

Watch as Naruto saves Uzushiogakure from destruction and its rise as the Sixth Great Nation. I do not own any NARUTO characters or anything related to it... I am just a fan that's want to write a fanfic... that's all.........

Pawan_Kumar_5909 · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs





"What the hell happened to my hair? Why is it red now? Have I awakened the Uzumaki Kekkai Genkai Kakuhenkan?" Naruto has just taken a bath. He had bathed three times to remove the yucky liquid all over his body. He was drying his hair with a towel when he noticed it. His hair is now red dominated by blond. He could not figure out how this could happen other than the fact that he had awakened the Kakuhenkan. Because the red hair and red pupils are associated with his clan's Kekkai Genkai Kakuhenkan.

He mulled over all the information he had available on the 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique'. After thinking over it for sometime, he finally came to the conclusion that his hair turning red is related with the spiritual energy of Yaichiro's father which he received from the seal.Yaichiro didn't knew about this. He is not going to inform his uncle because he didn't know how Yaichiro will react when he finds out that his father didn't died because of illness but rather due to using most of his Life Force in creating that seal.

Naruto shook his head at the absurdity, to sacrifice one's own life without any hesitation. Such devotion towards his clan. Yoshitsune must have really loved the Uzumaki Clan. Now he is indebted to Yoshitsune's sacrifice and it is up to him to succeed in reviving the Uzumaki Clan and Uzushiogakure. Such a big task but he will succeed because failure is not an option here.

Naruto dried his hair and worn the clothes kept on his bed. He then headed towards the dining room. He's hungry.

"Uncle! What's for dinner tonight?"

"We have roasted wild turkey and lobster for tonight, caught by my clones. We have ran out of spices so we have no choice but to eat this. I will go to the nearby town tomorrow to bring in the necessary food supplies. Till then try to enjoy this!"

"Nah! It's ok! Turkey and Lobster are rich in protein and an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. It will be good for my body, a lot better than Miso Ramen."

Yaichiro smiled. The seal really worked. It seems that Naruto can now differentiate between what is good and what is bad for himself. Yaichiro turned around with the roasted turkey and lobster when he noticed something, "Woah! Would you look at that! It seems your Uzumaki blood is finally awakening!".

"It seems so!" Naruto rubbed his hair. They are now a mixture of thirty percent blood red and seventy percent yellow in colour.

Yaichiro then put the roasted turkey and lobsters on the table. He served some to Naruto. The whiskered-child then chowed down on the lobster and turkey like a hungry beast. He hasn't eaten anything in the last three months.

"Slow down nephew! The food isn't going anywhere!!"

Naruto nodded. He slowed down and started a conversation, "I have something important to talk with you uncle. While I was showering in the bathroom I was thinking of ways to speed up my training and guess what?! Two really cool ideas came to my mind!"

"Oh! What are they nephew? You can tell me!!".

Naruto nodded, "What do you know about the Shadow Clone Technique and the Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique?"

"The Shadow Clone is a technique invented by the Second Hokage..."

"I didn't mean that!" Naruto interrupted Yaichiro and continued, "I meant why the Shadow Clone Technique and the Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique are considered special? What are their speciality?"

"Oh! Ummm! Well! Unlike the basic Clone Technique, Shadow Clones are physically real..."

"I also didn't meant that!" Naruto again interrupted his uncle and resumed, "What are their other speciality?"

"I don't know!" Yaichiro said in frustration, "Why don't you tell me nephew?"

"No worries! I will tell you uncle! When a Shadow Clone disperses, the clone's experiences and remaining chakra are transferred back to the user. This ability of the Shadow Clones to share experiences make them useful for intelligence gathering without endangering themselves, and dispersing when finished, thus transferring what they've learnt to the user. We can use this ability of the Shadow Clones to accelerate my training. By using tens of such clones, training that would usually take weeks or months, I can complete them within a few hours."

""Woah! That's a brilliant idea nephew! We can use hundred clones to practice each of the shinobi arts and other exercises. It will really accelerate your training."

