
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Uchiha Madara: Hehe!

What about the cloak of justice?

Just retire!

To be honest, I despise people who don't dare to do things like this!

a face of justice,

In fact, it is still illegal!


Although I am a bad person,

But I'm the same!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Yes!

He thought he wouldn't say it,

no one knows,

Can you walk to the front of the stage calmly and pretend to be upright?]

[ Senju Hashirama: The motor is here!

You say that too much!

Garp is just to protect a child!

Don't say that to him!]

[ Uchiha Madara: I am not fighting for the common people in the One Piece world!

It doesn't matter if they die or not!

I just simply don't see Marine justice!

Before Aokiji boasted that Marine protected civilians!

In fact?

Garp, the Marine hero, protects One Piece's son!

Didn't Roger cause great harm to ordinary people,

Frightening civilians all over the world?

Where has his justice gone now?

You said he was just protecting a child,

Then you don't look at your identity?

People are not only children and adults,

over the whole world,

Not everyone's servings are the same!

If the son of the pirate king is still alive in the world,

Will it cause great panic?

Is that how Marine protects civilians?

Aren't the so-called Marine heroes still malpractices?

So Marine's justice is nothing but false justice!]

Uchiha Madara criticized,

Destroy Marine's justice to nothing!

But Aokiji didn't come out to refute him either,

Because since the Ohara incident!

He's also confused about Marine's justice!

Yang Hui nodded secretly after reading Uchiha Madara's analysis!


Madara said nothing wrong!

But it's too hard to say!

Maybe Fujitora is the righteous Marine!

Garp Aokiji is pretty good in Marine too!

At least don't get confused about big things!

Although Garp adopted Ace,

But as long as the identity of Ace is not exposed,

Still no problem!

Aokiji let Nico Robin off is a show of justice,

World government launches Buster Call to erase Ohara,

Even countless ordinary people are not spared,

It was a very sinful thing to do!

[ Golden Lion: Well, well said!

I've been sick of seeing those fake Marines for a long time!

Not just a dog of the World government!

The whole world is shouting for justice and evil!

How can you have the face to put the word justice on your body!? ]

The Golden Lion clearly agrees with Madara's words!

Speak in solidarity with Madara now!


Roger doesn't have a good look and feel for the 297 Marine either,

I also want to say the same thing as Golden Lion!

But Garp helped him adopt his son,

It is impossible to smash the pot after eating!

He's not so shameless yet!

Just shut up and be silent!

[ Golden Lion: @ Aokiji, Frozen Kid,

tell me your opinion!

You are the only Marine faction in the group!

If you don't say a word, you can't say it!


Apparently, the Golden Lion wants to do something again!

Want to see Aokiji and Marine make a fool of themselves in the group!

[ Aokiji: You are telling the truth!

Marine is the ruling tool of World government!

Also did a lot of wrong things!

Marine isn't strictly justice either!

Marine has scum in it,

But there are also those who insist on their own righteousness and unshakable heart!

And Marine's exploits are indelible!

Marine has also killed a lot of pirates over the years!

You know what most pirates are like!

So I think Marine needs to exist,

The cloak of justice is also affordable enough! ]

Aokiji's words were sonorous and powerful,

Tells Marine's contribution to justice!

[ Golden Lion: Frozen Imp,

I appreciate you a little bit now!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Needle does not poke!

Without Marine,

I'm afraid the world of One Piece is even more chaotic! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: I think Uncle Aokiji is right! ]

[ Roger: What Aokiji said is very pertinent! ]

Obviously, Aokiji's remarks have been recognized by everyone!

[ Yang Hui: Marine is under the World government!

World government is not a good thing!

Where will the justice go for Marine?

So the righteous people in Marine,

Doubt about the justice of the World government and Marine,

They can only stick to the justice in their hearts!

Garp is still good!

Great contribution to justice!


[ Golden Lion: @ Yang Hui, who is Roger's son?

Can you say it now?

Maybe I still know it!

Although I have been flying in the sky for so many years,

But I never miss the news!


