
Naruto: becoming a Tsuchikage

Reincarnation is a technical job, and if you're not born in Konoha, Iwa Ninja Village will do. Since you don't have the chance to be Hokage, let's aim to become a Tsuchikage.

LordLho · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Soul Test

Chapter 3: Soul Test

The second round ended, and the results for everyone were basically the same as the first round.

Few people showed a significant difference between stamina and strength. Masumi's results were slightly better than in the first round. However, due to some tricks, his final assessment was a bit higher.

The competition among the children of these families became fiercer, but there were no other surprises, and they moved on to the third round.

The third round tests the soul. According to the ninja world, this is a test of mental strength.

Chakra is a combination of body and spirit, and each can bring great improvements to ninja practice.

The most typical examples are the immortal body of the Senju clan and the immortal eyes of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, the proportion of the mental strength test in the entrance exam is not inferior to the physical fitness test.

Since physical strength in the ninja world is much stronger than mental strength, the importance of mental strength is still hidden above physical strength.

However, mental talent is not as intuitive as physical talent and is even more difficult to detect.

The Ninja School test is relatively simple and divided into two parts: one is illusion resistance, and the other is perception ability.

The illusion test began quietly. Masumi and the others were still focused on the second round of tests when the illusion was already activated.

Masumi did not know the name of this illusion. He just felt a sense of disorientation and discomfort filling his heart, making him feel unwell.

Looking around, he didn't find any problem. When he was confused, he looked into the distance, and the sense of disorientation suddenly became stronger.

Upon closer inspection, the distant scenery seemed slightly broken.

Masumi was startled, quickly turned around, and shouted a warning toward the teacher.

But after shouting several times, the teachers did not respond, as if Masumi did not exist.

Masumi panicked and looked into the distance again. This time, he focused more, and the sense of disorientation became stronger.

However, Masumi was a relatively mature adult, so he still reacted.

He shouted, but not only did the teacher not respond, but other students also did not respond. This was obviously a problem.

Thinking about it again, the strength test just ended, and the soul test should be next. Could this incongruity be the test? Could it be... an illusion?

Masumi recalled several methods to break illusions from his memories of past lives and then seemed confused. Because no matter the method, either you need to have chakra, or you need to hurt yourself.

The first is difficult, while the second is beneficial for direct elimination.

This is just a ninja school entrance exam. The teacher definitely wouldn't ask students to do this when making questions. So, there must be other ways to solve this.

Masumi thought for a while but had no idea, so he began to observe the situation around him and found that the more he focused, the more flaws appeared in the illusion.

After trying several times, Masumi had some ideas. Could it be that he needed to concentrate? Close his eyes, take a deep breath for ten seconds, and then open his eyes...

While Masumi and others were falling into the illusion, the teachers at the Ninja School were also discussing everyone's performance. But it was different from usual. A few seconds after the discussion, someone noticed something was wrong.

"Hey, look at that boy named Masumi. He discovered the illusion so quickly?"

"How is that possible? The illusion just started." Another person responded and looked in Masumi's direction, "Did he really discover it?"

Contrary to what Masumi thought, this test was not about breaking the illusion.

A group of five and six-year-old kids who have never practiced chakra want to break the illusion cast by a chuunin? Even if this illusion is a simplified version, it's impossible!

The purpose of this exam is to test when students realize they are caught in an illusion. In other words, Masumi passed.

Everyone was still surprised when they suddenly discovered that Masumi had calmed down.

"Another genius. It's a pity that his physique is too poor; otherwise, the possibility of becoming a jounin is over 80%," said the first teacher who noticed Masumi's peculiarity.

Don't underestimate the 80%. Even a true genius cannot become a jounin without experiencing life and death and enlightenment.

It can be said that a jounin is the first step from a mortal to an immortal.

"Yes, not only is his spirit strong, but his character is also strong. The fact that he realized it so quickly is part of the admission test," someone concluded.

Everyone was still sighing, and suddenly someone noticed something was wrong.

"He is trying to break the illusion." This time it was the illusion caster who spoke.

"Oh, his reaction is so quick?"

"It shouldn't be broken. I've never heard of this person before. Among the students who participated in the test this time, it seems there were only a few who had developed chakra in advance. They were all children of big families. There is no one like Masumi."

"It's useless even if you have chakra. These kids have never experienced chakra control and can't use chakra to interrupt the genjutsu."

"Masumi's father is a chuunin, and his mother is a genin. There is no food or medicine to support the training, and the physical test performance now is definitely far from the standard to improve chakra."

After saying this, many teachers nodded with emotion.

Many of these people are children of civilians or common ninja families like Masumi, and have long suffered from the lack of resources.

It is precisely for this reason that the four major powers outside the Ninja World, excluding Fire, will spare no effort to provoke Konoha, all for the purpose of appropriating resources.

At this moment, to everyone's eyes, Masumi ended his state of closed eyes and regulated breathing.

Masumi was seen calmly looking at everything in front of him, as if he had everything under control, looking around, and then the caster exclaimed, "He broke the illusion."

At the same time, Masumi's eyes were on the teachers. Everyone was surprised by Masumi's calm demeanor.

"Is this how a five-year-old should look?"

Even though this was the ninja world, even though there were many geniuses, everyone was shocked by Masumi.

