eyes softened as he gazed at his adopted grandchildren. Konan and Nagato followed closely behind Yahiko, curiosity evident in their eyes.

"Oh, just a letter from my friend Hanzo," Garp replied, his voice warm and jovial. "He's inviting us to join him in the war."

Yahiko's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? Are we going to fight?"

Garp's expression turned serious for a moment. "Not yet, brat. We've got some growing to do first." He turned to the messenger ninja who had delivered the letter, still standing attentively by the door. "Tell Hanzo we'll join him in five years' time. My grandkids and I have some training to do."

The messenger nodded and disappeared in a swirl of rain, leaving Garp alone with the children.

"Now then." Garp said, his playful demeanor returning, "Who wants to learn how to throw a proper punch?"

The children's enthusiastic cheers were cut short as Garp's pupils snapped towards the window, his eyes narrowing. Years of honed instincts and his Observation Haki easliy allowed him to pick up on the three presences that were closing inon his location, and they seemed to be radiating hostile intent.

"Kids, head to your rooms. We can start your training once I get back." he ordered, his tone brooking no argument. The abrupt shift in his demeanor silenced the children immediately and they followed his directions.

Garp strode to the door, his massive frame filling the doorway as he stepped outside into the perpetual drizzle. His eyes scanned the surroundings, picking out three shadowy figures concealed in the nearby foliage.

"Oi!" Garp called out, his voice carrying easily through the rain. "If you're here for tea, you could've just knocked!"

For a moment, silence reigned. Then, a cold voice cut through the air. "Monkey D. Garp. Your presence is needed inside of Konoha."

Garp crossed his arms, a grin spreading across his face despite the tension in the air. "Well, I do love a good surprise. Why don't you come out and introduce yourselves properly?"

Three figures emerged from the shadows, each wearing a blank mask that identified them as either members of the ANBU or ROOT, one of Konoha's shadowy black ops division. Garp's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in their stances – ready for combat at a moment's notice.

"Now, now." Garp said, his tone still light but with an undercurrent of steel. "There's no need for hostility. Why don't we talk about what brings you to my humble abode?"

The tallest of the three stepped forward. "We are here to ascertain your intentions in Amegakure. Your sudden appearance and connection to Hanzo have not gone unnoticed to our Village. We have recieved reports of you meeting with him. The Hokage wants to know where you stand in regards to the ongoing war, with him requesting your presence."

Garp threw his head back and laughed. "Bwahaha! Is that all? I'm just an old man looking after his grandkids. Nothing sinister about that!"

'Lie. His aura is ready to kill me on a moments notice. Looks like he plans to eliminate me even if I agree. I can't tell if these are Danzo's orders or Hiruzen's.' Garp thought.

The ROOT agents remained unmoved by Garp's jovial attitude. The one on the left, his posture and shadow starting to move indicating he was from the Nara clan, spoke next. "Your power is too great to ignore according to multiple sources. If you will not come willingly for questioning, we will use force."

Garp's grin widened. "Force, eh? Well, if you insist on playing rough..." He cracked his knuckles, the sound like boulders colliding. "Don't blame me if you get a few bumps and bruises!"

In an instant, the three ROOT agents sprang into action. The Nara's shadow stretched out, aiming to ensnare Garp. Simultaneously, the Akimichi agent expanded his body, becoming a giant human boulder rolling towards Garp at high speed.

Garp didn't move, his grin never faltering. As the shadow neared his feet, he simply stomped, the ground cracking beneath him. The force of the impact disrupted the shadow jutsu, causing it to dissipate.

The Akimichi's rolling attack seemed unstoppable, but Garp merely raised one hand. As the human boulder made contact, Garp's arm didn't budge an inch. The Akimichi, however, found his rotation abruptly halted, the sudden stop sending him flying backward.

"Come now." Garp taunted, "Is that the best you've got? I've had more challenging workouts with my grandkids!"

The third agent, an Aburame, raised his arms, and a swarm of insects poured forth, surrounding Garp in a dark cloud. But Garp merely laughed, a pulse of invisible force emanating from him. The insects dropped to the ground, stunned by the burst of Haki.

The ROOT agents regrouped, visibly shaken by Garp's casual dismissal of their attacks. They began forming hand signs in unison, preparing for a coordinated assault.

The Nara agent finished his sequence first.

"Leaf Secret Technique: Shadow Bind Jutsu!!" he called out, his shadow stretching rapidly towards Garp.

