
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[ Senju Tobirama: This flame is so domineering! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: I feel like Yang Hui's performance just now can't be done with Amaterasu! ]

[Second Tsuchikage No: I didn't expect Ohnogi to learn to invite foreign aid too!

I didn't teach him that way!

Nice job though!]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Tsk!

You are still as shameless as ever!]

[Second Tsuchikage No: Say what you want!

Anyway, I think any kind of means can be used between ninjas! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Humph!

That's why I don't like you!! ]

With Yang Hui rampaging through the crowd and Sand Shinobi dying in large numbers, the rest of the ninjas are terrified too!

They kept away from Yang Hui, afraid that they would be burned by the flames!

But how could these ninjas escape Yang Hui's palm!

Yang Hui attacked while flying. Although he did not have the speed of Jinwu Huahong, he was not comparable to ordinary ninjas!

What's more, he also has the blessing of "Twenty Twenty" from Rabbit Talisman!

So Yang Hui holds a long sword, and wherever he goes, no one can beat him!

Many ninjas have yet to see Yang Hui's movements, and they rushed to Huangquan without even knowing where Yang Hui was!

"Ahhh, he's a devil!

We're not his opponents at all, we couldn't even hold a single round of his!""

"I haven't noticed where he is yet, the buddy next to me is gone!

He's just like a ghost!

Out of sight!


"Let's run!

It can't be his opponent!"

Obviously the fighting spirit of the Sand Shinobi Village ninjas has been shattered by Yang Hui!

At this time, the leader of the Sand Shinobi Village team saw a bad situation!


"Don't go back!

Think about our village!

Think about our country!

Our hard-earned land!

Are you going to give up just like that?"

When Yang Hui heard this, he just wanted to do it and ended up with this name!

Suddenly a voice stopped him!


What village, what country!

Don't be so righteous!

After all, you're not getting a promotion and a raise for yourself!

Seeing our massacres, there are already less than 100 people!

You still don't care whether we live or die, and you still order us to stand guard!

You must have waited until you were almost dead before breaking out on your own!

When the time comes, you can say that when you face Lord Fengying, you can defend yourself to the last soldier and break through the encirclement to send information!

You clearly want to trade our lives for credit!"

A squad leader retorted loudly and scolded the leading ninja!

And where others can't see it, a smile quietly appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Many Sand Shinobi's mind went blank after hearing the two's remarks!

"Hey, Captain, is the truth really what he says?

"What nonsense are you talking about, how can you doubt the captain!

How could the captain be that kind of person!!!"

"Maybe, the captain has always valued this stronghold!

And I also heard that the person in charge of all the strongholds will be rewarded heavily when they defend the stronghold and go back!!!

"It's not impossible!!!"

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find the loopholes in the team leader's words!

This squad leader was simply scared and wanted to run away, but the escape target of one person was too conspicuous and easy to be targeted by Yang Hui!

So he wants to encourage everyone to escape together!

As for how to face the village after escaping?

Of course, be a traitor or a wandering ninja!

But this is on the battlefield!

Yang Hui has been reaping life!

How can most people think calmly under the threat of death!

Moreover, there are a small number of smart people who plan to work with him after seeing through the conspiracy of the team leader, and they also smear the leader of the team one after another!

It is useless to explain how to lead a ninja!

Under the superposition of many factors, the captain is gradually suspected!!!

The entire ninja team is also gradually falling apart!

[ Uchiha Madara: These people are ugly and stupid! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: In the face of death, no one can calm down!

But people who slander others are really hateful! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Just like Danzo slandered Uchiha!

If it weren't for him, Uchiha wouldn't be hostile to the whole village after the night of Nine Tails!]

[ Yang Hui: Then let them accept a wave of social beatings! ]

I saw Yang Hui raised his right hand, palm to the sky!

Slowly, a huge fireball condensed on Yang Hui's palm!

Everyone below was horrified!

If this fireball falls!

No one should be able to escape!

But the scene they imagined did not appear!

The Great Fireball did not fall!

Instead, a mysterious firebird emerged from the fireball!!

The official flame version of the divine bird Golden Crow!

Then, the Golden Crow Divine Birds escaped from the Great Fireball and flew in all directions!

In the end, the entire fireball completely turned into a flame golden crow!

Anyone who is caught up and hit by the Golden Crow of Flame will be burned to ashes from the inside out by the "true fire of the sun"!!!

After a moment. Only the team leader and the team leader who slandered him were left in the field!

Yang Hui is also interested!

"Only one of you can get out of here!!!

Ninjas speak with strength!

Now, let's get started!"

After speaking, Yang Hui controlled the flames to form a circle to surround the two of them!

"Captain, I beg you to let me go!!!

I was just fascinated just now!

There are eighty old mothers in my family, and three-year-old children below!"

"Hmph, Tomoya, you retreated during the war and disturbed the morale of the army!

I will never let you go!

And it's not necessary to say this kind of cheating on a three-year-old child!"

Before the captain finished speaking, the team captain named Tomoya ran directly to a place not far from the captain, knelt down and begged for forgiveness!

However, in the next second, Zhiyao directly stood up and attacked!

The captain was caught off guard!

But in the end, the ninja leader of Jōnin cuts the throat of Chūnin's subordinate Tomoya!

And so, before he died, he did not forget to curse,

"Even if you kill me, he won't let you go!""

"You don't have to worry about it!

After speaking, the captain dropped his weapon and opened his hands!

I intend to die as generously as the protagonists in the biographies I have read!

He never thought that Yang Hui would let him go!

He is only grateful that God gave him a chance to kill a villain!

But I closed my eyes and waited for a long time, and there was no movement!

Look up!

Yang Hui has flown over their stronghold!

He was holding a deep purple fireball in his hand!

At a glance, you can tell that this fireball is full of explosive energy!

No one will doubt its power!

In the next second, Yang Hui threw it to the very center of Sand Shinobi's stronghold!

Then, huge energy exploded in the center of the stronghold!

The powerful destructive force directly wiped out everything in a radius of about a thousand meters from the center of the explosion!

Including their Sand Shinobi Village stronghold!

Then Yang Hui saw that without looking at him, he turned into a rainbow and flew away!

And the underground White Zetsu also quickly reported to 'Madara' and the main body!

This 4.8 battle has refreshed his world view!

Only the Sand Shinobi captain is left in the entire world!

[ Senju Tobirama: @ Yang Hui, I didn't expect you to be honest this time!!!

I really let him go! ]

[ Yang Hui: I have no reason to kill him!

It's okay to let him go on a whim!

All this is in my mind!]

[ Uchiha Madara: If it was that despicable villain who won just now, would you let him go?? ]

[ Yang Hui: No, because I hate him too!

There's no reason to let him go!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: I didn't expect you, a bad person, like to punish evil and promote good!

Don't you find it ironic?]

[ Yang Hui: What is good?

What is bad?

Defined by whom?

I only do things with my heart!]

[ Uchiha Madara: A thumbs up for you! ]

[Little Master: I think it's better for everyone to be kind!