
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


Fugaku looked at his son so angry!

He is also furious!

Feeling guilty at the same time!

He is not a good patriarch, nor is he a competent father~!

It's all Danzo and Third Generation's fault!

So many tragedies!

"Father, don't worry about me!

I am much better!

Now I just want to take the group - the head of the hidden item!

Sasuke finally calmed down after a long time!

He said in a calm and hateful tone!

Also showed his Mangekyō Sharingan to Uchiha Fugaku!

"Don't be careless when fighting!

Yang Hui told you just now that Danzo has Izanagi!

This is a sharingan pupil technique that can rewrite reality!

Sharingan will be blind after using this trick, Danzo can use it at least ten times!

If you don't pay attention, you will suffer! 35

"I understand!"

Saying that, Sasuke went to his room!

He is so tired today!

Both physically and mentally!

Just want to have a good rest!

[ Uchiha Fugaku: Sasuke has opened Mangekyō Sharingan!

Only when you understand the lost love can you open your eyes!

This is a pair of cursed eyes!

I hope he never opens these eyes in his life!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Hmph, Mangekyō is turned on, he still has some talent! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: I heard that he opened the Sharingan on the night of the genocide, I thought this baby was useless!

Didn't expect Mangekyō to open so soon!

As expected of someone who looks exactly like me!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Someone opened Mangekyō, what does it have to do with you!

Don't be ashamed to put gold on your face!

(Pick your nose.jpg)]

[ Yang Hui: Night of the Genocide Sasuke is only a child of six or seven years old!

It's understandable to only open an order, Tomoe!

He turned on 3-Tomoe soon after he came out of Konoha!

After accumulating for a year or two and opening Mangekyō, he is considered a genius! ]

[ Yang Hui: @ Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke has become so powerful and opened Mangekyō!

You will be left far behind!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Who said that?

My Sage Mode is the best!

Although it doesn't last long, you can use Shadow Clone to accumulate magic Chakra!

It's not a big problem to stick to the end of a battle!

And my Chakra volume is much higher than Sasuke!

I also learned powerful ninjutsu such as Massive Rasengan from my dad!

I am still perfecting my ninjutsu, as long as I finish it, I am confident that I will not lose to Sasuke!]

[ Namikaze Minato: @ Uzumaki Naruto, that unfinished art cannot be used casually! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Don't worry, Dad, I should be able to turn on Sage Mode!

And doesn't it still have a horse charm?

Yes teacher!


[ Orochimaru: Horse charm, I can't do enough experiments myself!

You must perfect your ninjutsu before you use it!

Don't rely on external force! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Okay ㄣ(一_-)!)

[ Uzumaki Naruto: @ Yang Hui, when Sasuke beat Danzo, I wanted to help him too!

To do such a thing to Sasuke, I will never let him go!]

[ Yang Hui: This is my well-arranged revenge game, you have no reason to play! ]

Yang Hui learned about Naruto and Sasuke's growth and has confidence in them!

Just wait for the next time!

Must give Konoha and the whole ninja world a big shock!

[ Orochimaru: @ Yang Hui -kun, what you asked me to inquire about has already come to fruition!

Konoha and Sand Shinobi will be co-hosting a joint Chūnin exam in a month!

The first half of the written test is held in Konoha!

The second half will be held at Sand Shinobi Village!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Is it possible to do it? ]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: It's time to act!

Is there another Konoha crash plan?

I really miss it!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Let's fight a battle! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: Call me when you hit Monkey and Danzo! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: I'm going to go out and take them away!!! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: It seems that this time in the Chūnin exam, Konoha is going to have a big somersault again! ]

Before Yang Hui spoke, everyone in the group was already angry!

Can't wait to kill Third Generation and Danzo right now!

[ Yang Hui: Don't worry!

Let me talk about the plan first!

This time the second session of the Chūnin exam held by Konoha Village and Sand Shinobi Village was held in Sand Shinobi!

Leading Jōnin will also go to Sand Shinobi!

If Might Guy goes to Sand Shinobi then don't worry about him!

If he stays in Konoha, I'll deal with him!

When the time comes, I first send Impure World Reincarnation ninjas and Tenseigan puppets to feint and absorb the attention and most of the fighting power of the Konoha Shinobi!

Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama, Uzumaki Naruto, the three of you are going to deal with the Third Generation, is there any objection?]

••••••••••*#*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

In the past two years, Yang Hui has replaced all Impure World Reincarnation ninjas with remade Impure World Reincarnation bodies with Jōnin as a sacrifice!

So Hashirama and Tobirama will never be as stretched across as the original!

And Impure World Reincarnation of all the dead in the group except Minato!

Including Hatake Sakumo!

This time Kakashi is also one of his targets!

[ Uchiha Sasuke: @ Yang Hui, where about Danzo? You haven't said Danzo yet?]

[ Senju Hashirama: Yes! Did you forget?! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: The person I most want to kill is Danzo! ]

[ Orochimaru: Yang Hui -kun has never been missed, so he must have other intentions! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: @ Yang Hui, Orochimaru is right, your kid has always been very heart, will you miss Danzo?]

[ Yang Hui: Since you all asked, I will say it straight!

When Third Generation dies, Jiraiya is no longer in Konoha!

Danzo will definitely take the Hokage spot!

At that time, he will definitely go out to the village to meet the daimyo, and when he is recognized by the daimyo, he will become Hokage as he wishes!

We blocked him on his way back to the village!

Get him on Hokage and kill him when he's half a step away from taking control of Konoha Village!

Let him be half a step away, and put out his dreams when he is happiest and happiest!

Don't you think this is the biggest punishment for him?

Don't you think it's fun to kill two Hokages one after another?]

[ Uchiha Madara: Funny and interesting, as expected of you!

On the heart, it has to be you! ]

[Third Raikage Ai: It's kind of interesting, your operation is so interesting!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Then let him live two more days! ]

[Namikaze Minato: Although it is a bit inappropriate to say this, I still want to say it!

Nice job!]

[ Senju Tobirama: You are such a devil! ]

[Senju Hashirama: +1!]

[Second Tsuchikage No: I really want to know what kind of expression Danzo will have!]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Follow Yang Hui, it's really interesting to watch him operate!]

[ Yang Hui: If you don't say Danzo, I almost forgot!

@Orochimaru, get in touch with Danzo and say you are going to attack Konoha to kill Third Generation while Konoha is leading the team to Sand Shinobi!

Let him cooperate with us and stay underground and don't die!

Then ask him for a favor!

Otherwise, how will the drama I arranged go on?]

[ Orochimaru: @ Yang Hui, no problem! ]