Naruto frowned, "I will die like that uncle!".

"Huh! Why?" Yaichiro gave a confusing look to Naruto.

"You never used the Shadow Clone Technique extensively! Did you?!"

"Nah! I never use them in battle! They are not sturdy enough! I mostly use them for information gathering!"

"The Shadow Clone Technique requires a considerable amount of chakra to create just one Shadow Clone, even though I'm a jinchuriki I can't make that many clones! Uncle! Besides that most Shinobi trainings are arduous in nature and even though I won't feel the physical fatigue I will definitely feel the mental fatigue. And if I use so many clones at once for training then the mental fatigues and the transfer of so much information from all of those clones inside my brain at once could destroy my mind. But since I am a Jinchūriki I shouldn't have a problem if I use fifty or lesser clones for training and dispel them one at a time."

"Can you perform the Shadow Clone Technique?"

"Nah! I cannot but I have the knowledge necessary to use the technique uncle. All I need is to practice the technique a lot of times. I can definitely master it."

"What about the Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique nephew? How are you going to use it to accelerate your training?"

Naruto nodded, "First tell me the speciality of the Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique!"

"Umm! The Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique's speciality is that it creates an exact copy of the person who removed the technique's forbidden tags with their appearance, weapons, battle skills, Kekkai Genkai and so on. Because the copy has a fixed amount of stamina and doesn't feel exhaustion, it has an advantage in a drawn-out battle."

Naruto nodded and again questioned his uncle, "How can we defeat that clone?"

Yaichiro sighed. Naruto is treating him like a child. He didn't liked this one bit but nonetheless he still answered him, "In order to cancel the Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique and defeat their copy, the one who removed the tag has no choice but to somehow push past the previous limits that they had at the time they removed the tag."

"Good! Good! You remember it. So in order to cancel this technique and defeat their copy, the one who removed the tag has no choice but to somehow push past the previous limits that they had at the time they removed the tag. Thus it means the clone can help the one who removed the tag push past their previous limit. Isn't this make this fūinjutsu ideal for training purposes?"

"Wohohoho! Brilliant! Nephew! Just simply brilliant!! Why didn't anybody thought of that before? The clones of Mirror Sudden Attacker Technique will really help in training!" Yaichiro was impressed, very very impressed. He couldn't believe it. Naruto has changed this much. The brat had become very sharp indeed. His father must have really been one of the greatest genius their clan ever produced to create such a technique which enhanced Naruto's brilliance so much. These methods discovered by Naruto could also help him a lot in achieving new heights of power. He is also going to start training soon.

"What are you going to name this technique?"

"What is there to name it! The technique will be known as 'Uzumaki Fūin: Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique Training Method'."

Yaichiro gave his nephew a bored look. He wasn't impressed one bit with the name. But Naruto ignored his uncle and continued eating his food.

Naruto is indeed going to make effective use of these shortcuts, but the combined experiences of the clones will come with combined mental fatigues which will definitely force Naruto to take regular breaks. He had to make a routine for his nephew. Then again Naruto can also do it, he is now more than intelligent enough to create a training routine for himself.

"Uncle! Why did the Uzushio Shinobi never went to Konohagakure? I know about it but I want to hear it directly from your mouth and if you gathered some new information?"

"As you already know, we did indeed scatter across the Elemental Nations but never went to Konoha because the Konohagakure couldn't be trusted either. It wasn't just some paranoia nephew. There were reasons to believe that Konoha might be the main reason behind our downfall." Yaichiro explained lightly, "For example how did the enemy Jinchūrikis knew about the secret entrance to our village. It was one of the reasons why we didn't managed to hold the invasion even for a week. What about your grandfather Lord Ashihara? He was meant to return to the village with Lady Mito. She would have unleashed the power of the Nine-Tails to scare off the invaders out of our land. But he never returned. We never heard anything about him ever again. The last time he was on his way to Konohagakure with the other Uzumakis."

"So you believe Konohagakure eliminated my grandfather when he went there to bring Lady Mito, most probably out of fear of losing the Nine-Tails to Uzushiogakure. Huh?!" Naruto asked calmly.

