
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs


[ Yang Hui: Little Master, why are you free to watch the group chat?

Don't you need to come downstairs to help Ju?]

[Little Master: Chrysanthemum goes downstairs and there are fewer and fewer people coming!

It's not as prosperous as it used to be!

And it's afternoon, so I still have free time!]

[ Yang Hui: Back to the topic just now!

Little master, you have experienced very little now!

And I don't know the rules of survival in our ninja world!

Let me tell you about it!

The world of ninjas is constantly fighting except for the civilians!


[ Yang Hui: So don't look at us with your inherent cognition!

People can live and work in peace and contentment in your world, but not in the ninja world!

The world of ninjas is so bloody and unreasonable!

Good people can't survive here! ]

[Little Master: Understood!

I'm sorry, I see you in my eyes!

The ninja world you mentioned is much more cruel than our world! ]

[ Uchiha Madara:

[ Senju Hashirama:

Everyone in the group is a little numb!

This man is such a fool! 17

This is what Yang Hui said!

When Yang Hui saw this, he nodded and was satisfied with his decision to kick out Master Abe!

If Master Abe was here, the little master would definitely not be so easy to fool!

Obito's Secret Base!

"Jue, let you investigate the matter of the newcomer 'Golden Crow', how are you doing?"

"'Madara', I've already investigated some of his abilities!"

No see Obito did not speak, and continued to say to himself,

"First of all, he has a transformation ability!

You can grow wings on your back!

Fly fast!

Secondly, he also has a Master who has an extremely terrifying flame!

Purple flames can burst from all over the body!

Others will be quickly burned to ashes if they encounter this flame!

Even kunai made of steel will melt instantly when it touches this flame!

Because of his ability, I can't use Spore Technique on him!

Otherwise, I can monitor him anytime, anywhere!!!

When he fights, he mainly uses taijutsu in melee combat!

Use that peculiar flame when attacking from afar!"

Jue described Yang Hui's information to Uchiha Kenji in detail!!

"'Madara', the most important thing is that he uses these abilities that I have never seen in the ninja world!

His speed is not like normal people!

So this person is also very mysterious!!"

"Huh, is it mysterious?

No matter what, as long as the plan is successful, everyone!

Including him will enter a new world!

Nothing to worry about!

However, after the official start to capture the tail beast, you can choose to be his teammate!

Take a close look at him!"

If Yang Hui knew what Kenji Uchiha was thinking, he would probably wake up laughing from his dreams!

Choosing him as a teammate, isn't it that you can take Obito whenever you want?

[ Senju Tobirama: But this Xiao organization is doing missions to make money and catching tailed beasts!

What are they trying to do?

If you catch the tailed beast, just catch the tailed beast directly! ]

[ Yang Hui: Actually, I am also very puzzled by this question!

I don't know which nerve of Uzumaki Nagato is connected to wrong!]

Yang Hui is really at a loss as to why the Xiao organization did that!

He didn't see where Xiao Organization used the money!

Could it be that the money Kakuzu earns and the money he organizes to do quests are all used for Konan to buy explosive charms?

He remembered that the goal of the Xiao organization to collect money was to establish a war organization independent of the state through this huge wealth!

Because small countries cannot keep a large number of ninjas in non-war times!

However, the friction between the ninja worlds continues, and the small country needs combat power!

Therefore, when necessary, the Akatsuki organization can provide ninjas to the small country and the ninja village!

Small countries only need to provide the necessary money!

In this way, the Xiao organization can master the war market, and then use the tail beast to cooperate with the market to trigger war, and finally achieve the purpose of guiding the war!

Then destroy the existing system of the ninja, and then enter the final step.

conquer the world!

The ideal is very plump!

But Yang Hui didn't see any need to spend money!

Build a war organization, emmm...

Just find a cave, build a few houses as a base, find a few members, this is a war organization?

It didn't cost a fortune!

However, the money spent on Konan's 600 billion detonating charms is scary!

In the end, he even set off fireworks all at once without even blowing up anyone!

600 billion detonating charms, just heard the sound!

Konan is really uncomfortable to use!

But Kakuzu says he has something to say!

That's his hard-earned money!!!

Kakuzu, the financial accountant of Akatsuki, is really conscientious and hardworking!

He took Hidan to run around the world of ninjas, and specially caught some wanted criminals to collect bounties!

When there is no assignment, Kakuzu still works part-time to make money!

It can be said that Kakuzu alone supports most of Akatsuki's finances!

As a result, the money you earn is not spent!

It belongs to the second most painful thing in life: when a person dies, the money has not been spent!

And the most painful thing in life is: people are still alive, money is gone!!!

Yang Hui didn't fly to the base of the Akatsuki organization!

Instead, it flew to a town in the land of fire!

Looking for a hot spring hotel to soak in the hot spring comfortably, isn't it fragrant?

What do you want from the organization base?

Still a cave, cold!

Working for Xiao's organization is really worse than a dog!!

Yang Hui soaked in the hot spring to realize how correct his decision was!!

beep! beep! beep!

Yang Hui looked at the ring and knew that Payne was contacting him!


I have successfully completed the task!

What do you find me for?

"Why didn't you return to the organization after you completed the mission?

"The treatment of the organization base is too bad!

Can't eat, can't live!

I'm soaking in a hot spring at a hot spring hotel!

If you have any tasks in the future, just let me know!


"Then why did you let someone go?"

"My mission is to destroy the Sand Shinobi Village stronghold 220!

We have completed the task given to us by Rock Shinobi Village perfectly!

And letting go of a person will also help to build the reputation of our Xiao organization!

The only big country that currently employs us is Rock Shinobi Village!

Now Sand Shinobi Village will also know the power of our Akatsuki organization!

In this way, our organization will become more and more famous,

The speed of accumulating money will also get faster and faster! 359


Under Yang Hui's mouth, Payne, who was going to question Yang Hui, thought that what Yang Hui said was very reasonable!

I wish I could do the task according to Yang Hui's ideas earlier!

Payne didn't care whether Yang Hui returned to the base, and cut off contact directly!

After all, the management of Xiao's organization is also very loose!

As long as the organization's tasks can be completed, members will not be restricted!

Hidan also often goes on mission!

Yang Hui also stayed in the hotel like this!!!

[Little Master: @ Yang Hui, thank you, today I only defeated Shao An and saved Ju downstairs with your guidance!

It also avoided the situation where my sister and I were bullied and tortured by him! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto: Little Master, what's going on?]

[Little Master: Brother Naruto, the thing is like this, Shao An is my mother's apprentice...

In this way, relying on what Brother Yang Hui said, I understood the key!

The magic mapo tofu that defeats Shao An can be made!!]

Recently, Naruto has a good relationship with the little master!

So I would like to talk to him about anything!