[ Roger: Hahaha,

It's Ace, right!

I discussed it with Rouge before!

If it's a girl, call it 'Ann'!

And if it's a boy,

It's called 'Ace'!!!]

Roger took the initiative to reveal the identity of his son!

It can't be hidden anyway!

Might as well just say it yourself!

[ Aokiji: Ace?

Are you talking about that Portgas·D·Ace?]

Aokiji suddenly thinks of a previous supernova!

What impressed him was that,

Ace rejected Shichibukai invitation from World government!

[ Roger:? Not Gol D Ace?

Why did you follow Rouge's last name?]

[ Senju Tobirama: You are already One Piece,

Do you think he would dare to use that surname?

It's too late to hide!


[ Roger: Hahaha!

That's right!

It's me who didn't think about it! ]

[Golden Lion: You also said that my IQ is low!

Are you not the same?


[ Yang Hui: I am afraid it can be used,

Ace won't use your last name either!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: Why?


[ Yang Hui: You really have no brains!

You are also responsible for the death of Ace's mother!

He always thought you killed his mother!

And since he was born,

He has heard people's malice towards him from everywhere!

Obviously he didn't do anything wrong!

But they have endured what they should not endure!

He even felt like he shouldn't be in the world!

So he hated the blood in his body!

I don't even want to admit that you are his father! ]

Yang Hui feels that Ace has Roger as a father is really miserable!

Although Usopp didn't get father's love,

But Yasopp didn't cheat him anyway!

Ace was born into darkness because of Roger's relationship!

[ Golden Lion: Hahaha,

Your son doesn't want to recognize you!

Roger, condolences!


The Golden Lion put a pinch of salt on Roger's inner wound at the right time!

[ Roger: Oh, it doesn't matter what surname you use!

He should hate me too!

I didn't care about him after all,

Rouge died because of me too!

But Aokiji is Marine Admiral,

Did you know Ace?

It seems that these twenty years,

Ace has made a name for itself!!!

As expected of my son!


Roger's brain suddenly brightened!

Know Ace through Aokiji,

Can actually deduce this layer!

[ Golden Lion: Oh!

I remember it!!!

I said why it sounds so familiar!

Since there is a rudder,

My memory is not good!

@Roger, your son may not be your son anymore!

He found himself a new dad!


Golden Lion has been thinking hard about it since just now!

Finally got him to think about it!

And let him discover an interesting thing!

[ Roger: What do you mean?


Rough, who dares to be his father?

I'll kill him!


Roger couldn't sit still when he heard Golden Lion's words!

He can't allow his son to recognize someone else as a father!

[ Golden Lion: Hahaha!


You really can't beat this guy!

Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world!

Didn't expect it?

Surprised or not, surprised or not?

just remembered,

Ace is the supernova that rose to fame in previous years!

Finally to challenge Whitebeard,

Instead, he ended up being Whitebeard's son!

He also became his second division captain! ]

The Golden Lion mocks Roger wantonly!

[ Roger: This is so special,

Whitebeard got his son on my head?

@Yang Hui, don't you know Impure World Reincarnation?

Can you try and summon me then?


I'm going to beat Whitebeard!


[ Yang Hui: Stop being a demon!

Whitebeard is more competent than you!

Not only did he not look at him with discriminatory eyes,

Instead, take care of him!

It can be said that he gave Ace the fatherly love he deserved instead of you!

What qualifications do you have to find fault with Whitebeard?

Maybe Ace will maintain Whitebeard by then,

What about hitting your father in return?

Ace: Don't look for me, Roger, I'm afraid Father Whitebeard will misunderstand!


Roger, who was criticized by Yang Hui in one sentence, has nothing to say!

Roger also had to admit,

What Yang Hui said makes sense!

He's really not qualified...

Then, the next sentence Yang Hui said,

Let Roger sit still!

[ Yang Hui: Actually, the person you should settle accounts with is Garp!

He took advantage of you and Whitebeard!


[ Roger: How to say?

I'm dead, how can he take advantage of me?