"Yeah! That's what my father believed atleast that's what his investigation suggested. Lord Ashihara wasn't the type of person who would leave behind his wife, children and people to face such a danger when there is still breath left in his body. He was courageous enough to once face an entire squadron of Kirigakure Shinobi alone in order to allow his injured comrades to escape. Why would somebody like him won't return if he wasn't killed by the Konoha Shinobi?! Who would even kill him other than the Konohagakure Shinobi? And the most important question is how did the enemy Jinchūrikis found out about the secret entrance to our village whose information is known only to the elders and the higher authorities of our village and to the highest authorities of Konoha village."

Naruto nodded, "Konoha has taken so much from me..." He sighed. This isn't fair! Why?! Why did Uzushiogakure have to be destroyed? The village never threatened anybody. It's all because of the greed of the Third Raikage and the Third Mizukage. If those bastards wouldn't have tried to control all of the sea and the coastal areas around the Land Of Fire and our land then Uzushiogakure wouldn't have got dragged in the Second Shinobi World War and it wouldn't have been destroyed. He decided to put these thoughts out of his mind.

"Anyway uncle! What can you tell me about Foundation? I have some data on them but it was old. Do you have any latest information on them?"

"I do! Apparently the Third Hokage immediately after the Uchiha massacre for reasons I have yet to discover have disbanded the Foundation. Although despite the Foundation being officially disbanded, it is still secretly active. Here's another interesting information, the leader of the Foundation Danzō Shimura, one of the Three Elders of Konohagakure, was also removed from the Konoha Council by the order of the Hokage the same day the Foundation was disbanded and that too immediately after the Uchiha massacre."

{{{A/N: For the world Danzō's organisation is known as Foundation but for Konoha and on paper it is known as Root. That's how whenever the accusations were thrown on Konoha, Konohagakure denied them with argument that it never had an organisation known as Foundation.}}}

"So that means Danzō or his organisation, either of them was in some way involved in the Uchiha Massacre." Naruto deducted.

"Yes! Nephew! But we don't know anything about it."

"Since the Third Hokage immediately disbanded the organisation and removed Danzō from the council, it means that Danzō must have ordered his organisation to do something to the Uchiha Clan that made the Third Hokage so mad that he immediately threw such a high ranking elder out of his council. Hmmm! We might know something if we find out about two things, first what does the death of the entire Uchiha Clan can provide Danzō. Under whom Itachi Uchiha was working before he committed the massacre? Also it will help a lot in solving this mystery if you have some information on the Uchiha Clan's circumstances before their massacre and on the activities of the Foundation!"

"I do have information on them. I was curious since Itachi Uchiha alone have managed to achieve something that the entire Senju Clan have tried for generations and still failed. And I wanted to better understand the reason behind your imprisonment so I did collected a lot of information on Itachi Uchiha and Uchiha Clan. Since the Foundation is a very dangerous organisation so every Shinobi working in the underworld always keeps some information on such dangerous groups. I also happen to work in the underworld sometimes so I also have information on Foundation and their activities."

"Oh! Then what are we waiting for! Spill out the information uncle!"

Yaichiro nodded, "Let's start with Itachi Uchiha. He was considered a prodigy of prodigies born once in every few generation. He even set a record of completing the academy in just four months and graduating as the youngest post-war graduate from the Konoha academy. Another record he set up was that he obtained the second highest scores in the history of the Chūnin Exams' written test behind Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. He became Gennin at 7, Chūnin at 10, ANBU at 11, Anbu Captain at 12 though his publicly disclosed promotion age is 13."

"Woah! This Itachi is really a hotshot! So who was he working for before going mad and committing the massacre?"

"He was obviously working under the Hokage as all ANBU do. He was assigned to Kakashi Hatake during that time but just a few months before the massacre he was removed from Kakashi's team and was placed incharge of village security."

"How weird?! It doesn't make sense at all."

"Why do you think so nephew?"

