
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ainzelorph_9999 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Third eye and journey

I thought for a moment and an idea poped out, why not take out both eyes and use fusion and make it my third eye, yep that's gonna work even if it does not my eyes will just regenerate.

I get ready for the pain and open the the eighth gate of death, my veins start to bulge and my skin becomes red from heat, then I control the chakra and circulate it throughout my body like it was written in chakra cultivation volume twelve. My skin starts to cool down and the veins go back to their places, the chakra stabilises and the gate is permanently opened.

Next step I take out my two eyes and use fusion on them after they fully fuse I make a horizontal cut on my fore head and atach it using chakra strings, the body adapts by making new chakra pathways leading up to the third eye, the eye cicuit leading to the brain are made and network is connected, my two other eyes regenerate and becoe like they were never been plucked out my stable chakra network becomes more stable, the eyes looks like the byakugan with black background, the abilities that I get are three.

First is cause and effect I can see the couse of anything and affect of anything. e.g when I check the cause of a basket ball bouncing I will see the one who bouced it to how basket ball was made as it was one of the causes to the point I can see whole history and effect is the same like if I throw a ball I can see where it will land how much air pressure will be released how many particles will move and all.

Second is server I can server anything be it time, space, law, connection, emotion, force, senses, existence, fate, destiny, and karma.

Third is munipulation I can munipulate anything be it particles, matter, atoms, soul, energies, emotions, fate, karma, law, minds, destiny, senses, and existence.

I breakthrough asendant realm , next realm is earth immortal for I first need to make my chakra into immortal chakra and form earth under my nacent soul but it already take three years to make the chakra into immortal chakra and in the volume it is stated that it will take atleast hundred years to make it stable, enough dense, and enough quantity for next realm, in immortal realms and others I only need to fulfill the conditions to go to the next realm and every immortal realm will take at least hundred years.

Anyway the chakra will become immortal chakra passively because of the chakra cultivation teqnique I cultivate passively and it's ten times slower. I have to and meet the old man for the goodbye for the journey I am going to go today, but lets make a tailed beast that will stay with me in the dimension, lets make after I have become immortal then the beast will have immortal chakra aswell.

I get out of the dimension bead, now that I think about it I have not named it yet neither the planet or the traning planets. For the planet I am staying will be named Nature planet, the private treining planet will be named element planet and the public training planet will be named elemental planet. Lastly the dimension will be known as world bead.

(A/N I know my naming sense is too bad)

I go to old man's office and nock three times.

Hogoromo- come in

i go in, it is japanese style room, he is sitting on the floor and drinking tea.

Hogoromo- so where are you going.

Lin- I will be going with clones to explore lands in random directions I will teleport them And I will go to random direction to just explore different styles of living.

Hogoromo- when are you going to come back

Lin- about five years.

Hogoromo- I will give you a gift, since we will no see each other for five years. I know you are stronger than me so I will give you all my life experience.

Lin- you knew!!!, and here I thought I have hidden this fact very well.

Hogoromo- even though I am old that does not mean I have gone senile, anyway here are all my memories and life experience.*he taps my head*

I feel a lot of foreign memories and I quickly absorb them, the biggest gain will be the memory of him fighting different oponents and beceause of it my fighting style improved vastly, after all I only fought my clones so they can only take far.

Lin- thank you *while bowing*

Hogoromo- so you still know how to feel greatfull. Goodluck on your journey.

After that I pack my things and leave the village after saying goodbyes to the villagers. Elemental nations here I come.