
Naruto : Broadcasting The Future, Starting With Kaido ( Finished )

Traveling through the world of Naruto, Ken gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Ken creates a light curtain and begins to broadcast the future. Let the big guys in the shinobi world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: "Thanks to Gin, otherwise I wouldn't have known that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Impure World Reincarnation's Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ------- This is a Chinese fanfiction I am just translating it. ----- if You want to read Chapters in advance join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime e quadrinhos
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171 Chs

chapter 98

Chapter 98 Kyōka Suigetsu's Crack Method


In Konoha Prison, Shimura Danzō was shocked when he heard this.

I did not expect that I was actually under an illusion!

You know, his right eye is Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Shisui.

Logically speaking.

I should be immune to most illusions!

When exactly?

Shimura Danzō was silent for a moment, taking a closer look at himself.

The clothes were still intact, and the cuff of his right arm was empty and stained with blood.

in other words.

The time of his illusion.

It was after his right arm was cut off and before the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing was active!

There was only about ten seconds between them.

Aizen this guy.

In just ten seconds, a genjutsu was cast on a person who possessed Mangekyō Sharingan?!

["Kyōka Suigetsu!"]

[On the other side of the battlefield, Black Zetsu, who was paddling in the water, stuck his head out from the wall and watched the entire battle from the perspective of a bystander. ]

[From his perspective. ]

[After Shimura Danzō had his arm chopped off by Sōsuke Aizen, he stood alone and talked to himself, looking crazy. ]

[If you are an ordinary person, you will probably think that Danzo is crazy. ]

[But Black Zetsu. ]

[As Tomoko, who was created by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya using Yin-Yang Release Technique, has been in the ninja world for thousands of years. The man behind the scenes who has the most comprehensive knowledge of the current ninja world can see through the truth behind it at a glance. ]

[The main culprit causing this situation. ]

[It is the light green Zanpakutō in Sōsuke Aizen's hand————Kyōka Suigetsu!]

["Kyōka Suigetsu?"]

[As if mentally schizophrenic, White Zetsu on left half Zetsu suddenly asked: "I remember, Sasori the Red Sand had fought against Sōsuke Aizen, and learned that Kyōka Suigetsu was a flowing water type Zanpakutō that could be used to make random reflections of fog and water confuse the enemy and make them kill each other?"]


[Black Zetsu on the right sneered. ]

[Can you believe what Aizen said? You can't imagine how many people were deceived by him? ]

["Flowing water type Zanpakutō? Using the refraction of water flow?"]


Black Zetsu laughed for a while, shook his head and said that this was just a disguise used by Sōsuke Aizen to confuse his enemies. Just like the appearance he created when he was in Konoha, it was all fake!]

[White Zetsu fell silent after hearing this. ]

[He at this moment briefly experienced Danzo's mood. The feeling of being manipulated by someone is really uncomfortable. ]

[Then here comes the problem, even if the flowing water ability is fake. ]

[So. ]

[White Zetsu stared at the battlefield in the distance, looked at Sōsuke Aizen who kept teasing Danzo, and asked in confusion: "What is Kyōka Suigetsu's true ability?"]

[Black Zetsu narrowed his small eyes and said in a deep voice: "Hypnosis!"]

[After finishing speaking, Black Zetsu let out a creepy laugh and said slowly: "Kyōka Suigetsu's real ability is to control the opponent's five senses, allowing them to perceive the appearance, shape, quality, feel, and even smell of a specific object. They will completely believe it..."]

["As long as you see the moment when Kyōka Suigetsu is released, you will be in Complete Hypnosis from then on. Every time Kyōka Suigetsu is released, you will fall into the state of Hypnosis and be f**ked by Aizen!"]

Jiraiya: "Hypnosis?!"

Hearing these two words, he suddenly became interested.

It was like opening Pandora's box, and all kinds of indescribable contents were playing out in my mind.

In an instant, thoughts welled up.

Jiraiya: "I'm sorry, everyone, please take a look first. I suddenly got the inspiration to write the sequel to "Intimate Love in Paradise"!"

as a best-selling novelist.

Jiraiya's "Intimate Paradise" has been consistently ranked first on the best-seller list since its release.

Most ninjas in the ninja world have seen it.

As for the evaluation.

That can only be said to be Tifa in the bar————My younger brother said it was great when he saw it!

Rasa: "It seems that you are very familiar with this aspect. Can you borrow one to talk about?"

Onoki: "You guys don't even look at what time it is, and you still have the heart to talk about this kind of topic? I don't have such worldly desires!"

Rasa: "Old man, you are almost 75 this year, right? If you have this kind of worldly desire, it is indeed quite remarkable."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Konoha Hokage, was silent for a moment.

Silently put away the crystal ball on the table.

As a senior book fan, Kakashi couldn't help but say: "Jiraiya-sama, my friend Uchiha Obito has been a fan of your book since he was a child. He especially likes your book "The Legend of Strong Perseverance", so after you finish your new book, can you give me one for my friend?"

Kakashi: "I just want to burn it infront of Obito's grave to pay homage to his spirit in heaven."

