
Naruto: A Different Power

Born in Ninja World and granted the power of Ope Ope no Fruit, Kawano Naoki tries to utilise it's power every way possible to reach the apex and live freely. AN:- It is a non harem book. chapters ahead on my P@treon.com/Yuki7145

Sato_Yuki_4787 · Anime e quadrinhos
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62 Chs

3 Trick

Ninja Academy.

On the clear blue sky, the sun hung high, shining brightly, illuminating the whole world, the weather today calm and beautiful.

In the main class of the academy,

The chunin teacher stood in front of the seated kids, on the board different hand signs drawn, patiently explaining them.

"Hey, I heard Lord Third will visit the academy today!"

At the backrow, sat Naoki his eyes on the board, focusing on the lecture, though at this moment a voice from the side took his attention.

Naoki looked towards the source of voice, next to him sitting a white haired kid around his age, Jiraiya.

"How do you know?"

"I heard some teachers talking about it, probably it has something to do with him"

Told what Jiraiya knew to his question, his finger pointing at the kid who sat at the front row, long black hair, pale skin, calm and somewhat cold eyes focused on the board.

"Oh...well it doesn't concern me"

His answer kinda made Naoki guess something, but anyway it had nothing to do with him, so he focused back on the board.

"Man~you are boring"

Seeing him not interested, Jiraiya expressed his disappointment, a bored look on his face


Jiraiya who was bored, suddenly focused on the blonde girl who also sat in the front row, smiling mischievously, taking out a notebook from his bag.

Next moment, he began to scribble something on a page and eventually tore it, squashing it into a paper ball, giving Naoki next to him an evil look from the corner of his eyes, who was fully focused on the lecture.

Then giving the chunin teacher one look and making sure he wasn't looking at him, with absolute precision and stealthiness, he threw the paper ball towards the blonde girl at front.

At a speed that none of the kids in the class could even notice, the paper whizzed through the air and hit the girl precisely on the head.

"Hmm... interesting"

Unknown to Jiraiya, in the hokage office far away, someone seem to have spotted his hidden move, rubbing the goatee on his chin.

The paper ball hit the girl, wavering her focus from the board, her hand immediately picking the paper ball, a displeased look on her face.

Her mind seemed to work at lightning speed as she immediately judged the direction from which the paper ball had hit her head.

Her head turned as her somewhat angry eyes immediately looked towards the back row, finally focusing on two figures.

Both of them seemed to have not noticed her gaze, full focus on the teacher.


An unsure look appeared on the face of Tsunade, not able to conclude who was the culprit, both of them looked innocent, though she was sure it was definitely one of them.


Not temporarily able to find the culprit, Tsunade snorted and focused on the paper ball, opening, finding some words scribbled on the paper.

"Yo, flat-chested plywood girl"

"Honest one- Jiraiya"


Tsunade read the words, first surprise then anger following, her face turning red, squashing the paper again.

But the teachers presence in the class made her unable to do anything, remaining seated, sulking.

But the corner of her eyes were always on the figure at the backrow, though not Jiraiya, but Naoki next to him was her focus.

Her earlier suspicion was on Jiraiya as although she has never talked to him, but he would be punished from time to time by the teacher for pulling pranks.

The whole class knows how dangerous she can be when angry, after Orochimaru she was the strongest in the class, so Jiraiya would never leave his name after pranking her.

Someone had framed him and it can only be the person next to him.

So her suspicion shifted from Jiraiya to Naoki, who had hardly talked with anyone in the class since his admission a year ago, never ever expecting this innocent face to hide a devil behind it.

"Hmph! I'll teach you a lesson during the break, no one can mess with me and walk out fine"

Muttered Tsunade to herself, already imagining the bruised and crying Naoki in front of her, somewhat calming her.

Soon the class ended and Naoki unaware of the pit Jiraiya dug for him, left the class and went towards the library.

Arriving at the medical section of the library, Naoki took out a book and started reading like he always does at his free time in school.

Naoki who knew the future, naturally knew how dangerous this world will get over time, the power of op op fruit, even if he reached the level of law, will eventually be not enough.

Six paths, Otsutsuki, one enemy stronger then the other, so he had a lot of ideas for the future to improve himself, though those ideas all depending on his devil fruit power.

And to utilize his devil fruit well, he needed medical and all other knowledge, so he making his routine to come to library and study everyday, staying disciplined.