
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[Fire Fist Ace: Is this the Kurozumi Orochi?

as a general,

Is it okay to look so ugly?

At the crucial moment,

It's still so ugly!!

No wonder the bad things are done!

Make a mess of Wanokuni!

To use Yang Hui's phrase, "Ugly people make more mistakes",

to describe him,

It doesn't fit!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Ace through Yang Hui's perspective,

See Kurozumi Orochi,

Make no secret of your disgust!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Looking at Kurozumi Orochi,

I found one thing!

You people in the pirate world,

The body proportions are so out of tune!

You see Kaido and this Kurozumi Orochi,

A huge upper body,

The legs are slender by comparison!

What about this big snake?

Big brain!



[ Senju Tobirama: It seems so!

(Affirmation of handsome people.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: What's so strange?

these people,

a bunch of evil monsters,

Look at us Marine,

There is no such anomaly!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Dorag: old man,

gilt Marine,

It's not that sticky!

people are born,

What can be done?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Seeing Garp's words,

Drago doesn't want to,

On the incompatibility of proportions,

Who is better than his subordinates,

Shemale King Amblio Ivankov?

How can 360 make the shape of the figure,

to evil?

This doesn't fit the 24-word mantra at all!

Yang Hui actually worked with Naruto,

I have the same doubts!

Kaido, Jack's sturdy body,

As a result, the legs are so thin,

Are you sure it can hold up?

well known,

The legs are where the most muscles are.

But Kaido is the complete opposite!

So they look,

It's really outrageous!

And when Kaido was young,

Also a handsome guy!

Growing up and disabled!

And when Kurozumi Orochi was a child,

It looks normal too!

can only sigh,

The style of the world of One Piece is so unique!

When Yang Hui scanned the entire hall,

Orochimaru also intends,

Continue to attack Kurozumi Orochi and others!

Kurozumi Orochi Now,

Leaving Kaido's asylum,

Facing Orochimaru,

Trembling with fear!

Like a lamb to be slaughtered!

But in this hall,

One more person is ecstatic!

That is next to Kurozumi orochi,

Serious madman!

At this time, the expressionless Kuroshio was excited!

He used to follow Kozuki Oden,

Knowing Kozuki Oden for a long time,

Relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates!

'The Whitebeard Pirates came to Wanokuni,

Not to avenge Lord Oden,

What else could it be?

Don't you have to wait two years,

Is Kurozumi Orochi dying today?

Is Wanokuni about to open a country?

The more Kuangshiro thought about it, the more excited he became,

to the handle of the knife,

It's all rattling!

Take a look at Orochimaru,

Kuroshio made a secret decision!

Kurozumi Orochi saw Kurozumi,

right hand holding the knife,

trembling slightly,

I thought it was a madman,

Is to be unable to hold back the shot,

Just wait for your instructions!

Kurozumi Orochi,

As if caught a life-saving straw,

Immediately he laughed wildly,

"Kangshilang, hack them to death!

Show them how awesome you are!

You are the boss of the underworld!

Also my trusted servant,

Don't embarrass me!

"Yes, General!"

Kyoshiro stared closely at Orochimaru,

Pull out the sword in your hand!

Like a ferocious tiger that chooses and devours people!

Just in Kurozumi Orochi and everyone in the hall,

They all thought that Kuang Shi Lang was going to do nothing,

When I swore to protect the Kurozumi Orochi,

Unexpectedly, Kuangshiro,

just turn around,

Cut off the head of Kurozumi Orochi with one knife!

people in the hall,

Besides Yang Hui,

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Including Fu Lu Shou on the side!


what happened?

Isn't Kuroshio from General Orochi?

And just a copy,

To be desperate with the other side,

Why is it suddenly reversal now?

Is it being controlled?

Or hold the head of the Kurozumi serpent,

to take refuge in new forces,

And then invite credit?

Even in the group,

I can't even understand what he's doing!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: A socket?

What's the matter with this man?

Why are you suddenly attacking your boss?


[ Uchiha Sasuke(bhei): Isn't that easy?

Yang Hui's Nine Tomoe Samsara Sharingan,

control a person,

Isn't it simple?

What a surprise!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: With Orochimaru present,

Will Yang Hui do it himself?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: Indeed,

I don't have time to pay attention to this little character!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: So why is that!


[ Senju Tobirama: Big Brother,

I'm really worried about your IQ!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Hehehe!

Isn't that simple?

Seeing that my master is hopeless!

I just want to use the head of my master,

surrender to the enemy,

In exchange for trust and status!

Formerly in the ninja world,

During the Sengoku era,

I've come across this a lot!


[ Senju Hashirama: Huh?

Have it?

Why didn't I come across it?


[ Senju Tobirama: When my father was there,

Everything is handled by him!

After you became the patriarch,

these affairs,

I handle it all by myself!

You know a keel!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: (embarrassment.jpg)! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Find the one that Yang Hui said,

Gyūki Maru who blocked the road and robbed the bridge!

@ Senju Tobirama, if you are in the water group, I will be on the water!

But don't blame me!


[ Jiraiya: Are you going to have sex?

on what?


[ Uchiha Izuna: Boy,

Your thinking is a little dangerous!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Huh?

You can beat me faster than you?

(Flying Thunder God Warning.jpg)!]

Kuroshio turned his head,

Just about to explain something to Orochimaru!

I saw Orochimaru's face full of anger!

Kurozumi orochi fruit,

He has already seen it!


What about his Orochi fruit?

Orochimaru in anger,

use directly,

Sage Art·Baiji Technique!


Orochimaru froze for a moment,

Yang Hui is actually on the private chat channel,

messaged him!

After watching Orochimaru,

calm down,

Then nodded towards Yang Hui,

Indicate yourself to promise to complete the task!

taking advantage of the crowd,

in the dazzling white light,

Under the interference of strong sound waves,

When you can't move,

Orochimaru takes advantage of the opportunity to unleash his inorganic reincarnation!

the whole ground including all parts of the house,

All transformed into sharp spears,

fiercely stabbed towards the madman,

And the people in the hall!

Although Kuangshiro has good strength,

can struggle a little,

But Orochimaru's strength at this time,

Under the blessing of various buffs,

more terrifying!

Not long after, madman,

It should be Denjiro,

Died by gunshots!

After Baiji Technique stops,

Everyone in the hall was also killed and injured!

Including Oiran Xiao Zi!

However, in this case,

who cares about one,

The life and death of a mere geisha!