
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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These people still haven't figured it out,

What happened to the big pillar?

Garp's spirit of adventure,

It's already on fire!

[ Aokiji: Understood!

I must beat him,

so that you can't even recognize it,


Don't worry about my work!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Dorag: A socket?

@Aokiji, you tap!

That's my son,

Believe it or not, after

Going to Naval Headquarters to trouble you every day!


Hearing that Aokiji was going to hit Luffy hard,

Even if I don't know if it's true,

Drago also hurriedly opened his mouth and threatened!

[ Aokiji: If you have something to say, tell Mr. Garp!

I'm not afraid of you!

And since you said so,

Then I decided,

when we meet,

Hit him two more punches,

Just when I hit you!

you're beeping,

I also added,

Not capped!

But don't worry,

He won't let him lose his arms or legs!

After all, Luffy is my eldest nephew!


In the face of Dorag's language threat,

Aokiji fought back hard!

Luffy: Can you stop cheating on your son!

And I don't need an uncle, especially an Admiral!

[Dorag:... ]

[Hero Garp: @Dorag,

Kuzan that helped me fight!

If you dare to do something small,

I ran to New World,

Fight against your rebels every day!

Don't tell me any big reason,

I just care about Luffy!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Watching my father play a rogue there,

Even if Dorag feels a little distressed for Luffy,

only in my heart,

Silently praying for him for a few seconds!

[Buddha's Sengoku: Your family affairs will be discussed later!

Where is Hashirama!

@Uchiha Madara @Roger,

Have you encountered this situation?


Sengoku saw the situation of Hashirama,

Just ask Madara and Roger!

[ Roger: emmm!

I don't know,

Back then in Logue town,

After being stabbed to death by those two swordsmen!

The whole person seems to have fallen asleep!

When conscious again,

It is already in the Yellow Spring Pure Land!

How do I know what's going on!

This is obviously an alien,

What a treat!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Hashirama went out after a while,

Don't worry!

I was floating in it for a while just now,

Just arrived in the underworld!

Be patient!


Senju Hashirama saw Madara's words,

I know I can't do anything in a hurry,

Simply play in the void space without gravity!

Yang Hui looked at where Hashirama was,

Reminds me of Dragon Ball Chaoli,

Whole egg was summoned by Goku,

After destroying Zamath,

The rest of the world!

Can't say it doesn't matter,

It can only be said that it is the same!

In case of trouble, ask the system,

System, the space where Hashirama is,

what is the problem?

'Ding! Answer Host!

This is a chaotic space,

Also One Piece World,

The gap between reality and the underworld!

'Chaos space,

One Piece world,

Is there anything so lofty?"

When Yang Hui sees the system,

I can't believe it,

Quickly ask the system!

'Ding! Go back to Host!

Chaos space is also graded!

The chaotic space you speak of,

It is the boundless sea of ​​chaos beyond the world,

Dangerous Opportunities Countless!

Only the power of the king,

to survive in it!

Group member Senju Hashirama this,

in an inferior world,

A chaotic space!

The two are like the difference between the stars and the gravel!

The systematic answer appeared in Yang Hui's mind,

It also made him understand

What the hell is going on!

To put it bluntly, it's still a level difference!

'Then why did the big pillar never go out?'

'Ding! Go back to Host!

Because just now Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama,

To resist the pull of the Yellow Spring Pure Land,

The power that leads to yellow springs,

It hasn't recovered yet!'

'Is it so stretched??

The yellow spring of this world,

than the ninja world,

There's at least so-called Shinigami there!

Yang Hui heard the system's explanation,

Also a question mark

Can't help but complain to the system!

[ Uchiha Madara: A socket?

@Senju Hashirama,

Stop playing!

Why are you in no hurry!

It's been a few minutes now!

I am in this space,

It only took half a minute!

(Stand Hand.jpg)! Pong]