
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[Yakushi Nonoyu: So it is!


That way I'm relieved!]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: We will have Third Generation and Danzo soon! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Kabuto-senpai is too miserable!

Damn Danzo, I will definitely kill him to avenge Kabuto-senpai!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: I will also help Kabuto! ]

The current Uchiha Sasuke is not full of hatred like the original!

On the contrary, he is accompanied, cared for and trained by his parents every day, and he has already come out of the haze!

There's some human touch too!

[ Yang Hui: I originally planned to let you kill Danzo!

But not for you to help Kabuto, but to avenge yourself!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: What does this mean? ]

[ Yang Hui: Uchiha genocide is directly related to Danzo!

Everyone said that Uchiha was wiped out overnight by a lunatic Itachi!

In fact Uchiha was exterminated for wanting to rebel!

At that time, you also obviously noticed the strange atmosphere between the village and Uchiha, including the clan!

It's true that Uchiha Itachi is the one who killed the clan, but the one who gave him the order to exterminate the clan is Danzo, the high-ranking Konoha! ]

Sasuke saw Yang Hui's words, and the memory in his mind exploded with a bang!

He remembered how passers-by pointed at him and the other Uchihas on the way to school!

Reminds me of his brother's disputes with other Uchihas!

I remembered that my father took over the responsibility of monitoring my brother!

Why, why does his father spy on his brother?

What is the conflict between your brother and the clan? 187

What is the relationship between Konoha and Itachi?

Uchiha Sasuke has so many doubts that he doesn't know which one to ask first!

[ Uchiha Sasuke: If what you said is true, Itachi accepted the order from the top of Konoha!

Then why did he do it?

That's it for the other clansmen!

How could he kill his parents for an order from the top of Konoha? ]

[ Yang Hui: Your parents did not resist at all, they were killed by him voluntarily!

As for why Itachi obeyed Konoha's orders?!

It has to be said that the will of fire of the high-level Konoha speaks slippery!

The high-level Konoha brainwashed him with the will of fire!

Say anything for Konoha, if Uchiha rebels, the village will suffer huge losses!

It might even lead to war or something!

Finally, Danzo threatens him with your life!

If Itachi doesn't kill the Uchiha family, although Konoha will suffer losses, the Uchiha family will definitely be wiped out!

Then your life will not be saved!

Itachi chose to kill all the Uchiha people in order to protect you and the so-called will of fire!

This is the truth of itachi!]

[ Yang Hui: The peace that Konoha Village enjoys now, but at the expense of the reputation of the entire Uchiha clan and Itachi!

As for the will of fire, you were there to listen to me about Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Not to mention, Orochimaru and Naruto, you can get in touch with these two!

And aren't you the same?

Are ordinary people of the Uchiha family not considered Konoha Villagers?

Didn't it say that everyone is from Konoha, and only then are the people of each family?

How come Senju and Uchiha are different?

Hashirama's Will of Fire is real, but their Will of Fire is the means to control Shinobi Village!

They named Itachi a man who can think like a Hokage!

Maybe he's still mocking Uchiha Itachi for being stupid!

Fame is such a thing, isn't it just how you want to give it?

Your father, Uchiha Fugaku, who saw through it all, saw Itachi being fooled, and he chose to entrust you to Itachi!

Die with your mother!

And Itachi inspires your fighting spirit with hatred, and decides to let you kill him in the future and become a hero of Uchiha! ]

Seeing Sasuke's whole world view and outlook on life is about to collapse!

His brother, who he had been trying so hard to kill, was fooled by Konoha?

In order to protect himself, he killed all the Uchiha people, including father and mother!

This makes him unacceptable!

[ Uchiha Sasuke: @ Uchiha Fugaku, father, this is all fake right! ]

[ Uchiha Fugaku: Everything Yang Hui said is true!

Indeed it is!

Uchiha was forced to migrate to the corner of the village after the night of Nine Tails, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to surround the Uchiha clan! ]

[ Uchiha Shisui: Uchiha's relationship with the village was stiff at that time!

The Third Generation tried to ease the relationship, but nothing came of it!

Later, Konoha planned to attack the Uchiha clan first!

I was the first, Danzo took my Mangekyō!

I gave the right eye to Itachi and committed suicide!

It wasn't the misunderstood Itachi in the clan who killed me on the side of the village!

At that time, Uchiha wanted to get information about the village, so Itachi and I were sent into Anbu to be spies!