"Because if I would have been in place of the Hokage I wouldn't have placed Itachi incharge of the village security. Sure! He is very talented but Kakashi Hatake is also equally talented and more experienced. I would have chosen Kakashi over Itachi for such an important position. In security matters, experience play a bigger role than talent. It would have made more sense. Itachi was far too young for such a position which means it was a cover used by Konoha authorities to make sure that nobody finds anything about Itachi's new place of work just before the massacre. Don't you think so uncle?!"

"That's a very interesting analysis nephew..."

"Anyway! Please tell me about the circumstances of the Uchiha Clan before their downfall!"

"The Uchiha Clan's circumstances weren't that good before the massacre, they were almost stripped of all of their power by Konoha's leadership. Although their economic condition weren't bad but they didn't anymore have any significant political power in the village. After the attack of the Nine-Tails, the Uchiha were relocated to the edge of the village, there were rumours that the Konoha's leadership took this decision because of suspicions, they completely isolated the Uchiha Clan from the rest of the village so that they could easily spy on the Uchiha Clan."

"What kind of suspicions?"

"There were rumours circulating around Konoha that the Uchiha Clan was behind the attack of the Nine-Tails. Some survivors who had seen the Nine-Tails up-close that day claimed that they saw tomoe in its eyes which is a characteristic of the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan genjutsu. There were also rumours that suggested that the Uchiha Clan actually were behind the attack because they wanted to weaken Konoha enough so that they could easily take over the village by force and regain their lost prestige and power."

"How interesting?! Then by following that logic we can say that the Uchiha Clan really followed the plan but Itachi on the orders of Danzō interfered and killed all of his clansmen before they could begin there coup d'état. When the pacifist Third Hokage learnt that Danzō ordered Itachi to do something so horrifying which involved killing of even the children of the Uchiha Clan who were completely innocent. The Third Hokage out of guilt and anger immediately disbanded the Foundation and removed him out of the council." Naruto said jokingly.

Yaichiro's chopsticks fell out of his hand on the table. He looked at Naruto with wide eyes. His nephew has solved another mystery. Simply brilliant.

"Why are you looking at me like that uncle? Have I grown a second head?"

"No! No! Did you realised nephew just now, you probably uncovered one of the most well-kept secrets of Konohagakure!"

"Don't be ridiculous uncle! I said that theory as a joke. There's nothing to prove it."

"Ok! Why don't we take your joke as the base and try to get answers to the unsolved questions. If the answer made sense then your joke might be true. Later on I can gather more information on the Uchiha massacre to prove if your joke is really true or not."

"We can try that!" Naruto have no problem with such an approach.

"Let's see if Itachi isn't working as the village,'s security incharge then he is obviously working for somebody else. Somebody powerful enough to command an Hokage's ANBU. How many such people exist in Konoha? Danzō is one of such people, he completely fits the criteria."

"That's a valid point uncle!" Naruto nodded.

Yaichiro asked his next question, "Why would a prodigy like Itachi will eliminate his entire clan? How could Itachi without the support of the village can eliminate the entire Uchiha Clan, something that the Senju Clan tried for generations and still failed? There were no mention of any ANBU dying that day trying to stop Itachi. How could Itachi kill so many people and still not alert any sensor around the village? ANBU were supposed to be filled with the most talented of the village shinobis including the sensory ones like the Shinobis of the Yamanaka Clan. I don't think it's possible without the help of the village's authority. Next why would the Hokage will remove Danzō from his council and disband his Foundation immediately after the massacre?"

"Ok! Your arguments are solid uncle! Now answer some of my questions! What kind of damage did the Uchiha Clan sustained during the attack of the Nine-Tails?"

"Well! They didn't sustained any casualties during the attack if that is what you are asking because the higher authorities of Konohagakure have restricted them from interfering. They only lost their compound in the attack."

"I see! So let me clarify it for you in a simple way! The Uchiha Clan didn't tried to take over the village when they were at their strongest and the village was at its weakest, when most of the surviving shinobis, Clan Heads, the Third Hokage were tired from fighting the Nine-Tails, many Shinobi including the Fourth Hokage had died."

