
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs

Reaching Kumogakure!

After the crazy sex session that continued for four hours, Tsunade now lay down on Kazutora's back who rode a Unicorn and had to put the carriage away because of the crazy smell of sex and debauchery in it.

He didn't plan on disposing of the carriage as it was a memory of their day, and Tsunade now slept with her hands around his waist with a satisfied look on her face.

"It would be better if you remain silent and not attack for now," Kazutora murmured in a low voice, and Obito's eyes widened in the Kamui Dimension. He arrived in the place a few minutes ago when he recovered the connection with his Kamui Dimension again and before that, he couldn't use his Dimension.

What he didn't expect was that unlike before when he had full access to the Dimension, now he could only access a single 10mx10mx10m block and he received the signal, which is his other eye owned by Kazutora now.

Kazutora stared at Obito in the Kamui Dimension with an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan appearing in his eye and Obito felt some pain in his eye.

He had a bad feeling about this matter but before he could move, he felt his body getting stopped. His body appeared in the outside world and Obito's expression changed when he noticed that he had been kicked away from the dimension.

Kazutora made Obito move closer to him by using Bansho Ten'in and he plucked Obito's Mangekyo Eye and threw him away before he could even scream.

A few moments later, he heard Obito's scream which sounded like a whisper to him, and a chuckle escaped his lips.

'A world-devastating villain in future is nothing but a barking dog now. I will let him live so he can continue to fool Nagato and collect the tailed beasts for me.'

'The world needs a villain and enemy to unite against and I can't let Konoha be always the one who is deemed as the enemy and has to fight against united front when war starts.'

'Hmm, I think it would be good to pay a visit to other villages, starting with Kiri and I would like to see how the Fifth Mizukage is and if possible, save the likes of Haku and Kimimaro and many others who lost their lives because of Obito's stupid revenge and his cowardly actions to deluded himself in thinking that he took revenge for Rin.'

'Also, I want to confirm if Haku is a boy or girl.'

Kazutora thought in his mind, and he put the Sharingan in his Kama Seal and let it absorb his chakra.

As for Obito who had been thrown away by him, Kazutora didn't care as he knew that there was a White Zetsu around and it would take him away and keep him safe.

'Well, I wonder what Obito without Kamui can do.'

Kazutora thought with a chuckle, and he knew that Obito must have some spare Sharingan from Madara. He wondered if Obito could be like Madara who could open Susanoo with just Three Tomoe Sharingan and use other Sharingans and upgrade them on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan on his own with his chakra.

'Well, if he can, then I will have an unlimited supply of Kamui Sharingan and I will farm and get them for my women. Or I will just create a few after getting more proficient in Yin-Yang Release so that they will have access to my Dimension too.'

'It doesn't hurt to get stronger, but they can't be weaker than anyone else in the world.'

In his contemplation, Kazutora recognized that Izumi, Hana, and Hina were Chunin Level at their respective bases. Yugao held the rank of Special Jonin at hers. Nono, Kurenai, Anko, and Shizune were classified as Elite Jonin at their bases, while Pakura had achieved the esteemed Kage Level at her base.

Tsunade is Super Kage level at her base, and he is Peak Super Kage at his base. He would be able to defeat powerful opponents like the Third Raikage, Second Tsuchikage, and Second Hokage.

However, if he were to engage in battle with Madara and Hashirama at his base without resorting to a method that would exponentially increase his strength, he would not necessarily lose, but it would be difficult for him to emerge victorious.

Though, at his full strength, Kazutora was confident that he could defeat Madara and Hashirama in a 2v1, and he might even be able to fight Edo-Tensei Madara and Hashirama with peak bodies because of his Natural Energy and Yin-Yang release attacks.

Thinking of all this, Kazutora smiled, and he shook his head. There was no point in thinking about these thoughts, and Kazutora looked at the sky with a gentle smile on his face.

Tsunade, who was resting behind him with her head on his back, opened her eyes and rubbed them. She looked around and noticing that they were flying on a unicorn, Tsunade flashed a smile and said, "Let me drive it,"

"No," Kazutora denied her words and except for his dick, he wouldn't let her ride or drive anything. He had seen how she drove the car when they fought a virtual NFS battle and remembering the feeling, an ugly look appeared on his face.

Tsunade frowned at his words, and she remembered what she drove last time. Her expression changed and she hit his back as Tsunade understood what he was thinking and Kazutora laughed at her action.

"Wouldn't it be good to just stay like this forever?" Tsunade murmured with her hands around his waist and Kazutora shook his head.

"No! Immortality alone is sickening. Immortality with two people is good but sometime later, living alone together might get painful. Immortality with a big family is a good thing but at the same time it has many cons that I don't want to state now."

"So, nothing in the world is perfect with only pros. This means that it won't be good to stay like this forever." Kazutora said with a serious expression on his face and Tsunade focused on the glasses that appeared on his face and then shined when he set them back.