Simultaneously, the Akimichi expanded his body once more, but this time formed a series of hand seals.

"Leaf Secret Technique: Human Bullet Tank!" he roared, his enlarged body spinning at high speed towards Garp.

The Aburame, not to be outdone, raised his arms.

"Aburame Secret Technique: Parasitic Insect Destruction Technique!!"

A dark cloud of chakra-eating insects poured from his sleeves, swarming towards Garp.

Garp's grin widened at the display. "Now that's more like it!" he exclaimed, cracking his knuckles.

As the shadow neared his feet, Garp stomped the ground with tremendous force. "World Shaker!!"

The earth shattered beneath him, sending shockwaves that disrupted the shadow's path and forced the Nara to break his jutsu to maintain balance.

The Akimichi's Human Bullet Tank seemed unstoppable, but Garp stood his ground. At the last moment, he sidestepped and thrust out his palm. "Iron Body!" His hand met the spinning ninja with an immovable force, stopping the rotation instantly once again. The sudden halt sent the Akimichi flying backward, crashing through several trees.

The swarm of insects engulfed Garp, attempting to drain his chakra. But Garp merely laughed, releasing a burst of Haki infused with chakra. "Haki Burst!" The insects dropped to the ground, overwhelmed by the powerful combination of energies they couldn't process, yet this time they seemed to be killed by just the powerful burst of Haki.

"Insects, shadows, and human boulders." Garp mused, shaking his head. "You ninja sure have some interesting tricks. But tricks won't be enough here."

The ROOT agents, though shaken, weren't done yet. The Nara, recovering his footing, quickly formed more hand signs.

"Leaf Secret Technique: Neck Binding Jutsu!!!" His shadow extended again, this time aiming to strangle Garp.

The Akimichi, pulling himself from the wreckage of trees, expanded his arm to massive proportions.

"Leaf Secret Technique: Partial Expansion Jutsu!!!" he shouted, swinging the gigantic limb at Garp.

The Aburame, realizing his insects were ineffective, switched tactics.

"Leaf Secret Technique: Insect Wall Jutsu!!!" A wall of insects formed between him and Garp, serving as both defense and obscurement.

Garp's playful demeanor suddenly vanished, his eyes hardening as he activated his future sight. In that moment, he saw a vision of the Aburame forming hand signs for a massive fire jutsu, aiming a fireball at the house where the children were while the wall obscured his vision.

"Playtime's over," Garp growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Before the ROOT agents could complete their attacks, Garp vanished from their sight, moving at a speed that left afterimages. He reappeared behind the Nara, his fist already in motion.

"Grand Fist!!!"

The punch connected with devastating force, shattering the shadow jutsu and sending the ninja flying through several trees before coming to a stop, unconscious.

The Akimichi's giant arm swung through empty air where Garp had been. Before he could react, Garp was in front of him, arm cocked back.

"Seismic Impact!" Garp's fist slammed into the Akimichi's expanded stomach. The ninja's eyes bulged as the air was driven from his lungs, his body shrinking back to normal size as he crumpled to the ground.

The Aburame, realizing the tide had turned, attempted to retreat behind his insect wall. But Garp was there in an instant, bursting through the living barrier with a Haki-infused charge. His hand clamped down on the ninja's shoulder with immovable force.

"Now then," Garp said, his voice calm but filled with an undercurrent of menace, "I think it's time we had a little chat about manners and uninvited guests."

The Aburame struggled futilely against Garp's grip, attempting to summon more insects.

"Secret Technique: Insect Sphere!!" A sphere of insects began to form around them both.

Garp's eyes narrowed. "I'm a grandfather protecting his family. And you," he squeezed slightly, causing the ninja to wince and breaking his concentration, "threatened that family."

With his free hand, Garp made a fist. The air around them seemed to grow heavy, an invisible pressure bearing down on the ROOT agent. The ninja's eyes widened behind his mask as he felt an overwhelming presence crush against his very being.

"This is the will of a Supreme King. Remember it well, Young Shinobi." Garp said, his voice resonating with power.

He released a focused burst of Conqueror's Haki, infused with his newly acquired chakra. "Haoshoku Haki: Chakra Tempest!" The combination was overwhelming, creating a visible distortion in the air. The Aburame's eyes rolled back, and he collapsed, joining his comrades in unconsciousness.

"Playtime's over," Garp growled, his voice low and dangerous.

As the echoes of the brief but intense battle faded, the rain continued to fall, washing away the signs of conflict. Garp stood amid the fallen ROOT agents, his expression solemn.

