
Day 0 in another world

Being summoned to another world seemed a cool idea in comics and television shows, but in reality it is tougher that it seems. My name is Maxwell, but my friends call me Max, a few hours ago I was summoned to this alien world by whom the townsfolk refer to as the elders; they are a group of ancient magicians who manipulate the Arcanum to produce great feats, one among many is to summon people from other worlds.

This summon or the sow as they refer to, happens on this day every five hundred years, each time a hundred beings called the seeds are summoned to this world, each one of them gets summoned at random, from where exactly they don't know, they just know it works every time.

Each of the seeds gets summoned to a room called the sanctum which is inside the governance hall in every major city and then they are to remain within that city for a week.

During that time the seed are to learn the basics of this world, gets assigned a job, some basic equipment for their specific job and are given money to get the journey started, as after that week they must leave the city to travel around this world for a year, I was assured that after that year I will be able to come back home.

This traveling is the main purpose of the sow, and the reason why the elders conduct this ritual every five hundred years without fail, as each seed is to use this time for personal growth to become a blossom, this is the name the elders give to superior beings.

It is the firm belief of the elders that the seed is being summoned as they are at a critical stage in their lives and it would be trough this journey that they will discover their purpose in life, hence blossoming from a seed to a beautiful flower, meaning that they will achieve their maximum potential.

Of course this world gains benefits too, as while the seed travels they bring change to this world, the elders think that change is what keeps this world alive and promotes its growth. When I asked one of the elders what if one of the seed decided to become evil and cause destruction instead of helping this world, the elder just smiled and told me that destruction and chaos are valid experiences that promote growth, so we should embrace the good with the bad.

Tomorrow I'll go to the city sanctum to get assigned a basic job, the job I'll get will be based on my previous life's experiences and abilities. The possible jobs sound a lot like an RPG basic jobs, there are warrior, wizard, monk and hunter. Supposedly as I gain proficiency in them I can actually choose advanced jobs, however those will be based on my basic job and cannot be changed.

They also told me that later on I might even chose to get a profession, which is labor related and intended to get money for the travel expenses and for better equipment, they told me about blacksmithing, alchemist, jeweler or magitech, but they assure me that it will be some time before I have to worry about that.

Finally they told me about a weekly stipend I'll receive from the city, it might chance over time as my reputation increases or reduces, but at least for the first few weeks the stipend should be enough for me to live well.

I have been just explained all that today after I was summoned, of course first they gave me what they call a language orb, which looked like a blue light. Once it entered my chest I could understand their language and they seem to understand me as well, the elder told me that with this orb I'm able to understand all the languages spoken in this world and also modifies my speech so anyone can understand me, weird enough these orbs only work on seeds, so it is not possible for the normal dwellers of this world to benefit from them.

After the lengthy explanation I was given some hours to assimilate it and rest, they call today "Day Zero" as it doesn't count towards my first week here, things are done this way simply because most of the seeds have a hard time coping with their new reality and need some time to adjust to it.

So after a light meal, I took a bath and sleep in my bedroom.