She touched the glass, and when she hands passed through it, she understood that he had made a projection. A laughter escaped her lips, and her burst of laughter rang in his ear and made him feel happy and giddy at her happiness.

"Haha~ Kazuu~ You really haven't changed, and I hope you stay like this. Still, you came inside me so many times. So, will I get pregnant today?"

"No," Kazutora said while shaking his head and Tsunade looked at him to continue his words.

"I was waiting for you to speak about this matter because I want to plan everything before getting any of you pregnant."

Kazutora said with a twinkle in his eyes. He had many thoughts about different dimensions like Kamui's Dimension, Kaguya's dimensions, Isshiki's dimensions, etc., and he planned on getting one where he could keep everyone safe before having a child.

Tsunade smiled at his words, and she didn't ask for anymore. When he is prepared, she knows that he will tell her and others and then they can have many children at the house.

Thinking of their child, Tsunade felt giddy in her heart and a giggle escaped her lips.

They continued their journey to Kumogakure while watching the scenery from the sky, and Tsunade took a lot of photos with Kazutora in different poses to show them around later in the harem talks and bragging.

In between, they would continue their little games and order each other to do several things such as dancing, singing, drama or other sexual actions to make the matter more interesting and hotter.

Two days later, the couple reached Kumogakure and they looked at the village built in mountains with several peaks in clouds.

"Hidden village in the cloud, heh! What a fitting name." Tsunade said and she had changed her outfit to a regular one with Hokage Cape and cap. Kazutora stood beside her with a thoughtful look on his face and he wondered how he should call out Raikage.

"A!" "B!" "ROLL OUT!"

He said with his voice infused in chakra, and the whole village heard the words. Their expression changed as they heard the voice and A and B, who were at the Hospital, trembled at the familiar voice. Even after their two days, their wounds hadn't healed, and A hurriedly moved out of Hospital before someone could make trouble for them.

He had informed Mabui, his secretary and it was good that A had informed her or if someone else met them, then it would be a problem for Kumogakure.

At the gate of Kumogakure, Tsunade gave Kazutora a weird look, who shrugged in response. They saw a white-haired woman walking towards them with a blond and red-haired women, and Tsunade's flickered as she at the red-haired woman.

"Half-blooded Uzumaki, and one-fourth Senju. The white one, she is the daughter of the previous secretary." Kazutora murmured while noticing the chakra signatures, and Tsunade's expression changed at his words.

She clenched her hand with a frosty look on her face, and Tsunade understood that Kumogakure had captured those who had a bloodline of the Senju clan, dead or alive.

If they were dead, Tsunade felt some relief, but if they were alive and then used for breeding, Tsunade swore to flip the table and make Kumo pay for their sins.

"Girl, are your parents alive?" Tsunade said as she appeared in front of Samui before Mabui and Karui noticed anything and Samui flinched at her question. She subconsciously shook her head at her words and Tsunade's eyes dimmed a bit.

"But I have a little brother who is eight years old." Samui blurted her thoughts unconsciously and Tsunade nodded at her words. She looked at the red-haired woman with a flicker in her eyes and asked, "What about you, girl?"

Karui and Mabui were stunned by Samui's answer and they didn't understand how she answered without thinking, but when Karui heard the question, she understood the reason.

Tsunade's voice contained an authority that made it difficult to ignore her words Karui answered sub-consciously, "My parents aren't alive, and I don't have anyone in my family."

Tsunade nodded at her words, and she appeared back at her place. A thoughtful look appeared on her face, and she looked at Kazutora, who understood her thoughts and nodded at her.

She wanted him to check around their memories and backgrounds to see if they had their memories sealed or changed, like what happened with Yugito Nii.

Kazutora accepted the matter as he was curious about their circumstances and wondered if Yugito was also related to Senju. Her chakra didn't say so, but Kazutora knew that her chakra had changed a lot because of Matatabi as he had sensed a similar thing from Naruto, who had three types of chakras in his body.

Kazutora looked at Mabui whom Tsunade didn't ask, and he also decided to check her and the transfer technique they used. Travelling with the speed of light isn't something to be scoffed at, and Kazutora was curious about the technique as a researcher.

"Welcome to Kumogakure, Fifth Hokage Tsunade-Sama and Hokage Advisor Kazutora-Sama," Mabui said with a professional look on her face but Samui and Karui beside her were lost in thoughts because the questions Tsunade asked them.

'Does she know my parents?'

They both had the same thoughts in her mind and for Karui who has never met her parents, she was naturally curious about them.

Samui, who had spent time with her parents remembered the talks about her grandmother, and she had heard that her grandmother always cursed Kumogakure and sometimes would start in the south with a lost and nostalgic look on her face.

She didn't understand how her grandmother could curse Kumogakure, the village they lived in, and now looking at Tsunade asking questions about her parents, she had bad feelings in her heart.

'Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.'


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