
Power-up! Eh, power-up...again!?

The clash of titans had reached a new crescendo, the air around us vibrating with energy.

I had called upon the Demon, a shadowy silhouette materialized behind me, a force that resonated with the very essence of my soul.

It was a symbol of my bloodline's power, a manifestation of my dominance. I grinned, a feral anticipation coursing through me.

As Hashirama and Madara adjusted to my newfound strength, the battlefield shifted, the clash taking on a new dimension.

With a primal roar, I charged forward.


The clash was intense, our movements a dance of power and mastery.

Hashirama's Mokuton: Mokuhin no Jutsu created wooden constructs that surged towards me, a testament to his connection with nature.

Madara's Perfect Susanoo—a colossal warrior of chakra, taller than the mountains —towered over the battlefield, a manifestation of his Uchiha power.

My strikes were a force to be reckoned with, I punched while carrying the weight of the Demon's energy.

Every movement I made was like a tempest, the earth trembling with the sheer force of my blows.

Hashirama and Madara fought back with a ferocity that matched my own.

Wooden tendrils lashed out, seeking to ensnare me in their grasp.

"Mokuton: Kajukai Korin(Advent of a World of Flowering Trees)!"

Blue flames roared from Madara's Susanoo, a torrent of fire that painted the battlefield with its intensity shaped like an eastern dragon filled with details in each its scales.

"Susano'o: Aoi Honoton: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Great Dragon Fire)!"

I can feel my grin becoming wider and wider.

'I think my face must looked like a demon right now...meh who cares'

"Ruahahaha! More...GIVE ME MORE!"

As Hashirama's jutsu drained my chakra, my body felt very lethargic, then that huge ass blue fire dragon landed a solid hit on my body.

It's been a long time since I feel this level of pain...

"Uargh! Ukh Argh!"

The force from the dragon was too overwhelming for me to withstand, and I was pushed back like a mere stepping stone.

"Oi, oi, oi. Are you dead, Hanma Yujiro?" Madara questioned while laughing.

As I stand, once again, I felt there's third degree burn festering my torso.

'That's a bad timing to test my mantle, ahah!'

"Aww, that's it? This was barely tickling me, my defence was boosted by my Demon Apparition!

Do you think your fire lizard can injured me, ha!?"

Hashirama looked worried and try to give me advice, "Hanma Yujiro! You know this fight is futile, even if we fight you alone...we can still win, easily."

I...was pissed off! "HAHAHAHA, WHO ARE YOU TO TAKE PITY ON ME!?"

This humiliation...this feeling of someone looking down on you, it's been a while!

"Huh, I can still fight. Don't you think I've used up all my cards!

Look at me!"




Then, I take control of my crimson chakra, giving my Devil Apparition greater definition, more intricate details, and deeper meaning to its existence.

Recollecting all knowledge of human body, each responsible for different functions.

All these systems work together to optimize a person's ability to fight, defend, and survive in a fight.

Muscular System: Provides the physical strength and power necessary for combat, defense, and endurance.

Nervous System: Coordinates movements, reactions, and reflexes during battle, helping to assess threats and respond quickly.

Cardiovascular System: Supplies oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs, maintaining stamina and energy levels during prolonged fights.

Respiratory System: Facilitates efficient breathing to supply oxygen to muscles and tissues, ensuring sustained physical effort.

Endocrine System: Releases adrenaline and other hormones that increase heart rate, boost strength, and enhance focus during high-stress situations.

Skeletal System: Provides structure and protection, supporting the body during combat and helping to absorb impacts.

Integumentary System: Protects against external threats, such as cuts and abrasions, while regulating body temperature during intense activity.

Digestive System: Provides energy through the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, sustaining physical exertion during battles.

Cognitive System (Brain Function): Controls decision-making, strategic planning, and reaction times, crucial for assessing and responding to threats effectively.

Vision and Sensory Systems: Allow for awareness of the battlefield, assessing the movement of opponents and potential dangers.

Hematopoietic System: Produces red and white blood cells, ensuring proper oxygen transport and immune response, respectively.

Endocannabinoid System: Regulates pain perception, inflammation, and stress response, aiding in enduring and recovering from injuries.

Lymphatic System: Supports immune function by helping to prevent infections and promote healing after injuries.

Adaptation and Survival Systems: The human body's ability to adapt to changing circumstances, deal with stress, and endure harsh conditions are essential for survival in combat scenarios.

Then, by delving into mythologies associated with demon-like beings, I wanted to give the Demon a richer history thus, a deeper meaning to its being.

Asura: They possess immense physical strength, often battling with gods for supremacy. Their power lies in their ability to wage war and their resilience in combat.

Typhon: Typhon is a monstrous and immensely powerful creature. His roars were said to cause earthquakes.

Hanuman: Hanuman is a divine monkey warrior, known for his superhuman strength and unwavering devotion. He exhibited feats like lifting mountains and leaping great distances.

Fafnir: Fafnir is a dragon, known for his insurmountable strength and his hoarding of treasure. After obtaining a cursed hoard of gold, Fafnir's greed transformed him into a formidable and unbeatable dragon.

