
Day 1 - Getting a job

Today I woke up early, hoping that the day before was just a dream but to my grief it seems either it was totally real or I am still dreaming, well if I am to live here for the next year at least I will make the best of it. I took a quick shower, dressed with the brown robe they gave me and then ate the breakfast they prepared for me, nothing sumptuous but tasty nonetheless. After eating my breakfast I was guided to the governance hall to get a job.

Once in the sanctum, the elder instructed me to stay at the center of the room for the ceremony. Once I did, he began chanting in a sing song manner a long spell. When the elder stopped four weird lights started to spin around me, once they finally settle down they started to take shape, a sword, a staff, a bow and a scepter.

The elder told me they represent one of the basic jobs I could get, once my job gets decided the four lights will merge and form the final shape of my weapon which will be unique to me, meaning that even if all the hundred seeds get the warrior job some will get daggers, other broadswords, rapiers, short swords and so on, and even all the ones that get daggers will then get different daggers amongst them. This does seem like an interesting concept, however what he told me next made it make sense.

The weapon assigned will grow with the seed and might even change shape to better suit the seed path during their growth, for instance a monk's scepter might become a mace if the seed choses to be more inclined towards a fighter monk or a staff might change to a grimoire if a wizard chooses to focus on studying and creating spells.

The weapon assigned is to be treasured by the seed like a partner more than a tool, as it will not only serve for protection or attack, it will also be the means for a seed to show their status, it will keep record of the progress of their adventures and to prove their strength.

Of course I was getting excited as to what weapon will I get, I have never wield any of those weapons in my world, but surely I can learn how to here. As I was thinking about that, the lights began changing shape again, each of the four lights switched between each of the four weapon choices once and then they converge above my head, the elder gesture to me to grab the light.

I excitedly did so, hoping to get assigned a great weapon, one which inspired great legends that get written down for the ages and then it happen, the light took its final shape as it rested in my hand; I held my destined weapon at last.

A pencil! Really!? A simple pencil! What? Is this some kind of joke? How am I supposed to have great adventures and vanquish evil foes with a good for nothing pencil? I wanted a weapon for which legends get written down not one to actually write down legends, is this some kind of twisted ironic joke?

The pencil was standard size and looked like it was made of wood, it had a sharp lead looking tip on one end and a white rubber, which I'm assuming is an eraser on the other end; it was dark green colored and had no markings around its body

The elder look at my dissatisfied face, with a face that showed he wasn't sure of what has happened, at least I can tell he hadn't seen something so meaningless like a pencil got chosen as a weapon before. He quickly told me to calm down and try to reassure me that whatever the outcome there was a reason for the weapon I got, he really didn't look like he knew the purpose of my assigned weapon or even that he believed much of what he had just told me about it not being useless, which didn't help my situation.

He told me to that even if it was very uncommon, there have been instances in the past where a different weapon from the original four got assigned to a seed. If this was good or bad to the seed, or even to this world he didn't specify tough and I didn't dare to ask, however if it is true then there is still hope that this pencil is not totally useless.

Anyways there is no use crying over spilled milk, what has happened has already happened, so the first thing to do is to find out exactly what job I have gotten from this pencil, to do so the elder asked me to held my…my tool? I cannot call it weapon, can I? As I did he chanted a single word "Identify", my pencil began to glow a faint yellow and from it rose strange glyphs that started to take shape as letters, which formed what seems to be my stats, this world looks more like an RPG by the minute

~ 0 ~

Name: Maxwell (Max) Ethanor Race: Human Level: 1 Class: Tinkerer

Strength: 4 Intelligence: 6 Dexterity: 4 Speed: 5

Vitality: 43/43 Magical Power: 53/53

~ 0 ~

My class is Tinkerer? What is that supposed to mean? Well maybe it doesn't mean anything to me but for the elder might be at least a clue of what I'm supposed to do.

Unfortunately even for the elder, the tinkerer job was a first. He told me to go eat some lunch while he will investigate further about this particular job.

After lunch I was guided around town by a disciple of the elder, I was shown the town's center, the armory, the weapon smith, the town's alchemist. At every store I was explaining the general rules, what services they provide, a general idea of the equipment and its prices. All in all it was good information better known sooner than later if I pretend to survive for a year.

I tried to contact the elder after the tour but I was told he was busy and to rest for the day; Tomorrow someone from the governance hall will come and fetch me. I did as I was told and after a quick bath I sleep.