
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


I teleport my clones to random places in the world, and dropped a stick while spinning it, it landed on south-west I walk down that direction. I only see trees and trees, after ten minutes, I finally see something other than trees I see a desert far away from waht I can tell it will probably take me three days to reach it with my current speed.

-three days later-

I finaly reach the desert, there is nokthing but sand and sand, I walk and walk, then I finnaly see a plant. I can see nothing else after limiting myself it will probabily will take me months to find nearest settlement. So I expanded range of my soul sense, I sense multiple life forces in one area, so there must some kind of settlement there. I run there at a normal jonin's speed.

-after another three days-

I am finaly near the settlement only will take me about one minute by walking, I walk slowly and reach the settlement or a little village that has about fifty people living including pets. There are still five years left until I can get mine. The villagers are happy and smiling and there is nno real hatred here, a villager notices me.

Villeger one- hello traveler my name is Han the son of the village head, may I know here are you ufrom and why have you come.

Lin- Hello my name is Lin, and I like to settle here temporarily and teach, the kids while at it.

Han- how long will you be living here?

Lin- about 4 years.

Han- I will tell my dad, he will surely will let you stay afterall we are in need of a techer. There are no elders or teachers in the village as most people don't want go out of the village to explore.

Lin- no need to worry I will teach writing, self defence, proffesion teching and ect.

Han- which age are you going to tech?

Lin- those from six to twelve, they are the ones who absorb the knowledge fastest and are easy to teach.

Han- then please come with me to the village chief house.

five minutes later-

chief- so your house will be done in about a week.

Lin- you don't need to worry about that I can just create one myself it will be way faster. Just show me in which plot I am living so I can make the house.

chief- are you going to build it with chakra and if so are you also giong to tech them how to use chakra?

Lin- yes I am going to bild it with chakra and no I am not going to tech them on how to use chakra, they are still children they don't know what' wrong or right.

chief- so you are going to be a good techer, let's go we are going to the plot, you are going to live there *directing to a corner near chief house* and can show me how are you going to make the house.

Lin- sure watch, *clap* wood release- wooden house.

Lots of roots grow out of the ground and take a shape of a house.

Lin- this is the way I am talking about.

the village chief is shocked as he has not seen anyone use wood release. As this was one of the rearest kekkei genkai even after the warring period after ashura only Hashirama the shinobi god had it.

Chief- you should rest today, tomorrow Han willl take you to the class you are teaching.

-next day-

*knock knock*

Lin- so are we going to the class I am teaching.

Han- yes there are some unrruly kids, don't blame them as they are still children and no one has thought them on how to behave.