

C H A P T E R - S I X T E E N

The nightshirt reached the top and forced my arms with it before I could remove it. He tossed it aside, moved his hand up my arm to take my phone, set it down on the nightstand, and then moved to my face, placing his fingers on my cheek and his thumb curving around my jaw before kissing me.

Oh… boy.

Because I was really prepared for the kiss, I gave in and kissed him back. I had no control since he was such a good kisser, which was a bummer, but I wasn't complaining at that point. In no way.

His hands moved from behind my knees to my hips, over my bottom, down the backs of my thighs, tugging and sliding up while doing so, and then he tugged them up high.

I clung to him while placing one hand on his head and one arm on his back.

I lifted my head and kissed the smooth skin of his shoulder as his mouth parted from mine and his lips traveled to my ear.

He said in my ear, "Bet, just with that, you're ready for me."