"Maybe because they didn't wanted to face the God of Shinobi Hiruzen Sarutobi!" Yaichiro replied.

"Let's assume your theory right so the Uchiha were ready to face Hiruzen Sarutobi when he grew old eight years after the Nine-Tails' attack when the village have successfully recovered its lost power instead of trying to take over the village when they were at their lowest when Hiruzen Sarutobi was tired from fighting the Nine-Tails."

"Haha!" Yaichiro gave an embarrassed laugh, "So I was wrong."

"No! No! As I have said before some of your arguments are solid! How could Itachi kill so many people and still not alert any sensor around the village? ANBU were supposed to be filled with the most talented of village shinobis like the sensory shinobis of the Yamanaka Clan. It clearly indicates that somehow the establishment of Konoha is involved in the massacre in some way. There is the possibility that the Uchiha, having helped create Konoha decades earlier, were offended by this mistrust from the side of Konoha's leadership, setting in motion the events that would lead to the Uchiha Massacre. The Uchiha were a very prideful and arrogant clan so the possibility isn't that far fetched. But we cannot be sure without any concrete proof. We are talking about a genocide here! Do you know the kind of chaos it can bring upon the other clans of Konohagakure. It could be a very solid blackmailing material I could use against the Hokage."

Yaichiro nodded in agreement.

"Uncle! What about the Itachi's Team Captain? What was his name again... Yeah! Isn't it Kakashi Hatake, the Sharingan Hero? Tell me about his background?"

"Well! The Sharingan Hero is his old moniker. He is nowadays known by a new moniker 'Copy Ninja Kakashi' because he is said to have copied over a thousand jutsus with the help of his implanted Sharingan."

"Impressive!" Naruto praised Kakashi.

"Nephew! I think you should also update your information. It looks like your information is a few years old. It's around of the era of the Third Great Shinobi World War."

"Yeah I will update my information! It looks like I just have to memorize the latest information from the Bingo Books or I could use the Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Reading Seal to scan and learn all the memories/information inside your brain to update myself."

"Can you really use that fūinjutsu? It's quite a difficult one to learn!"

"I have the theoretical knowledge so it shouldn't be a problem to learn it. I just have to practice a lot. You were saying something about Kakashi Hatake."

"Oh! Yes! Kakashi have also been removed from the ANBU immediately after the massacre. He is now serving as an elite Jōnin. In the past he had also worked for the Foundation. But later he left it and again joined the Hokage's ANBU. According to the rumors, Kakashi defected the foundation because he had some kind of argument with Danzo over moral values. But here's the interesting part, the Foundation has a history of never allowing anybody to defect from their organisation and if they did then it's become a top priority for the organisation to eliminate the defector at any cost. It's why nobody knows anything concerte about their members, the method of their operations or the number of dirty operations they conducted for Konoha. The organisation's top priority was its secrecy. That's why only a select few mostly the cream of the underworld and the higher officials of the various Hidden Shinobi Villages even knows about the existence of such an organization. So why did they spared Kakashi? According to the rumours it's because of Kakashi's Sharingan. It is said Danzō became so impressed by Kakashi's usage of it that he considered Kakashi indispensable and absolute necessary for the village."

"That's an interesting information uncle! So Danzō was that much impressed with the Sharingan. Huh?!" Yaichiro nodded in response. "I think the picture has now started clearing a little bit." Naruto finished.

"You deduced something! Tell me about your findings! Nephew!" Yaichiro requested Naruto excitedly.

"I will tell you everything eventually! First Tell me how do you have so much information on Kakashi?"

"He was Itachi's senior months before the massacre and I really was impressed with Itachi's power. So I wanted to learn everything about him. Hence I thoroughly investigated Kakashi Hatake too." Naruto gave his uncle a disappointed look. "

Don't look at me like that I wasn't impressed with what Itachi did to his clan rather I was impressed with his prowess that he gained at such a young age." responded Yaichiro.

"Oh! I am sorry!"

"It's nothing nephew! Now tell me about your findings!"