Akatsuki Organization Base.

Uchiha Obito saw Kakashi's barrage, and a question mark popped up over his head.

in silence.

You'd better really burn it!

When everyone in the chat room was discussing Jiraiya's latest masterpiece.

On the light screen, Shimura Danzō tore open his collar again and cast the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing!

[next moment. ]

[Shimura Danzō's body began to spray black blood!]

[In this regard, Sōsuke Aizen did not stop. ]

[Just smile slightly. ]

[Sōsuke Aizen looked at Shimura Danzō and asked calmly: "Mr. Danzo, didn't you find anything wrong?"]


[Shimura Danzō's head shook slightly. ]

[Then immediately. ]

[Danzo immediately realized something was wrong!]

[The black blood in his body has been spraying for nearly ten seconds, but the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing on his chest shows no sign of being activated. ]


[Soon, Shimura Danzō figured it all out, and there seemed to be some gritted teeth in his voice: "Another genjutsu? No, to be precise, I have been in the genjutsu world you created, and even the one where i just lifted the genjutsu, You even deliberately created this scene to deceive me!!"]

[Danzo breaks the defense. ]

[How can anyone play like you?]

[Come to cheat, come to attack me, an old comrade in his 70s, no martial ethics!]


[Sōsuke Aizen slowly tightened his grip on Zanpakutō's scabbard, and continued with a smile: "You guessed it! I've already mentioned you from the beginning, Mr. Danzo, don't believe your eyes!"]


[ Shimura Danzō was furious and was about to curse. ]

[The next second, he suddenly calmed down. ]

[Think carefully for a moment. ]


[Like a creator, controlling the world...]

[I have seen this trick before!]

[Isn't it Tsukuyomi from Uchiha Itachi?]

[ Shimura Danzō suddenly became crazy, as if he had discovered a huge secret: "Supporting such a huge world will definitely consume a lot of your Chakra. I want to see who of the two of us can stand until the end!"]

[Previously Uchiha Sasuke has shown everyone how to crack Tsukuyomi. ]

[Just copy the guide and you're done!]

[Think of this. ]

[Danzo tears open his coat again. ]

[He doesn't believe in this evil anymore. He wants to see how many times Aizen can stop him? ]


[No matter how Danzo tries. ]

[The final result can be reached from the original starting point. ]

[It seems that everything he has done is in vain. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot achieve the reality of activating Reverse Four Symbols Sealing. ]


Onoki: "Tsukuyomi, nickname given by others - little Kyōka Suigetsu!"

Tsukuyomi - The most false and powerful illusion: it destroys the body, consumes pupil power, and can be easily broken by the user of Three Tomoe Sharingan. Excessive use can cause blindness.

Kyōka Suigetsu - The truly most powerful illusion: it has no side effects on the body, it is marked once and it is permanently effective! It can be said that there is no solution!

Rasa: "I suddenly feel a little sorry for Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "+1!"

Who do you think it is bad for you to offend?

I just want to mess with him.

Now it's good, you've hit the iron wall, right?!

[On the battlefield. ]

[White Zetsu couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat slowly appeared on his forehead. Looking at Shimura Danzō who was controlled by Aizen like a puppet on a string, his heart sank: "As long as They have seen the liberation of Kyōka Suigetsu, every time They see Kyōka Suigetsu Shikai, will They fall into a state of hypnosis?"]

["It seems we also watched that Chūnin exam, right?"]

["The Liberation of Kyōka Suigetsu!"]


[ Black Zetsu nodded. ]

[At that time, they did not know the true effect of Kyōka Suigetsu, so they had no precautions against Aizen's Shikai, and stared at the scene of liberation intently for a long time. ]

[White Zetsu clenched his fists and looked a little gloomy: "So, we are also under the illusion?"]

[As the mastermind who has been lurking for several thousand years. ]

[He was actually tricked by a kid in his early twenties. ]

[If this word is Spread to the word. ]

[I'm afraid I will become a laughing stock in the world. ]

[More importantly...]

[White Zetsu stared at Sōsuke Aizen: "How can we tell now that we are in the real world and not the illusion created by Aizen?"]

[This is a very serious problem!]

["Don't panic!"]

[ Black Zetsu slowly raised its head, and a cold laugh came from its head: "As a Shinigami, Sōsuke Aizen's Zanpakutō is indeed very powerful. There is no doubt about this, but Our mother Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is also a god. "]

["Of course there are ways to deal with it!"]

[The true effect of Kyōka Suigetsu was also delivered to them by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya through some special channel. ]


[White Zetsu asked curiously: "What can we do?"]

["Ho ho ho ho..."]

[Black Zetsu's laughter gradually became more permeable. He took out a top from somewhere, flicked it to the ground, and said in a deep voice: "This is the artifact given to us by Mother, specifically for Kyōka Suigetsu!"]

["It can be used to verify whether you are in an illusion."]

["If the top keeps spinning, it means we have fallen into Kyōka Suigetsu's Hypnosis state."]

["The opposite is reality!"].