"Gramps?" a small voice called from the house. Garp turned to see Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan peering out from behind the door, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and concern.

In an instant, Garp's serious demeanor melted away, replaced by his usual grin. "Bwahaha! Nothing to worry about, kids! Just teaching some uninvited guests about proper etiquette."

He strode back to the house, gently ushering the children inside. "Now then, who wants to hear a story about the time I punched a sea king so hard it turned into sashimi?"

As Garp regaled the children with his tale, embellishing it with wild gestures and sound effects that had them giggling despite their earlier fright, a part of his mind remained alert. He also knew that the children did not believe that nothing occured. However, this event solidified a choice in his mind.

But as he looked at the three young faces gazing up at him with trust and admiration, Garp felt a familiar resolve settle in his chest. He had been given a second chance, dropped into this world of ninja and chakra. And just as he had in his previous life, he would dedicate himself to protecting the next generation, to giving these children a future worth fighting for.

"Alright, you little rascals," Garp announced, clapping his hands together. "Story time's over. It's time for training!"

The children groaned good-naturedly, but their eyes shone with excitement. They had seen firsthand the power their adoptive grandfather wielded, and each of them burned with the desire to grow stronger.

As Garp led them outside for their training session, carefully stepping around the still-unconscious ROOT agents, he couldn't help but smile. The rain continued to fall, but to Garp, the future seemed brighter than ever.

"Remember, kids." he said, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience, "True strength comes from protecting what you love. Now, let's see those punches!"

The sound of small fists hitting practice dummies mixed with Garp's booming laughter and encouragement, echoing through the rainy landscape of Amegakure. 


The battlefield was a wasteland of mud and blood. The constant rain of Amegakure mixed with the sand brought by the invading forces, creating a treacherous quagmire. Amid the carnage stood a lone figure, his respirator mask gleaming dully in the overcast light.

Hanzo the Salamander surveyed the destruction with cold satisfaction. Dozens of Sand shinobi lay scattered across the field, their bodies twisted and broken. The poison that had earned Hanzo his fearsome reputation hung in the air like a miasma, its sickly sweet scent a testament to his deadly skill.

A wheezing cough drew Hanzo's attention. Among the fallen, one man still clung to life. Ebizo, one of the Sand's esteemed elders, struggled to raise himself on trembling arms.

"Hanzo," Ebizo gasped, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, "you... you've gone too far. The Land of Wind... Sunagakure... we will never forget this atrocity."

Hanzo strode towards the fallen elder, his steps measured and deliberate. He crouched down, meeting Ebizo's defiant gaze.

"I know," Hanzo replied, his voice muffled but clear behind his mask. "That is precisely my intention."

Ebizo's eyes widened in shock, but before he could respond, Hanzo's hand shot out. With a swift, merciless motion, he ended the elder's life.

Rising to his full height, Hanzo turned to face the rain-soaked battlefield once more. His voice carried across the desolate landscape, though there were no living ears to hear it.

"I do not want the shinobi world to forget this day," he declared to the grey skies. "This will be remembered as the moment the Land of Rain stood up. No longer will we be trampled underfoot by the so-called great nations."

Lightning flashed in the distance, illuminating the carnage around him. Hanzo's eyes narrowed behind his mask, his resolve hardening.

"Let them come," he muttered. "Let them all come. They will learn to fear the rain."

As if in response to his words, the downpour intensified. Hanzo stood immobile, letting the rain wash the blood from his armor. In his mind, he saw a future where Amegakure was no longer a battleground for other nations, but a power in its own right.


As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the rain-soaked landscape of Amegakure, Garp gathered Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan in the living room of their modest house. The three children sat cross-legged on the floor, their eyes wide with curiosity as Garp placed a large, weathered sack before them.

"Alright, you little rascals," Garp began, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and mischief. "It's time for you to receive some very special gifts."

He reached into the sack and pulled out three oddly shaped fruits, each one unique in its appearance. The children leaned forward, their interest piqued by the strange objects.

"These." Garp announced with a theatrical flourish, "Are Devil Fruits. They'll give you incredible powers. But it will take a lot of training to master them."

Yahiko's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Alot of training? Who cares! What kind of powers, Gramps?"

Garp chuckled, his laughter booming through the small room. "Bwahaha! That's the spirit, my boy! Now, let's see what we've got for each of you."