And itachi and I, both teachers and friends, are attracted by the will of fire to protect the village!


[ Yang Hui: Then you two acted as double agents!

And he took the initiative to reveal his Mangekyō's abilities!

The stupid approach attracted the fear of Konoha executives!

Danzo took the first shot and took your eye!

You also said that the Third Generation worked hard for Uchiha's relationship and the village's reconciliation!

But in my opinion, he was just talking, did he come up with any real means?


Could he not know what the Uchiha clan wanted?

He doesn't want to give it!

(bhei) In all fairness, Third Generation definitely doesn't want Uchiha to exterminate the clan, because it will lose Konoha's strength!

But Uchiha is disobedient and wants to rebel!

All he has to do is say nice things to hold the two of you together while condoning what Danzo does!

How dare Danzo give Itachi such an order without the permission of the Third Generation?

Said to ease the relationship, Danzo took you, oh no, it's us!

Almost forgot that I'm from Uchiha too!

Where did the Hokage of Third Generation go when it drove us to the corner of the village?

Danzo ostensibly does all the dirty work, and Third Generation does nothing and just sits there!

Really high!

Maybe when Danzo was calling Itachi and Shisui smart,

Third Generation scolds you all for being smart! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: According to you, there is one I don't understand!

Why Danzo must target Uchiha!

Also, the Konoha police force that Uchiha has been in for so many years is doing well, so why is the relationship with the village suddenly tense?! ]

[ Yang Hui: The relationship between Konoha and Uchiha has never been very good!

Second Hokage @ Senju Tobirama, that's the guy, he's very defensive about the Uchiha clan!

Second Generation put Uchiha in an important position back then, ostensibly for reuse, but deliberately kept Uchiha away from the center of power in the village!

Fair enough when Second Generation was in office, nothing happened!

But here comes Third Hokage!

As one of the two founders of Konoha Village, the Uchiha family has nothing to do with themselves until the third Hokage!

Can Uchiha agree?

Since then, the relationship with the village has become more rigid!

Later, Danzo deliberately suppressed Uchiha, and the night of Nine Tails deliberately did not let Uchiha play!

Let the villagers and some ninjas in the village discriminate against Uchiha!

Also drove Uchiha to the corner!

You all know what happened next!

This is how Uchiha and Konoha are always together!

As for why Danzo was so mad and wanted to destroy Uchiha, of course it was for Sharingan!

He has been studying Hashirama cells and also discovered that Sharingan can fight Hashirama cells!

In order to get stronger power, in order to transplant Hashirama cells into oneself!

Also for Uchiha's Forbidden Technique Izanagi!

He needs more Sharingan!

You can transplant Hashirama cells because of Sharingan?

Now his entire right arm is the right arm of the Hashirama cell with 10 Sharingan inlaid on it!

And I don't know how much he has in his collection!

It can be said that both Danzo and Third Generation are playing with their own calculus, and only Itachi and Shisui have been fooled! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: @ Senju Tobirama, I told you a long time ago that you should be treated equally and not ignore Uchiha!

Look what you have done!]

[Senju Tobirama: I'm sorry bro, I saw the wrong person! ]

[Second Tsuchikage No: I shudder to see Yang Hui's detailed analysis of Konoha!

I can't imagine that this is the first big ninja village Konoha! ]

[ Third Raikage Ai: Third Generation this old fox!

Can't compare! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Third Generation's internal means are really good enough!]

After Uchiha Sasuke learned the truth of the matter, he didn't care what the group was saying!

His eyes were red, as if he was about to ooze blood!

Thinking about the people who care about you, thinking about the respectable and lovely brother who was meticulous to you when you were young!

Think of Itachi, who wept on the night of the genocide in his memory!

Sasuke's eyes are full of tears!


And Third Generation!

They who deceived Itachi!

They are all their own enemies!

Especially Danzo who used Itachi to kill the entire Uchiha clan and capture Sharingan!

Sasuke couldn't hold back his anger at the thought of so many Sharingans on Danzo!

The Three Tomoe Sharingan in the eyes are spinning extremely fast!

Moments later, Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan was born!

The hexagram-like Mangekyō Sharingan is full of hatred!

After learning about Itachi, his feelings for Itachi became extremely complicated!

He doesn't know that his revenge does not include Itachi!

But make sure to bring the old Danzo and Third Generation to the ashes!