
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[ Senju Tobirama: Hehe!

Maybe it's because of my big brother,

stronger than you,

So this space,

No matter what, he can't tell!

My brother didn't say it before,


Resist the attraction of the underworld?

This means that as long as the strength is strong,

You can walk sideways anywhere!

you are a half man,

Who is better than my big brother?!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Senju Tobirama has nothing to do with Madara,

has become the norm,

No one cared about it!

The previous Madara held her own identity,

In order not to degrade,

Didn't even rip each other with Tobirama!

But Madara this time,

Seeing Tobirama's words,

He can't turn a blind eye anymore!

I can't stand it, I can't stand it anymore!

[ Uchiha Madara: You fart!

In this space,

There is no attraction at all!!

Don't talk about strength!

you do not understand situation 407,

don't talk nonsense,

What about your rigorous scholarly spirit?

Did you forget when you hit me?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Orochimaru: So,

Only I am worthy of the title of scientist!

Nidaime can't do it!

Always Emotional!


Not only Uchiha Madara,

Orochimaru also took the opportunity to run on Tobirama!

[ Uchiha Izuna: Don't be angry, big brother!

This spicy chicken Tobirama is full of nonsense,

Live against Tobirama,

Just let me do it!

Spicy Chicken Tobirama,

I **you**!


[ Senju Tobirama: Aligned with you?

Then I'm in good spirits!

You little spicy chicken, you...]

for a while,

The screen is full of scolding battles between the two!

[Ding! Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama,

The group owner has been banned for one minute!]

Seeing that the words in the group are getting more and more outrageous,

Yang Hui quickly banned the two of them!

Keep them cool!

[Dorag: The whole world,

It's finally quiet!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: It's a pity that there is no melon to eat!

When they tore each other,

Still quite interesting!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Sailing in the boring sea,

Eating melons also makes me happy!


[ Whitebeard: Hahaha,

It seems Madara this time,

Really angry!

All personally slapped Tobirama!


[Sengoku of Buddha: That's not right!

used to be Tobirama because of their feud,

Only go to Madara!

But this time,

Madara cared about Hashirama and was mocked by her younger brother,

Of course angry,

But what made him more uncomfortable,

It's just so embarrassing!


[ Roger: @ Senju Tobirama,

You are not human!

people care about your brother,

Why are you still hurting people!


[ Senju Tobirama:emmmm!

The ban time is finally here!

@Roger, you stop talking nonsense,

Whitebeard cares so much about your son Ace,

(bhei) not only accepted him as his adopted son,

Still sheltering him in the New World!

But when he first joined the group,

You can't wait to fight him!

Obviously you are worse than me,

Tell me, how are you embarrassed?!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Although Senju Tobirama also felt that,

seems a bit inappropriate,

also quite unkind,

But he won't admit that he was wrong!

Not only will it not,

Instead, he fought back!

Yet another mistake,

But make no mistake,

People who can't make mistakes!

[ Whitebeard: Hahaha!

I think Roger and Senju Tobirama,

Both of them are right!


[ Golden Lion: Good Guys,

you all at once,

Just scolded them both!

But I support you!

Roger is really not a good thing! ]

[Hero Garp: Me too!

Roger is like Drago,

They are all scumbags who only care about giving birth and not raising them!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Dorag: No,

Daddy, you don't like Roger,

What the hell am I doing!

@Roger, it's all your fault!

not only linked to Tobirama,

also implicated me!]


[ Senju Tobirama:

[ Yang Hui: Okay,

Stop fighting each other there!

Hashirama can't go down now,

Because of...]

Yang Hui took the answer from the system,

Explain it to everyone!

[ Whitebeard: The Yellow Spring of Our World,

Is it hard to pull a soul? ]

[ Roger: Suddenly I feel very stretched!

I think I need to try,

Can we get out of Huangquan!


[ Yang Hui: Although it is stretched, it is excusable!

One Piece world,

After all, there is no formed will of the world,

Can't mobilize the ability of the whole world!

Otherwise Hashirama them,

No resistance!

Under the automatic operation of Huangquan,

Usually even if a strong man like Roger dies,

It's also easy to collect!

Who would have thought,

There will be souls from other worlds running to make trouble!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]