Grendel: Grendel is a monstrous creature. He possesses great strength and is feared by the warriors in Heorot. Grendel's power lies in his ability to terrorize and overpower even the strongest warriors.

Mahisha: Mahisha, also known as Mahishasura, is a buffalo demon. He gained a boon of invincibility but misused it to challenge the gods. His immense strength and combat skills allowed him to hold his ground against the divine forces.

Bakasura: Bakasura is a demon. He possessed incredible strength and an insatiable appetite. Bakasura's power was displayed in his ability to consume large quantities of food and his ferocious battles.

After I try to give the perfect demon body to my Demon Apparition, I try instilling all great demon's mythology that terrorize their pantheon.

By transforming my demon into its advanced form, I solidified its evolution with my chakra, my will, my legacy, and my very soul!

But the transformation was not finalized.

"Do you want me to name this too!? Fuck!

Hiden: Hanma Style: Demonic Incarnation, Diabolic Embodiment!"

Then, a boom sound resounding through out the Valley of the End.

The Demonic Dharma is a symphony of malefic incantations, the symbols etched on its body were scrawled with eldritch ink, each stroke a sigil that binds the willing or coerces the unwilling to heed its call.

The Demon's eyes reflect the abyss itself, pupils dilated with a darkness that absorbs all light, revealing the abyssal knowledge that fueled its craft.

Infernal flames lick its fingertips, transforming into claws that rend reality, while tendrils of obsidian energy extend from its being, seeking to ensnare the spirits of the living and the departed alike.

Colossal amount of malevolent aura was emitted by my Demon terrorize the land!

The sky appears to accuse me of a crime, as thunder and lightning echo through the heavens!

"Oho, that's some nice music background. So...ready for round two?"

But then, suddenly, Hashirama and Madara also tapped into their own unique powers in a display that left me in shock.

I felt that their continuous power increase was simply too absurd!

"Oi, this is nonsense! Is this some kind of camera prank!?"

When, I powered up...they powered up...truly...THEY'RE THE BEST!

Hashirama's form shifted, his body merging with the very trees that surrounded us.

His Mokuton: Mokuhin no Jutsu took on a new form—the Wooden Buddha Technique.

"HAHAHAHA, Yujiro! As I said earlier, this is meaningless!

Senpō: Mokuton: Shin Sūsenju (True Several Thousand Hands)!

Hashirama became a towering colossus of wood and chakra, I felt his connection to nature reaching new heights.

Thousands of hands originate from the statue's back in countless concentric rows, while its two main hands are clasped, as if in prayer.

The statue can serve a variety of purposes in battle, from fighting on the user's behalf to defending and even using other techniques.

The sheer size of this technique makes it almost impossible to attack the user.

Madara's Perfect Susanoo underwent a transformation as well.

Chakra flames enveloped the warrior, transforming it into an ethereal force of destruction.

Then ancient war horse rose and stood adorned in gleaming armor, like a living relic of battles past.

Its majestic frame carried the weight of Madara's Susano'o as it moved, the armor's intricate engravings and resilient plating echoing tales of valor.

With a visored helmet, sturdy chestplate, and scaled flanks, it embodied the strength and endurance.

It was as if he had become the embodiment of Uchiha 1000-year old legacy.


Senpo: Samsara Susano'o: Celestial Arbiter!"

It was visually striking, with ethereal patterns intertwining with the Susanoo's traditional design, now Madara's Susano'o looked like a Sojobo, the mythical king and god of the tengu.

Its white in color could reflect the balance between Uchiha and Senjutsu forces, with a serene yet imposing presence.

The Samsara Susanoo harnessed Senjutsu chakra, materilizing Madara's weapon, his favourite gunbai and sickle.

I had been bored for so long in Earth.

Madara and Hashirama is also bored.

Because at our level, a new foe that can match our strength is so few.

Madara and Hashirama had been fighting for far too long, they know the other party too well!

And that's why, it's like there's telepathy between three of us, we laughed! Like a mad king!







The echoes of their laughter resounded through the valley, a collision of world-shaking chakra and aura that would be etched in the annals of history—a proof to the unyielding spirit of warriors who had forged their paths through battles.

The proof that they're the one and only.

In a world where power bows to their very presence, they stood as an embodiment of unfathomable strength.

With each step, the ground quivers, acknowledging the weight of their influence.

Their aura commands attention, an amalgamation of raw determination and unparalleled skill that sends ripples through the fabric of reality.

Their eyes, gleaming with a fire born of countless battles, radiate an intensity that dares anyone to challenge their supremacy.

Battle scars, like badges of honor, crisscross their body, testaments to their journey through countless conflicts and triumphs.

Each scar carries a story, a testament to their indomitable spirit.

A dance that blends grace and devastation.

With every swing of their weapon, the air itself seems to recoil, unable to bear witness to the sheer force they unleash.

Legends echo their name, and nations tremble at the thought of facing them.

Kingdoms rise and fall at their behest, and adversaries falter under the weight of their reputation.

Their presence commands respect, not solely due to their strength, but because they are the embodiment of what humanity aspires to be.

In a realm where power is scarce and coveted, they had become the quintessential embodiment of world-level might, etching their legacy into the annals of history.

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