He turned to Nagato first, holding out a fruit that resembled a golden Buddha statue. "For you, Nagato, the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha. It'll make you as sturdy as a mountain and give you the wisdom of the ages!" He paused, then added with a wink, "Well, maybe not the wisdom part. That comes with experience, you know! It use to belong to a very good friend of mine, so don't disgrace his legacy!"

Nagato took the fruit reverently, his pale hands trembling slightly. "Thank you, Grandfather, and I won't." he said softly, his Rinnegan eyes fixed on the golden fruit.

Next, Garp turned to Yahiko, presenting him with a fruit that crackled with small bolts of electricity. "And for our little firecracker, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit! You'll be as fast as lightning and hit just as hard!"

Yahiko pumped his fist in the air. "Awesome! I'm gonna be the strongest ninja ever!"

Finally, Garp faced Konan, offering her a fruit that looked like it was made of intricately woven wood. "For our little origami master, the Wood-Wood Fruit. It'll complement your paper techniques perfectly, and you'll be able to grow entire forests! You would possess the same power as the God of Shinobi."

Konan accepted the fruit with a small smile, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Now then," Garp said, clapping his hands together. "It's time to eat up!"

The children looked at their fruits apprehensively. Yahiko was the first to take a bite, his face immediately contorting in disgust.

"Blegh!" he exclaimed, sticking out his tongue. "It tastes like old socks and lightning!"

Nagato and Konan, seeing Yahiko's reaction, hesitated. Garp, however, wasn't having any of it.

"Come on, you two! Down the hatch!" he encouraged, his voice filled with mirth. "Think of it as... character-building!"

Nagato took a small bite of his golden fruit, his eyes widening in surprise. "It's... not so bad," he mumbled, though his scrunched-up nose betrayed his true feelings.

Konan, ever the quiet one, took a delicate bite of her Wood-Wood Fruit. Her face remained impassive, but a small shudder ran through her body.

Garp watched with barely contained laughter as the children forced down their Devil Fruits, making exaggerated faces and dramatic gagging noises.

"Bwahaha!" he roared, slapping his knee. "You should see your faces! Priceless!"

As the children finished their fruits, a strange sensation washed over them. They could feel new power coursing through their veins, foreign yet somehow familiar.

"How do you feel?" Garp asked, his tone becoming more serious.

Yahiko jumped to his feet, small sparks dancing across his skin. "I feel... electric!" he exclaimed, his hair standing on end.

Nagato stood more slowly, his body seeming to radiate a subtle golden glow. "I feel stronger," he said quietly, flexing his fingers in wonder.

Konan raised her hand, watching in amazement as small wooden branches sprouted from her fingertips. "It's... incredible," she whispered.

Garp nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Good, good. Now, I have to ask you all something very important." His expression grew serious, the jovial grandfather replaced by the seasoned warrior. "Do you truly wish to learn to become fighters? The path ahead will be difficult, filled with hardships and dangers."

The three children exchanged glances, their minds flashing back to the earlier confrontation with the ROOT agents. They remembered the power Garp had displayed, the way he had protected them without hesitation.

Yahiko stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "We do, Gramps. We want to protect each other and bring peace to our home."

Nagato nodded, his Rinnegan eyes seeming to glow with newfound resolve. "We've seen too much suffering. If we have the power to change things, we must use it."

Konan's voice was soft but firm. "We're ready, Grandfather. Please teach us."

Garp studied their faces, seeing the unwavering determination in their young eyes. After a moment, he broke into a wide grin.

"Well then." he said, cracking his knuckles, "Be ready at dawn tomorrow. Your training begins, and I warn you – it won't be easy. I'll work you to the bone and then some!"

Despite the ominous warning, the children's expressions didn't falter. They nodded in unison, their spirits high with excitement and anticipation.

Garp's grin softened into a warm smile. "Get some rest, you'll need it. Tomorrow, we start forging you into the heroes this world needs."

As the children headed off to bed, chattering excitedly about their new powers, Garp watched them go, a mixture of pride and concern in his eyes. He knew the challenges that lay ahead, the dangers they would face. But looking at these three brave, determined children, he felt a surge of hope.

"Watch out, shinobi world," he murmured to himself. "A storm is brewing in Amegakure, and these kids are going to be right at its center."

With that thought, Garp settled in for the night, already planning the grueling training regimen that would begin at first light. The rain continued to fall outside, a steady rhythm that seemed to echo the beating hearts of the three young shinobi, ready to take their first steps on the path to becoming legends.