
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


Golden Lion: What???

Roger has a son???

And entrusted him to a master???]

[ Aokiji: What!!!

Roger's offspring survived!?

Or adopted by a master?

Fucking shit!

Why didn't Marine find him and kill him in the first place!]

Both Aokiji and Golden Lion were shocked that Roger had a bloodline left!

Golden Lion because of shock in disbelief,

Roger with thick eyebrows and big eyes even secretly left offspring!

Aokiji is because he knows some Marine insider,

Incredible about this!


Under Marine's intense search,

How could Roger's descendants survive!

And Aokiji because of Roger,

I don't like Ace either!

[ Bullet: Boring!

Did he think his son would be like him?

Hero Laozi, I have seen a lot of trash sons!

Why do you care so much about his son?]

Bullet is disdainful of Roger's blood!

He who only recognizes strength is not interested in any identity!

And Roger couldn't calm down after hearing Aokiji's words!

His son was ever hunted by Marine??

[ Roger: @ Aokiji, what did you Marines do?]

[ Yang Hui: Let me answer it!

Because Marine based on the information given by the CP organization,

Know that you may have descendants to stay!

stalking pregnant people where you stopped,

Even married couples are not spared!

They may suspect you...

Of course, it is also suspected that they are pretending to be husband and wife to hide people's eyes and ears!


In order not to miss,

All pregnant people and newborn babies,

All have to be inspected by Marine!

And in order not to miss the slightest possibility,

Marine searched for ten months!

You know what I mean!]

[ Roger: I understand,

It seems that he did not disappoint me,

Saved my wife and children before Marine!

And I didn't expect Marine to value me so much!



Yang Hui sees here,

Just know that Roger misunderstood what he meant!

He thought Garp had picked up the Rouge girls ahead of time!

[ Yang Hui: You are thinking about farting!

I mean,

After your wife is pregnant,

It has not been born until the date of production,

Produced after abruptly survived Marine's search!


And then died of exhaustion not long after giving birth!]

Hear Yang Hui's words,

Roger's head clicked,

A blast of thunder!

My wife is gone!??

Then, a deep sense of guilt rose in Roger's heart!

If only I had arranged everything earlier and surrendered myself!

Unfortunately, time will not give him a chance to come back!

[ Roger: Alas!

It's all because I didn't think carefully,

That will lead to this ending!]

[ Aokiji: It turned out to be by this method,

They just escaped arrest!

If Sakazuki finds out,

I had to kill all the Marines who were being hunted at that time to relieve my anger!


[ Golden Lion: When Roger of Pirate King,

In Marine's opinion, it is the biggest scourge in the world!

His wicked bloodline!

Of course it's going to be wiped out!

I just don't know who he entrusted it to!]

Golden Lion is very interested in the master Yang Hui said!

[ Aokiji: So who is that kid?

And who is that master?

@Yang Hui, can you talk about it?

If you don't want to say it, forget it!]

Aokiji knows,

Sometimes Yang Hui has other plans,

Not necessarily answering their questions!

So tentatively asked Yang Hui!

Yang Hui didn't answer Aokiji and Golden Lion's questions first,

Instead, Roger was banned from speaking first!

[Ding! Roger was banned by group owner Yang Hui for an hour!]

[Golden Lion:???

What is this operation?]

[ Aokiji: Why do we ask questions,

Roger was banned!?]

Roger:??? I wanted to ask this question too!

Aokiji and Golden Lion do not understand,

But Senju Tobirama and others who joined the group very early knew that there was something that could not let Roger say happen!

[ Senju Tobirama: Here we come!

When Yang Hui does something abnormal,

It means that he is going to live!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Looking forward to +1! ]

[ Yang Hui: Let's play a game!

Guess who the master is!

There is a reward for guessing right!

Of course, only my subordinates are allowed to participate this time!

Because this is a guessing prize without penalty!

The reward is a Devil Fruit!

And if it's Zoan,

At least an ancient species!

I don't want my subordinates to eat a piece of junk fruit!

Are you all ready?]

After Yang Hui entered the world of One Piece,

Will definitely go looking for Devil Fruit!

Now send a wave of benefits to your subordinates,

It can also be considered to strengthen their power!

It's easier to move around then!

After all, if everything is up to him!

What kind of boss is he?

Are there any bosses out there?

Which boss doesn't tell the younger brother to do things?

Only when the younger brother can't solve it,

This is the perfect time for the boss to come out!

Aokiji saw this,

Even if he can't participate,

Excited too!

I silently thought to myself,

After a while Yang Hui announced the answer,

He went to check who this master adopted!!!

Then you can find out who the Roger child is!

