

Watch as Naruto saves Uzushiogakure from destruction and its rise as the Sixth Great Nation. I do not own any NARUTO characters or anything related to it... I am just a fan that's want to write a fanfic... that's all.........

Pawan_Kumar_5909 · Anime & Comics
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Yaichiro was using a ridiculously large paint brush to draw the large sealing formula necessary to initiate the 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique' fūinjutsu around the ritual altar. He had chosen the basement because it provided him a place good enough where he won't have to worry about somebody interfering with the ritual or somebody finding about it. The ritual's sealing formula emit a lot of light. It is going to be three month long process so this place will definitely keep Naruto safe.

Naruto is standing on the other side of the ritual altar watching everything his uncle is doing with excitement. He was holding the super valuable special white scroll his uncle has brought from the super secret Uzumaki library. It's really big. He had tried to open it to see what is written inside it but it won't open. Yaichiro then had clarified to him that it has been sealed by his super strong genius father and should only be opened when it is going to be used to perform the 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique' to turn it's recipient super intelligent. Naruto smiled. He will also become a genius just like that dead Sasuke Stupid Uchiha and smart like Sakura after going through this process. No! He will become better than the both of them combined could ever become.

"Ok! It's done!" Yaichiro declared and wiped the sweat off his face. The gigantic paintbrush and the bucket containing fūinjutsu ink disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Father! I hope you are watching us! All your hard work is going to pay off today! Today, I am gonna take the first step towards the fulfillment of our dreams for which you have given so many sacrifices. Not only will this child revive Uzushiogakure, but he will also save the Uzumaki Clan and restore its glory. I have full faith in him. Oh Great Ancestors of Uzushio, Please keep showing us the right path!" Yaichiro prayed for the blessings of his ancestors.

There should be no problem. The recipient is young with a very strong body. The training and proper diet mixed with herbs, he had given Naruto these past one year and eight months had ensured of that. His father, the creator of this seal and Naruto, the recipient of this seal are both from the same clan, so compatibility isn't a issue. Naruto's mind and personality are both very strong so he can endure the ill effects of this seal. He nodded to himself.

Yaichiro then summoned three Revitalization Tag. It will help a lot. The Ritual Altar consumes an enormous amounts of chakra, so much so that it could leave even an adult Uzumaki bedridden for days. His father had warned him so he isn't going to take any chances. Hence why he placed three such special tag over his body at once. He would have used more but it would harm his Chakra Pathway System permanently. He doesn't want that. He prefer Chakra Exhaustion over permanent damage anyday. Yaichiro then activated them. One of the special tag glowed and released a fūinjutsu formula that spread around Yaichiro's entire body. The seal helps in quickly restoring the user's depleted chakra reserves and stamina by supplying the chakra stored in it.

Naruto was watching everything with curious eyes still holding the super valuable special white scroll.

"Uncle! What are those paper thingy are called? What does they do?"

"These paper thingy are called Fūinjutsu Tags. They will help me in performing this fūinjutsu. You will understand once you complete this process. Ok!"

Naruto nodded. Well! That's also true! He is going to be super intelligent. Definitely he will understand everything once the process is complete.

"Now! Give me the scroll! Nephew!"

Naruto obeyed and handed over the scroll to Yaichiro. The redhead then weaved the necessary hand seals and unsealed the large white scroll which caused the fūinjutsu formula to glow dim red.

"Woah! It's glowing red!" Naruto exclaimed. The fūinjutsu formula has a large kanji of 'knowledge' at it's centre, circularly surrounded by various sūtras, kanjis, hindi scripts, and other symbols which are then surrounded with twelve magatamas. The magatama is then surrounded by several circular lines which connects it with the rest of the formula written all over inside this large scroll.

{{{A/N: The fūinjutsu formula kinda looks like the one present on Gerotora's stomach scroll surrounded by twelve magatamas and circular lines.}}}

"Now Naruto put your hand on top of the kanji of 'knowledge' and channel some of your chakra into the kanji." Yaichiro ordered Naruto.

"Huh! Why?" The blond scratched his head in confusion.

"The seal will absorb your chakra and analyse it to further activate the seal within the scroll."

"Oh!" Naruto nodded again. He put his hand over the kanji for 'Knowledge' and channel his chakra which the seal absorbed instantly.

