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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs


If Yang Hui knew what he was thinking,

I'm sure he'll die of laughter!

Loyal and maddened man?

If Kurozumi Orochi knew,

Kuroshio is,

Denjiro, one of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath!

Undercover by his side for so long!

also deeply trusted by him,

will you be frightened,

Even my own little heart is beating!

"You are always ready to meet the enemy!

Little enemies are nothing to fear,

As long as it's not the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath,

There is nothing to be afraid of!

And this year,

Nor is it the prophesied year of revenge!

I'll be fine!

Right, madman!

Kurozumi Orochi pulls Kurozumi's shoulders,

Laugh out loud!

No nervous look at all!

"Yes, I will in a moment,

Decapitate your enemy yourself!

As long as I'm still a step here,

No harm will be done to you! 35

Kuroshio also swore to guarantee it!

Seeing the serpent facing the enemy,

can be mentioned again,

The legend about the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath!

And as long as it's not the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath,

so contempt for the enemy,

His subordinates are also whispering,

Whisper sarcastically at him!

"Master Orochi is really timid!

Are you still afraid of Kozuki?

"It's too timid!"

"What a shame!"

"Who would believe this,

A bluffing market legend! 35

"It started again,

The wine is not good!"

"Oden and his retainers are dead!

Right, Xiao Zi!"

The crowd showed disdain on their faces!

But it is not easy to show it clearly,

I even know that I can't openly laugh at the serpent,

So keep your mouth shut!

It looks like a lot of hard work,

It's hard for them too!

"Fu Lu Shou,

Hurry up and gather your men,

Go and see with the samurai,

What's going on~"!

"Yes, General!"

Right at Kurozumi Orochi,

When giving orders to Fu Lu Shou,

Yang Hui led Orochimaru et al.,

smashed the gate with dignity,

Into the banquet hall!

the warriors outside,

and the guardians of the Kurozumi Orochi,

It has already been brought down by Orochimaru!

I saw Yang Hui and a few people came in!

Fu Lu Shou and Kuang Shi Lang,

Let's stand in front of Kurozumi orochi,

other samurai drinking,

They all stood up,

Hold the knife at Yang Hui!

"Protect the General!"

"who are you?

Why break into us Wanokuni!

Kurozumi Orochi saw,

There are so many people around me,

Not too worried!

"Kill them!

With the order of Kurozumi Orochi,

Many samurai with sabers,

It rushed towards Yang Hui!

"Sage Art Earth Style Tulong Gun!""

Countless sharp earth guns,

stabs quickly from the ground,

Except for a small number of samurai,

dodged this attack,

most trash fish,

are all affected by this trick of Orochimaru,



What Demon fruit power is this?

The first time I saw the Kurozumi Orochi of ninjutsu,

Also mistaken for Orochimaru,

A person with the ability to eat a special Devil Fruit!

But the strength is a bit scary!

It was done in an instant,

So many subordinates of myself!

Kurozumi Orochi suddenly panicked!

Orochimaru saw the scene in front of him,

Not so satisfied,

It didn't kill everyone!

Ninjutsu is still inferior to Xianjutsu!

use it again,

The more powerful Sage Art is ready!

right in Orochimaru,

hands together,

It's time to activate magic!

The voice of Kurozumi orochi came,

"Who the hell are you!

I tell you,

On the site of Wanokuni,

I am not the only general,

And King Huguo Ming,

The Great Pirate Four Emperors Kaido!

I've asked my subordinates to notify him!

You're still going to get caught!

Orochimaru saw Kurozumi orochi,

With a stern look,

also interested,

Going to play with the Kurozumi Orochi!

66 "Four Emperors Kaido?

So have you contacted him yet?

Now he should too,

Get into a hard fight!

After all, the strongest man in the world Whitebeard,

It's not easy to deal with!

And they already knew that,

Here we are at Wanokuni!

Why didn't you even get the news?

Think with your pig brain!

Orochimaru laughed evilly!

As Orochimaru said word by word,

Kurozumi Orochi's Heart,

also keeps cooling down,

It was finally cool!

Because it is exactly what Orochimaru said,

He didn't reach Kaido at all!

On weekdays, there is no disadvantage to ask for help,

Why is it not working today?

Is there trouble with Kaido, too?

Because of the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard (the good king),

Are you really involved in this war?

But even so,

not so much,

The phone bug of all cadres,

Can't get through!


Kaido dumped him!

To use the power of these people,

remove yourself,

Then take over Wanokuni!

think of this,

Kurozumi Orochi's forehead,

A layer of cold sweat oozes out!

He didn't dare to think about it any longer!

Yang Hui glanced around the hall,

find your purpose,

It's all stuck here!

Crazy Death, Little Purple,

And Kurozumi Orochi!

I don't know what day it is today,

Kurozumi serpent even held a feast here,

But it was also convenient for him!