"I will tell you uncle just answer my last question! What was the Foundation doing before the massacre? Do you have any information on them."

Yaichiro nodded and started sharing the information with his nephew, "In the underworld, there were rumours that the Foundation were hunting down Shinobi with Kekkei Genkai and special abilities, though nobody ever found authentication about it. Now tell me about your findings!"

"That's confirm my suspicions!"

"Oh! What suspicions nephew?"

"Since the Foundation was hunting Shinobi with Kekkei Genkai and special abilities it means Danzō was interested in Kekkai Genkai. He was also impressed with the usage of Kakashi's Sharingan. And Sharingan is a Kekkai Genkai. Obviously the Uchiha Clan would have never allowed Danzō or his men to ever use their Kekkai Genkai like they allowed Kakashi..."

"You mean Danzō killed the Uchiha Clan to gain their Sharingan to enhance the power of his organisation. That's ridiculous. The Hokage would have executed him for such an act..."

Naruto interrupted Yaichiro and added his input, "If the Uchiha Clan weren't really trying to perform the coup d'état. Since planning a coup d'état made the Uchiha basically traitors and eliminating traitors isn't a crime at all. But since Danzō is an extremist in nature, he made Itachi kill everyone including innocent children which prompted the Third Hokage to punish Danzō hence he removed him from his council and disbanded his organisation."

"That's what I suggested before but you refused my theory back then! Why agree with it now?"

"Because after analysing the situation everything makes sense now! Back then we didn't knew why the Uchiha Clan was trying to perform a coup d'état or about Danzō's interest in Kekkai Genkai? All we need now is a concrete proof."

"That won't be easy nephew. If our theory is right then it is a state secret of Konoha and every proof related to it must have been destroyed by now."

"Uncle! Sometimes you talk like you don't have a brain!"

"What are you trying to imply nephew?!" Yaichiro raised his voice in anger. He didn't like when somebody tries to belittle him.

"You yourself told me uncle that despite the Foundation being officially disbanded by the Hokage, Danzō is still keeping it secretly active. So do you really believe someone like him wouldn't keep even one or two Sharingans in his possession. He must have implanted them in some of his soldiers. There is a chance that he implanted one of the Sharingans in his own bodyguards so that they could better protect him as the Sharingan's visual prowess is quite an impressive..." Naruto went silent in realisation.

"So I should check out his bodyguards! Huh?!" Yaichiro asked Naruto.

"No! What was I thinking? How stupid I can be!!? Danzō would never do that. He is a highly paranoid person, atleast that's what my great-grandfather used to tell your father..."

"How do you know that nephew?" Yaichiro again interrupted him.

"The Knowledge Of All Things Technique passed me your father's memories too."

"Ohh! So what do you think Danzō would do with the Sharingan then?!"

"Danzō being a highly paranoid person would think along the lines: If I implanted the Sharingan in my own men then there is a chance that they will use the Sharingan's visual genjutsu prowess to manipulate me. So I shouldn't do that!"

"Then what will he do with it? Will he destroy them?!"

"No! He won't do that. He will think the power of the Sharingan is too great to waste like that. It's most important being the ability to control Bijūs. Konoha possesses only one jinchūriki while their enemies like Iwagakure and Kumogakure possesses two of them each. So a paranoid person like Danzō will never do that. Hence instead of implanting the Sharingan eye in his own men, he will implant it to himself."

"Woah! It looks like you are on fire Naruto. Another very logical guess. I will have to check on Danzō. Now that I think about it Danzō too keep one of his eyes covered under bandages just like how Kakashi keeps his Sharingan eye covered under the Konoha headband."

"No! No! There is no need for that uncle. It's way too risky."

"Are you doubting my abilities nephew!?" Yaichiro asked a little angrily. Nephew or not! How dare he thinks so little of his prowess.

"Remember I have the memories of your father so I can make an accurate judgement of your prowess uncle!" Naruto said calmly and resumed, "If you got caught while trying to spy on Danzō then don't forget that you have to not only escape from Danzō but also from his organisation. And you yourself have declared that very same organisation very very dangerous. I am not mocking your prowess uncle! I just don't want to lose you."