After recognising Naruto's chakra, the entire circular area around the kanji of 'knowledge' started glowing. Naruto then tried to remove his hand but the seal refused to let go of the blond's hand. He jerked his hand in another effort to separate his hand from the seal, "You stupid seal let go of my hand!" Naruto started panicking. He started using his other hand to free his hand from the clutches of the seal.

"Woah! Calm down! Nephew! Calm down!"

"But this stupid seal won't let go of my hand."

"Hahahaha!" Yaichiro started laughing. He couldn't help himself. It was very funny to watch Naruto trying to separate his hand from the seal running around like a headless chicken.

"Stop laughing uncle! And help me! It won't let go of my hand"

"It's part of the procedure Naruto. It will let go of your hand once the process is completed."

"Oh! Why didn't you informed me of this earlier?" Naruto stopped his attempts and puffed his cheeks in anger.

The seal then started glowing white. It started spreading in a specific white seal pattern all over the the blond's body in the form of parallel lines, originating from his hand and heavily focused around his head and spinal cord.

"What's happening to me uncle? Stop these white lines. It tickles!"

"Calm down! Naruto! The process is starting. Calm your mind! Calm your body! Take deep breaths!"

"Yeah like that! Breathe in and Breathe out! Focus on the breathing."

Naruto did as instructed. The scrolls stopped glowing. The blond's hand is now free. The entire sealing formula within the large white scroll have disappeared. It have climbed over Naruto's body in the form of white parallel lines. The sealing patterns, the white parallel lines all over Naruto's body soon started showing it's effects. Naruto started feeling heavy. He started feeling sleepy. Soon he fell asleep. The seal have put the blond in a forced comatose state, it had left him in a state similar to suspended animation, still alive, but just barely, so much that his chakra flow have almost stopped. Yaichiro then quickly undressed Naruto. Afterwards he picked him up and put him at the center of the Ritual Altar without delay. He took a deep breath and started weaving the hand seals necessary to activate the sealing formula around the ritual altar. This activation started devouring enormous amounts of Yaichiro's chakra so much so that it utilised almost two of the three Revitalization Tag in just five minutes. It caused the ritualistic fūinjutsu formula around the altar to gradually light up.

Yaichiro smiled. He had succeeded in successfully activating the jutsu. Once fully activated, the ritualistic fūinjutsu formula started producing many long fine Chakra Threads that are launched from the formula onto the blond's body. The Chakra Threads then started wrapping around Naruto's body, covering him in layers upon layers of such threads until the blond could no longer be seen, it took an oval shape, resembling a Cocoon. Next, the layers of chakra threads started glowing with green light, it gained the kanji for 'seal' (封) with twelve magatamas surrounding it in a circular manner above it.

Soon the green light faded, there was a large Chakra Cocoon on the ritual altar covering Naruto entirely. The Chakra Cocoon then created a powerful barrier that sealed away the recipient from all outside forces, even death. This barrier will then counter all the ill effects of the Knowledge Of All Things Technique. It won't allow the seal to harm the blond while transferring the entire knowledge that Yoshitsune Uzumaki have stored inside it into Naruto's mind via Yoshitsune's spiritual energy. In short, the Cocoon will act as a life support system. It will help the blond survive the process inside the cocoon without air, food and water until the completion of this process.

Once the Cocoon formation was complete, Yaichiro was on his knees breathing heavily. The adrenaline rush was over. He was still smiling but it was a tired smile with ragged breaths. The procedure of the 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique' have gone correct. He had performed everything correctly, now it's all up to Naruto. Thanks to the Revitalization Tags, the redhead hasn't gone unconscious but he was feeling very tired. It looks like the quick use of two Revitalization Tags in such a short time have consequences. He hadn't used these tags ever before so he couldn't be sure. Yaichiro sighed. He shook his head and gave a tired laugh. It looks like he have to use Plan 'B'. The redhead then instructed one of his clones to come down to the basement.