"Huh... we, Iwa Ninja, also have a true genius." Someone breathed a sigh of relief and then sighed.

"Oh, it would be good if he were physically stronger. There is almost no Yin Escape in the village and not much of a collection of illusions."

After hearing this, everyone reacted and almost all sighed disappointedly. Yes, the physique is average.

Maybe for ordinary people being above average is an advantage, but for geniuses, it's an annoyance and also the kind of flaw that is hard to compensate for.

Although Konoha's Might Guy and Rock Lee can continuously break the limits of the human body with their physical abilities, it's because their physical talents are very good.

That's right, Rock Lee, who keeps shouting that he wants to surpass the genius, is actually an absolute genius.

His persistence is not only due to hard work and will but also because his body can support such efforts. If this kind of training were applied to other people, what they would get in return is not progress but disability.

Now, in the eyes of these people, Masumi is Rock Lee, in the eyes of Konoha's high officials. They won't laugh at Rock Lee for not knowing ninjutsu.

Because they know that it is basically not difficult for people with this kind of Taijutsu talent to become jounin, and the possibility is over 90%.

Of course, it's basically impossible to become Kage level. In fact, this is also the case. Without the bonus of the Eight Gates Forbidden Technique, Rock Lee is just an ordinary jounin.

Although the Eight Gates can give him Kage-level strength, he cannot sustain it for long, it is very damaging to the body and is very unstable. It would be very disadvantageous to face a real Kage level.

Of course, if the eighth gate breaks and uses life as fuel, it will completely exceed the scope of forbidden arts. The power of the strike was completely beyond the Kage level.

Masumi is similar to Rock Lee. As long as you have proper training methods and work hard, it is perfectly possible to reach the level of Might Guy and Rock Lee.

But the Iwa Ninja Village doesn't.

The current Iwa Ninja Village is not the same as the Iwa Ninja Village during the Fourth War. Besides the abundant Earth Escape, the current Iwa Ninja Village has almost all other deficiencies.

At this moment, someone said, "I recommend him to enter Class 1."

Even if the village can't train him, he is still a genius." Geniuses may be able to carve their own path.

The others were stunned, and after a moment of silence, everyone said one after another: "I agree."

"I agree too."


In this way, before Masumi realized it, he had already secured a spot in the upper class, and it is the best class among several upper classes.

At this moment, Masumi also discovered that he had successfully broken the illusion.

He let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the intensity of this illusion was very low.

Just now he was focusing on the distance where he was looking and saw that the flaw in the distance was getting bigger and bigger under his gaze.

Then, as his gaze changed, the flaws also changed, and the speed of recovery of the previously broken places could not keep up with the speed of destruction.

Until many places were destroyed and the illusion could no longer be maintained in his eyes. Then, as if a mirror had broken, the false scenes around him suddenly disappeared and the real world reappeared.

This time, Masumi immediately looked in the direction of the teachers and saw the teachers looking at him. So he knew in his heart that he had succeeded.

It's not that Masumi is so powerful, but the caster didn't use much chakra.

Moreover, facing hundreds of people at the same time, the illusion itself was not very strong, so this gave Masumi a chance.

Of course, even this is incredible for a child without chakra.

Masumi didn't waste any time and quickly sat down to rest.

The moment now seemed simple, but under the pressure of the illusion, a lot of mental energy was consumed and now he felt exhausted, he should take advantage of the moment when everyone is still struggling to recover.

You must know that chakra is a combination of body and spirit, a product of the combination of yin and yang.

However, Masumi's mental power is not combined with body energy. It is a single Yin attribute, so it is qualitatively incomparable to chakra, hence the consumption of mental power in the process of breaking the illusion is very large.

This scene fell into the eyes of the teachers and they all nodded in appreciation. Taking the time to recover strength was also the way to survive on the battlefield.

A ninja is a profession that breaks conventional thinking. No one knows when danger will come and one must use the best possible state to deal with the unknown.

When Masumi sat down to rest and recover mental strength, most of the students had not yet realized that they were caught in an illusion.

Everyone thought it was a normal break between the two sessions. In their eyes, the teachers were still discussing the results of the first two rounds.

Only a few people felt that something was wrong, and the reason they were able to react so quickly was because when Masumi broke the illusion, the caster was very shocked, which made the illusion fluctuate.

However, this had nothing to do with Masumi. He was sitting on the ground resting with his eyes closed. He judged that it would take a long time for everyone to finish the assessment, which would be enough time to restore some mental strength.

But this time Masumi was wrong. If he had to wait for everyone to realize they were caught in an illusion, it would take a long time, but that wasn't the real situation.

After all, there are only a few people in the ninja world who develop Yin Escape, and the vast majority are normal ninjas.

Most Yin Escape ninjas still learn auxiliary ninjutsu, such as perception.

There are very few who can be used in actual combat like the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, or the one currently performing genjutsu.

Therefore, the purpose of this round of selection is to identify a few people who have Yin Escape talent or Yin Escape resistance.

So, to Masumi's surprise, the teacher quickly announced the end of the third round.

At that moment, except for a few people who were cautiously looking around, most seemed confused.

Of course, the surprised expression of Masumi also confused everyone's eyes, and he was naturally classified as mediocre by those familiar with him.

(End of chapter)