[ Yang Hui: Then do you know,

Ace calls Garp 'grandpa'?

According to the relationship,

Are you not his son?


As soon as Yang Hui's words came out,

Golden Lion was immediately amused by Garp's actions!

[ Golden Lion: Socket?

And this kind of bullshit?

Garp is such a fun guy!

By the way, Roger,

Garp and I are the same generation,

Please call me Uncle Shiki from now on,

Or I'm going to spank your ass!


[ Roger: Get out of here ('A')!

If you can, go to Whitebeard and say this now!


This Garp is so careless,

I treat him as a rival as a brother,

Does he want to be my dad?

I'll see him beat him once again in the future!

The world government can't keep him,

I said!


Although he was grateful that Garp kept his bloodline,

But he won't forgive Garp for taking advantage of him!

The Golden Lion, who was beaten up, is naturally not to be outdone!

Immediately hit back at Roger!

[ Golden Lion: Hehe (*¯m)!

I see you giving up the title of One Piece,

Let's call it the Bragging King!

Can you beat Garp?

Who is chased by Garp every day?

you forgot?


[ Bullet: Hahaha,

This time I stand Golden Lion!


As soon as Roger meets Garp, he is basically a run!

Don't dare to fight hard to the death!


[ Roger: You think I'm stupid!

My body doesn't allow it!

And we are running because the enemy has the advantage of the ship!

we can't hit them,

warships can hit us,

How can this beat?

So I didn't get chased by Garp because I was weaker than Garp!


[Golden Lion: You are double standard!

You told me earlier that luck is also a part of strength!

How did it come to you that this is the reason for your body and the advantage of the ship?

Can't Garp use his strengths?

Do you have to abandon ship to fight with you?

Roger, you double-standard your son, do you know that?


The Golden Lion mercilessly exposed Roger's excuses!

[ Senju Hashirama: Golden Lion is right!


[ Bullet: It's not your fault that you can't beat me!

But you make excuses and double standard,

That's a bit of a loss!


[ Senju Tobirama: If you can't beat it, you can't beat it!

There is no need to stand up for One Piece's face! ]

Apparently, Roger's double standard caused a lot of attack!

[ Roger: Humph!

Then since you say so,

After Yang Hui came to our world,

If I can Impure World Reincarnation,

Then I will prove myself again! ]

[ Roger: @ Aokiji@ Golden Lion@ Bullet,

How is the sea now?

According to previous conversations with you,

No one has found Raftel yet!

What happened to the power in the entire sea?

I really want to see what the world of the Great Pirate Age has developed!

From your point of view,

Does anyone have what it takes to be Joey Boy?]

Roger can't wait to find out after a decade or two!

He wondered if anyone could become the new One Piece!

[ Golden Lion: How much does Bullet know when he has been in prison!

Aokiji is Marine Admiral,

How could it possibly satisfy your request of a pirate!

It's up to me now!


Although I have been floating in the sky,

But always keep an eye on things at sea!

Now the Marines, Four Emperors, and Shichibukai check and balance each other!

The rest are some lesser-known pirates!

The main thing is these three forces! ]

[ Roger: Four Emperors? Shichibukai?

What is this all about!

There was no such thing in our day!


[ Golden Lion: Four Emperors is the abbreviation of the four -kun sea pirate emperors in New World!

Captains of the Four Emperors Pirates have the ability to rival Marine Admiral!

Their pirate group is also very strong!

The most interesting is Shichibukai!

In order to check and balance the Four Emperors of the New World, the World government,

I chose seven pirates,

Give them the right to plunder legally!

you say funny or not,

The world government actually admits that there are legitimate pirates!


[ Roger: Legal Pirates!?

Are you sure you're right?

Is this a sick sentence?

Is it legal to be called a pirate?


[ Uzumaki Naruto: It's really weird! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: It's really weird!

As World government,

How could you do such a stupid thing?

It seems that the World government is very confident in its own rule!

To allow such nonsense to exist...]

[ Bullet: The reign of the spicy chicken Celestial Dragons is basically unshakable!

So they can do whatever they want!]