Although he can't reveal anything about the group chat,

But it's okay to reveal Roger's descendants to Marine!

[ Yang Hui: Aokiji,

Don't say it after hearing the answer!

Find out who Roger's son is and don't say anything!


You will be kicked out of the group chat!]

But Yang Hui won't give him this chance at all!

He also wants to make some arrangements on Ace!

How could Aokiji be destroyed!

[Aokiji: You really don't give me a chance!

I understand!

Do you need to sign a contract or something?]

[ Yang Hui: No, no one dares to lie to me!]


And Roger saw Yang Hui constrain Aokiji,

Heart is also happy!


Can't let Marine know!!!

[ Senju Tobirama: Unfortunately, I have already started to analyze it!

Yang Hui didn't even let us participate!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: I want to participate too!!! ]

Everyone who can't participate can only watch!

[ Bullet: I disembarked from Roger beforehand!

And I'm not too interested in it either!

I have Devil Fruit too,

And it's awake!

So I will not participate this time!]

[ Golden Lion: Me too,

Devil Fruit's ability has been awakened,

It doesn't make sense to participate!

You play!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: I'm ready!

This time I have to get a prize!

Hope Yang Hui can give me a Paramecia fruit!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Hmph, Naruto, you are so beautiful!

It hasn't started yet,

Just fantasize about getting a prize?]

[ Yakushi Kabuto:@ Yang Hui, Mr. Yang Hui,

If both people say the correct answer,

Then how should it be calculated?]

[ Yang Hui: Whoever is quicker will win the prize!

Do not doubt the response speed of the group chat!

No matter how fast your brain is,

It can also be sorted!

can start!!

Guess first, I will announce the answer later! ]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: I choose Pluton Rayleigh!

Judging from the information obtained in the previous chat!

He is the co-captain,

And it was Roger's first crew member,

Roger has no reason not to choose him!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Ah, Kabuto-senpai, you are so cunning!

Answered so quickly!

That's the answer that came to my mind!


[ Orochimaru: Hehe!

Kabuto, you may be miscalculating!

Pluton Rayleigh is very likely,

But the most likely person Marine wouldn't be watching?

After all these years, if he has an adoption,

Marine is sure to find out!

Unless they hide in a remote place!

So Roger is also likely to be entrusted to someone else!

I choose Whitebeard!!!

Whitebeard has many sons,

An extra Marine or World government won't pay too much attention!

And when Yang Hui introduced us to the background of the pirate world before,

Whitebeard has a good relationship with Roger!


[ Hoshigaki Kisame: Garp I guess!

The relationship between Garp and Roger,

I know!!!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: You are all finished,

What else shall we say??]

[ Yang Hui: No need to guess for the rest!

What Kisame said was right!]

Yang Hui saw the correct answer came out,

It also stopped immediately!!!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Uncle Kisame!

How did you guess it???]

[ Hoshigaki Kisame: Isn't it easy?

Friendship of men!

Wasn't it the kind of relationship between me and Mr. Itachi that was both friend and foe?

So I think Garp and Roger are rivals,

But after chasing and fleeing for half a lifetime,

Be strong to each other, under the sympathy of each other,

There must be feelings too!

And Roger is in jail,

There is also a chance to meet Garp!

Didn't Aokiji say he wasn't called Marine Hero?

The power should not be small!

Actually I'm not too sure!!

Most importantly,

Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto,

That's it for the two most probable ones!

I just have to try it!!!

no way!

I didn't expect to guess it!! (Nuo Zhao)!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: Uncle Kisame, you are amazing!


Kisame has successfully become a fan of Naruto!!!

[ Uchiha Itachi: Kisame, I am really impressed with you today! ]

[ Hoshigaki Kisame: Good luck!!


[Ding! Roger's ban has been lifted by group owner Yang Hui!!!]

[ Golden Lion: It's the old Garp???


I didn't expect it!

Marine Heroes Adopt One Piece's Vicious Bloodline!

It would be interesting to spread this out!!]

[ Aokiji: It turned out to be Garp Vice Admiral!!

I really didn't expect it!!!]

After Aokiji knew it was Garp,

Silent too!

He understands Garp somewhat,

After all, he also let Nico Robin go!

Still keeping an eye on her in the dark!

[ Roger: Hahaha, Garp never broke his promise!

It's a pity he was too late!]

[ Yang Hui: It should be said that you arranged too late!

Marine starts investigating as soon as you're in jail!

And Garp is also being taken care of!

It would be nice if he could make a trip!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Hehe, I didn't expect slaves,

The 'righteous' Marine will cover up One Piece's son!]

[ Senju Tobirama: This is normal!

Is it that everyone has a lot of emotions!

Garp is no saint! ]