Sometime later, the clone came down inside the basement. It picked Yaichiro up and put him on the bed equipped with medical supplies and equipments on the other side of the basement. He had prepared in advance just in chance that the Revitalization Tags failed. He was glad he did because the Tags partially worked and now it seems he had to use Plan 'B'. The clone then left the basement to cook some light food. Yaichiro smiled after witnessing the twelve glowing magatamas. He knew that the seal must have already begin to slowly and gradually integrate the knowledge his father have stored inside it into his nephew's brain. Since the cocoon had twelve magatamas, it means it will take twelve weeks' time for all the knowledge inside the seal to transfer inside Naruto's brain. Till then he is not going to wake up, he will remain in coma. Each of the twelve magatamas of this seal is a physical representation of the amount of knowledge the seal contains. Twelve magatamas means it will take twelve weeks' time for this entire process to complete. With each magatama's disappearance, a certain amount of knowledge is transferred in the recipient's brain, showing the signs for completion of this complex process. This seal not only contains the knowledge of the Great Uzushio Library, the Uzumaki techniques and fūinjutsu but also Yoshitsune Uzumaki's understanding of the Shinobi World, politics, chakra, jutsu creation, Shinobi tactics, history of the Shinobi World, etc as well as the knowledge Yoshitsune Uzumaki gathered on other villages, their famous shinobi, their jutsus, weaknesses, their training method, thinking pattern and much more, in a very detailed way.

In this way, one can say that the seal not only act as a medium for transferring his father's knowledge into his nephew but also in nourishing Naruto's spiritual energy and mind as well.

Yaichiro was thinking all of these during which the exhaustion finally reached his mind. He fell asleep with a smile. He is now one step closer towards his dream of a revived Uzushiogakure and Uzumaki Clan. With this much help Naruto will surely become our saviour. Not to mention, he is the descendant of Lord Ashina. So he had no doubt about it.



The Nine-Tails was watching everything since Naruto's arrival on the Land of Whirlpools. It didn't liked the place at all. It reminded him of that damned Mito and Kushina Uzumaki, and their hateful words before imprisoning him inside their seal.

It liked the idea of Naruto being strong so that the blond could finish off that wretched Uchiha Clan. That's why the Nine-Tails had overworked itself to enhance Naruto's body, even after the Uzumaki have started training Naruto. It knew that Naruto couldn't learn fūinjutsu. The blond was dumb and the fūinjutsu requires brilliance. Naruto have none of that. He hadn't inherited either of his parents' genius. So it was not concerned then and had continued enhancing the blond's body. But after hearing the explanation of that Yaichiro regarding the damned 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique', it is now concerned. The seal is going to enhance the brain of that brat the same way it had enhanced the blond's body. The seal will imprint knowledge directly in his brain which means Naruto will learn the loathsome fūinjutsu of his d*mned clan, including the fūinjutsu that Mito used to seal and steal some of its power including the Negative Emotion Sensing. The Nine-Tails didn't like Naruto learning those d*mned fūinjutsu of his clan one bit. It had started regretting its decision to enhance the blond's power. It should have guessed that that b*stard Uzumaki must have something up its sleeve. And now it's too late. It couldn't stop the process of the blond's body enhancement. The time period of one year and eight months has seen to it. The Nine-Tails had already stopped its efforts but it could not do anything. The Eight Trigram Seal of that insol*nt Fourth Hokage have a function which collects very little amount of its Chakra and supply it into the blond's Chakra Pathway System. The blond's body enhancement process have reached the level where even that little bit of its chakra is enough to complete the process. It could stop the Eight Trigram Seal from collecting and sending even that little bit of its chakra into the blond's body but for that it had to always keep full concentration to make sure that it won't inadvertently lose even that little bit of its chakra, which is next to impossible. It is a being created out of chakra, it is the strongest among the nine Bijūs both in power and chakra capacity. Its chakra reserves are so great that even with just its Yang half, it can still have enough power to turn the whole world into ash.

It had thought of interfering with the process involved in 'Knowledge Of All Things Technique' but the risk of dying, it couldn't afford it. It is ready to wait for another hundred years anyday if it means it won't die. Although dying isn't painful atleast that's what the other Bijū who have died fighting Shinobi have informed it. But it will be an insult to its mighty reputation. What will that crazy Sand Tanuki will say if it ever learnt that the mighty Nine-Tailed Demon Fox have died because of a mere seal. It cannot afford that.

It looks like it had make adjustments to its plans regarding its freedom from the clutches of these greedy humans. Only if father could see what his so called beloved humans have done to all the nine of them.

Keeping these thoughts in its mind, the Nine-Tails closed its eyes and went to sleep.