Yaichiro frowned but he understood what Naruto was trying to convey to him. He smiled. He also didn't want to lose Naruto.

"Have you taken over your father's spy network uncle!?"

"Yeah! I have also expanded it a lot in the past eight years since father passed away. You could say that my spy network is now comparable to that of Jiraiya of Konoha and Ao of Kirigakure."

"Oh! Excellent! Then do me a favor and gather everything you could about the Foundation but do it silently. Don't make a ruckus or it might bring their attention."

"I will do that! But I have question. Why are you so much interested in Foundation? I don't understand! If you want a confirmation on our theory then we should check out Danzō. What makes Foundation so much more interesting? We already have most of the answers to the Uchiha massacre."

"I will answer your questions. First answer mine! What makes the foundation infamous? What kind of service do they provide to Konohagakure?"

"They perform the dirty works for Konoha. They carry out the missions which were unethical and against the moral values of Konoha but still greatly benefit Konohagakure."



Kakuhenkan(meaning: 核変換,Transmutation) is a Kekkei Genkai which commonly manifests within members of the Uzumaki clan.

During the beginning of the Uzumaki Clan, they simply called it Uzumaki Clan's Kekkai Genkai but later on, after some observations and experiments, they named it "Kakuhenkan" because from the observation they learnt that their Kekkai Genkai doesn't involved any chakra change in nature combination, no dōjutsu abilities, nor chakra change in shape, neither any sort of curse marks; it only involved some sort of mutations of the chakra itself granting them abilities like Heal Bite, Adamantine Chains, Mind's Eye Of Kagura, Remarkable Chakra Control, etc; and sometimes some body modifications granting them sturdy bodies with immense resilience, impressive stamina, large chakra reserves, red hair, red pupil, etc.

It isn't a unique Kekkai Genkai but rather a cluster of various mutations of chakra and body, hence possess various forms:-

1) Remarkably powerful life-force.

2) Immense longevity and vitality. As such, they gains a very long lifespan and likewise age slower.

3) Red hairs and pupils.

4) Exceptionally resilient body structure which allows them to endure more damage than most.

5) Tremendous reserves of chakra.

6) Impressive stamina which allows them to recover in short periods of time from exhaustion.

7) Powerful immune system which can resist more infections and allows them to recover from these infections in short periods of time compared to a normal shinobi.

8) Very powerful and innate healing capabilities, allowing them to mend wounds and regenerate quickly.

9) Great sensory abilities known as Spiritual Awareness which allows them to pinpoint a target's exact location just from their chakra signature alone, even penetrating beyond barriers erected for the express purpose of blocking chakra detection.

10) High Affinity with Yang nature transformations. The above are the most common form of Kakuhenkan found in most of the members of the Uzumaki Clan.

There are also some minor, cause they manifests only in a few Uzumakis, but are exceptionally powerful form of Kakuhenkan:-

1) Unusual natural strength like Tsunade.

2) Adamantine Chakra Chains.

3) Mind's Eye of Kagura, a very powerful and exceptional sensory ability unlike any other. Unlike most sensors, who normally need to mould chakra beforehand, the user of this technique appears to be able to detect chakra targets without any conscious effort. Using this ability, the user can detect the presence of others, easily discerning a specific individual, even its species, from a great distance, letting them easily track the target and pinpoint their location as well as to determine the size of a target's chakra reserves and its potency, and even tell if they are lying because their dishonest emotions cause their chakra to fluctuate.

4) Heal Bite, a very powerful healing ability which allows them to heal themselves or others, instantaneously. The potency of this healing chakra was enough to easily restore even a Kage's chakra reserves within moments.

5) Ability to suppress beasts and control them through their chakra.

6) Unique chakra control through which they could alter its characteristics, negating the possibility of a sensor discovering them by constantly changing the frequency of their chakra.(Nagato)

7) Unusual resistance against poisons.

8) Chakra Suppression Technique which allows them to suppress their or their allies' chakra to the point that it becomes completely undetectable, which makes it impossible for a sensor type shinobi to track them via chakra sensing.