It has been twelve weeks since that day. One by one eleven magatamas have disappeared. The twelfth one can disappear any moment. It was twinkling. It means the process is near completion. Yaichiro was excitedly waiting for Naruto's awakening. He hadn't left the basement for the past three months except for extremely necessary work like bathing, toilet, etc. The food supplies he had brought from the nearby town have already finished. He is surviving of the food from the forest like wild fruits, berries, etc; fishes caught in the rivers by the clones; animals hunted by the same clones. He is bored of eating spice less foods. But he couldn't leave the island to bring in the supplies, he couldn't leave Naruto alone. He didn't wanted anything happening to Naruto. He is very precious.

The last magatama also disappeared, the cocoon started glowing green with chakra. With each passing second the glow become brighter and brighter, it started glowing so brightly that it became difficult for Yaichiro to look at the cocoon.

Inside the cocoon, the sealing patterns, the white parallel lines all over Naruto's body have started vanishing. It means the seal have transferred all kinds of knowledge stored inside it into Naruto's mind.

Naruto opened his eyes inside the cocoon, he had woken up from his forced slumber, the green chakra started super charging his body. It started healing, all kinds of damage Naruto's body have suffered due to this forced slumber. He tried moving his fingers, hands, legs and body inside the cocoon. Some kind of green yucky liquid is covering his entire body. He felt disgusted. He increased his efforts to free himself.

The green light have filled the entire basement. Yaichiro is calling his nephew, trying if his voice could reach Naruto. The light is blinding. He couldn't see anything. He felt concerned. There was no such information about green light written by his father regarding this forbidden fūinjutsu.

Naruto felt agitated, he tried his hardest to free himself. In agitation he drew some chakra of the Nine-Tails' chakra and then violently released it. The cocoon instantly exploded, flooding the basement with a blinding light. When the light finally faded, Yaichiro saw his nephew standing in a puddle of green yucky liquid. The blond's hair was now a mixture of red dominated by blond. The hair is still spiky but they are now longer, it easily reaches the end of his neck. His eyes are now blood red in colour.

{{{A/N: The spiritual energy(Yin Chakra) of Yoshitsune Uzumaki sealed in the form of knowledge inside the special large white scroll have balanced the unbalance created inside Naruto's body because of sealing only the Yang half(Physical energy) of the Nine-Tails. It's why Naruto's 30% hair have turned red. The meditation and other exercises that Naruto have performed since his arrival on Uzushio have also helped greatly. As a result Naruto now have a balanced Yin-Yang chakra. So it arises a question: Could Naruto now gain the Wood Release?.}}}

Yaichiro was concerned. He had sensed the Nine-Tails' chakra, "Nephew! Are you okay?"

For a few moments, the whiskered-child didn't move. He didn't respond. The whiskered-child then moved his hand towards his face, tentatively flexing his fingers, before curling them into a fist. He gave a wild smile and laughed.

"Naruto!? Are you okay?" Yaichiro was now really really concerned. He slowly approached the blond.

"Boooo!" Naruto suddenly screamed at Yaichiro.

Yaichiro fell on his butt with a horrifying look and took out a kunai in defence.

Seeing the look of his uncle, Naruto started laughing, "This is payback for the earlier joke you played on me uncle!"

Yaichiro gave Naruto a flat look and put the kunai back, "I see you have learnt to play jokes! Huh!?"

"Yes! It was totally worth it. You should have seen that look on your face. It was so much funny that I don't have words to describe it." Naruto replied inbetween laughs.

Yaichiro ignored it and asked, "So how did it go nephew?"

"What do you think uncle?"

Yaichiro gave Naruto a look that said I am your uncle! Your elder! Respect me! D*mmit!

"It went fine uncle! I have learnt many things. So much information I don't believe I would have ever managed to gather that much knowledge, let alone finish learning it."

Yaichiro smiled, "How are you feeling Naruto? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Are you feeling any kind of pain anywhere in your body?"

"Nah! I am feeling great. It's like I have just born. It's like my eyes have finally opened to the vast world."

Yaichiro nodded in satisfaction.

"How long has it been uncle?"

"Just three months!"

Naruto nodded. He finally noticed. He is stark naked, "Uncle! Bring me some clothes. Will you?!"

"As you order... Lord Naruto!" the redhead replied playfully. He then gave the whiskered-child some clothes.

"Uncle! I think I need to practice calligraphy from tomorrow onwards." Naruto said while wearing the clothes.

Yaichiro again nodded, "I was also going to suggest you that."

"So I am asking just out of curiousity nephew! Did you really have all the theoretical knowledge of the Great Uzushio Library, the Uzumaki techniques and fūinjutsu?"

"Nah! Not all the knowledge. But just those chosen by your father. Those he felt that could help me in understanding, governing and protecting Uzushio and Uzumaki Clan, and in dealing with political, economical and militarily threats I will eventually face from our enemies. But it's still a lot of information. The seal(Spiritual energy inside it) have also nurtured my mind, it had helped me in achieving and gaining the same level of understanding and wisdom that your father Yoshitsune Uzumaki used to have regarding the Shinobi World, politics, chakra, jutsu creation, Shinobi tactics, history of the Shinobi World, etc as well as the knowledge Yoshitsune gathered on other villages, their famous shinobi, their jutsus, weaknesses, their training method, especially their thinking pattern and much more, in a very detailed way. This is perhaps one of the reasons why I might start behaving differently. Infact it might be the reason why I am regretting eating that Teuchi's unhealthy ramen all the time, for not being more viscous in my pranks and, for dreaming of becoming the Hokage of that village and protecting it. Who send a child even if the child is criminal in the country's maximum security prison meant for imprisoning all kinds of dangerous criminals. Then again if I closely take account of Konoha citizens' behaviour towards me, this should not be surprising that they sent me to jail. Their behaviour... and the seal on my stomach which I used to call stupid disappearing and appearing tattoo, the behaviour of other villages towards their Jinchūrikis described in one of the book of the Uzushio library... According to that book it is tradition for the Jinchūriki to be related to their village's Kage to ensure their loyalty and the Third Hokage was always nice to me like a grandfather... I was sometimes called demon by the Konoha citizens and the complete name of the Nine-Tails is the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Spirit... The first Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails was Mito Uzumaki, the second was my mother Kushina Uzumaki and the fact that the Nine-Tails can only be properly contained by an Uzumaki, and I was the only Uzumaki available in Konoha at the day of the attack of the Nine-Tails and was young enough to become a Jinchūriki. Taking into account all of these facts... Uncle! Am I the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails?"

Yaichiro was speechless at the analysis performed by Naruto. He had solved the puzzle behind the reason for which he was hated so much by Konoha citizens so easily, "Yes! Naruto! I could have told you but you see..."

"Nah! Nah! I understand! I would have done the same in your situation." Naruto interrupted and continued, "Hahaha! I couldn't believe it. Everything was infront of me. The reason why I was hated! Still I failed to see it." Naruto shook his head at the revelation and at the foolishness of the villagers, "The villagers treat me with contempt and hate me because I protect them from the hateful Nine-Tails every second everyday. Oh the irony..." It was ridiculous, "And still the Third Hokage want 'ME' to work hard to prove to those useless people that I am not the Nine-Tails but a hero. It is laughable."


Sealing Tag

By placing a sealing tag on an opponent or object, a substantial seal is generated that prevents the article in question from being summoned, as long as the originating tag remains intact. The seal generated will then spread across the target and intersect on the opposite side of where the tag is placed, where it will then knot itself in place, effectively sealing the opponent. They can be applied to various mediums such as doors, cloth and even sand, as demonstrated by Gaara. These tags can also be linked together to make the effect stronger. They can also be thrown from a great distance by attaching them to kunai. The tags can be removed if the sealing process is incomplete, but once complete, removing the tag seems to be extremely difficult through normal means by anyone who doesn't know how to remove it.

*Chakra Suppression Tag

It is applied on the forehead of the victim. Upon activation it releases the fūinjutsu formula that wraps around the target and suppresses their chakra.

*Revitalization Tag

The user places this special tag over the intended target. Upon activation it releases the fūinjutsu formula that spreads around the target's body and helps quickly restore their depleted chakra reserves and stamina by supplying the chakra stored inside it. It is sort of a chakra storage seal meant to be used by exhausted shinobi. Although they cannot use more than three such seals in a single day. Consuming more than three can hurt their Chakra Pathway System permanently. Why? Because the seal "forcibly" restores their Chakra Reserves with somebody else chakra which is moulded/modified to fit the recipient's unique chakra signature. The forcible restoration of chakra also damages the Chakra Pathway System.

*Curse Tag

It releases the curse Formula that wraps around the target and restrain them.


{{{A/N: When I say Whiskered-child, I meant Whisker-marked-child which is Naruto.}}}