9) Affinity with Yin and Yang nature transformations.

10) Advanced innate chakra control like Tsunade, which allows them to perform one-handed seals as well as various complex and large-scale techniques with only a few to no hand seals at all or with sheer will alone, without the use of hand seals.

The Kakuhenkan has the ability to mutate itself every hundred years to give new abilities to the Uzumaki Clan, it also has the power of natural selection through which it only keeps the mutations which aren't harmful to the Uzumaki Clan. Hence, beneficial or harmless mutations becomes more common in the Uzumaki Clansmen through the power of natural selection of the Kakuhenkan Kekkai Genkai. However it also allows the passage of some abilities which are somewhat harmful to the user but benefits them greatly like Heal Bite which is very useful ability but is also dangerous for the user to use this ability more than once a day and it also left them with presumably permanent bite marks, but still it is passed on within the Uzumaki Clan despite being harmful to the user.

Sometimes the Kakuhenkan even allows the user to pass on some skills they acquired or developed through training to their descendants like the Mind's Eye of Kagura, a sensory ability developed by Kagura Uzumaki.

Kagura Uzumaki was a great shinobi of the Uzumaki Clan, born blind. Hence to counter his blindness, he developed a technique after numerous trial and errors which he named 'Mind's Eye', which he used to navigate around. Later on, his descendants also manifested this ability and thus it was named 'Mind's Eye of the Kagura'.


Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique

A secondary trap is laid under the Five-Seal Barrier. This technique is automatically started when the "forbidden" tags are removed. An exact copy of the person who removed the tag appears with their appearance, weapons, battle skills, and so on. Because the double has a fixed amount of stamina and doesn't feel exhaustion, it has an advantage in a drawn-out battle. In order to cancel this technique and defeat their copy, the one who removed the tag has no choice but to somehow push past the previous limits that they had at the time they removed the tag.


Five-Seal Barrier

This technique creates a barrier around a place by placing four "forbidden" (禁, kin) tags in different locations surrounding the place to be protected, a fifth tag on the location to be protected. The tags are placed on flat surfaces, and are connected with the user's chakra. This technique turns the entire range surrounded by the tags into a barrier space, and inside the space, the material's destruction is "forbidden". Using any kind of physical attack to try and destroy something in the barrier is folly, as it will only lead to injury. To cancel this, it is necessary to search for the four tags and tear them off simultaneously, meaning there must be at least five people on a team to cancel it. This likely means this technique was designed to counter the fact shinobi generally move in four-man teams, thus allowing the use to buy more time.

Even if the tags are removed, the user could add a trap that will create perfect copies of those who have removed the seal, preventing them from returning immediately.


Uzumaki Fūin: Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique Training Method

In this training methods, the user prepare a tag in which they send their chakra to create an exact copy of themselves which retain the appearance, weapons, battle skills, and so on of the original. And because the double has a fixed amount of stamina and doesn't feel exhaustion, it has an advantage in a drawn-out battle. In order to cancel this technique and defeat their copy, the one who removed the tag has no choice but to somehow push past the previous limits that they had at the time they removed the tag. Thus it is ideal for training purposes. The user is also able to disperse this clone at will, ending the training session. It was devised and discovered by Naruto after he learnt Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique.


*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Invading Seal

A Fūinjutsu that has the same but superior abilities in comparison to the Yamanaka clan's Interrogation Justu. It allows the user to enter the mind of the target bypassing all kinds of defences while at the same time paralysing the victim's body. It takes the consciousness of the user directly inside the victim's 'Brain room'. It was basically used to be one of the various sealing Jutsu among the set of Uzushiogakure's official interrogation techniques before their destruction. It has many variants. {{{A/N: The same brain room that was shown while Inoichi Yamanaka interrogate his victim.}}}

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Reading Seal

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that allows the user to scan the memories/information of the brain of the victim. A sealing formula spreads around the giant brain in the victim's brain room and then they can easily scan any or all memories/information of the victim.