
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

The Hunter

The crime rate in the Star Seizing Empire? It had dropped to 2%. How was this possible you may ask? well, there were undead all over the place ensuring that the law was being followed. Many at first were scared, but after some time and after some staged crimes were made showing the undead protecting the people and even healing people, those who were scared began to soften up.

At this moment, the Star Seizing empire had gone through many changes, martial arts became the center of attention, and the main topic on the internet was people trying to recreate anime attacks using Ki.

things were going smoothly, although from time to time, there were weird happenings with the heaven and earth, and unique people were born with high talent, but overall things were going smoothly.... as for the outside of the Star Seizing Empire? I had moved to conquer the world long ago, through the usage of the so-called gods. and yes, those gods were clones I created.

At this moment, within the forest, Emma could be seen fleeing for her life, while holding her side as she was bleeding out. What happened you may ask? well, let's say people were not happy with her being so close to Adam, so they made a move to take her out of the picture. that was even more so with her past, which led the world to look down upon her.

'I should have escaped from them...' Emma thought while stepping to rest behind a tree, she closed her eyes while paying attention around her, and after hearing nothing for a few seconds, she lifted her shirt to look at her injury. She shook her head lightly as her head was light, but after a moment, she realized she was poisoned. 

She laid her head back against the tree her eyes blank for a moment, before sighing realizing no one would even care that she was gone. She found herself not even having the courage to hold on to life, things were too hard, so why should she keep on holding on to this hopeless battle?

She closed her eyes, and slowly breathed her last... well, that's what should have happened, but all of a sudden, her body shook as she took in a deep breath while her eyes shot open. She looked around, a confused look in her eyes, before she touched her chest, just to find the injury she had suffered was nowhere to be found.

"I thought Adam blasted a hole in my chest... how am I alive?" She asked in confusion before her eyes turned towards the injury at her side. She frowned while looking at the weak poison that was in her system. She took a few breaths, and after a moment, all that blood was let out of her system. such weak poison didn't even need her to use Qi.

She had confusion written all over her face, so she checked her body, wanting to find answers. thats where she found her phone, she looked at the phone for a moment, it took a moment, but she realized it was the phone she had a few million years ago when she was a mortal.

She opened the phone, she was met with his image on the lock screen. She had a confused look, that was even more so to see the date. Did she reincarnate in her past? if so, why didn't she remember dying from poison or nearly dying from it? well, she did have a few close calls she almost died of poison, but it was never like this or on this date.

"This is when the gods were fighting for land, I wasn't even a cultivator yet, yet I'm at Houtian." She said softly while standing up, her palm glowing as she healed herself. She looked around for some time, before trying to unlock the phone.

She remembered the pin was the date he took his own life. She would never forget that day, even after millions of years... yet when she put the date in, she found it didn't work which left her confused.

So, she tried putting in even more old pins, and she got it right on her second time. his birthday. She looked at the phone, which was opened to the president of the now Star Seizing Empire giving a speech. her world instantly froze seeing him, he was taller, far more handsome, and carried himself with pride, but she instantly knew it was him.

"... in this life. Did I not do it?" She asked with tearful eyes, but her hope was destroyed soon after doing a few searches. Her soul nearly left her body seeing him being nearly killed by his parents while she just watched. this life was even worse than her past life.

"... at least he is alive." She said seeing the live video. She played and watched as her elder brother Kevin live-streamed everything.

"Come on, you have to sing with me," Bukubukuchagama said while pulling me onto the stage. I had a helpless look while holding the mic.

"You can't just force me to skip my turn, I already had a song lined up," I said with annoyance, to which Bukubukuchagama looked at me with puppy eyes.

"You're saying that you'd rather sing alone than with me?" She asked to which I clicked my tongue 

"What the song?" I asked in defeat, 

"Levitating, the one with DaBaby." She said to which I shrugged while having the song start playing before she began singing. what came out was the voice of an angel... of course, she had a perfect voice, she could perfectly mimic any voice want, as for me? I can do the same and more.

"If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy

And I can take you for a ride

I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm

Where the music don't stop for life

Glitter in the sky, glitter in my eyes

Shining just the way I like

If you're feeling like you need a little bit of company

You met me at the perfect time" The singing was heat, and that was even more so with someone as beautiful as Bukubukuchagama singing the song, many people who were watching the video were charmed... well almost everyone.

Killing intent filled the forest, Emma glared at Bukubukuchagama, but after a moment she snapped back to reality while shaking her head.

"I betrayed him, in this life I almost killed him. He wouldn't forgive me... maybe if I slaughtered every woman by his side? if it's just me and him... no, that's crazy. He is happy... but he would be more happy with me. Once I kill Adam and take his talent, I will cultivate with him... sure he will not agree, but I will show him." She said while glaring at him... millions of years focused on revenge for her past mistake, and now she saw the thing that hunted her for years up and walking around. She of course had to protect him. what if that woman broke his heart? She had to save him ahead of time, she knew best, after all, she lived millions of years...

"You messed it up," Bukubukuchagama said seeing me suddenly shaking in fear, she looked at me in confusion.

"I don't know, I felt like I was an innocent little boy facing a creepy old woman," I said with a frown, making Bukubukuchagama and everyone else give me a weird look at those words. 

"Who is the best martial artist in anime?" Yamiko asked while going through her phone, the sudden change of topic helped me breathe slightly as we all thought about it.

"I feel like those from the Baki verse are the best. although the gods of High school are capable, I don't think they are above the likes of Dragon Ball." I said calmly,

"Didn't the mc of the God Of High School transcend the level of gods?" Amanomahitotsu asked with a raised eyebrow, 

"Are the gods In the God Of High School the same as those in Dragon Ball? This is the same BS I hate, people talk about Sailor Moon having the power to defeat Goku just because she defeated gods. Are the gods in her verse as strong as the Gods In Dragon Ball?" I said with a sigh

"Wow, this concept truly annoys you, chill down," Bukubukuchagama said to which I just rolled my eyes.

"Even so, Mori from the god of High School martial arts capability reached the conceptual level," Momonga said to which I nodded lightly.

"See, now thats a good point of argument... but sadly there is no proof of that, it was just a misunderstanding people had about that Recoilless. Recoilless: A concept derived from perfecting all the basic techniques of Renewal Taekwondo. Recoilless techniques waste no energy and achieve maximum momentum upon contact, increasing the overall output of attacks. Performing a Recoilless technique also eliminates the requirement of setup and stances, allowing the user to perform attacks without a visual cue... which might rival dragon ball." I said while even pulling out my phone to read it out loud.

"Oh, then why do you think Baki?" Yamiko asked

"because you have a guy who sees people's weaknesses without even trying to see them. You have people who can see all possible outcomes of a fight without trying, and the list goes on. but then again, Ultra Instinct is broken, and many people lowball the hell out of it. I see Ultra instinct as an instinct cultivation art. giving your instinct to take over the body and react to all things before you even sense it... broken." I said calmly

"you sound like a Dragon Ball fanboy... by the way, have you guys heard these new diss tracks between Drake and Kendrick?" Kevin said drawing attention to this new subject.

"I'm more impressed they could do this in the middle of everything that's happened. but I have to say, Drake's last one was the worst comeback I ever heard. he tried to pull off an Aizen." Tabula said causing us to laugh slightly, but our laugh slowly died down as we all felt something...

{Target Name: Alex (also going by Igneel)

Race: Unnamed Dragon race

Strength: universal+

Reward: 68 trillion SP}

"This should be an easy win." A black-haired man said with a sigh, he was a System user Hunter. going from world to world, hunting down system users. with this being an Omniverse, there were of course countless people out there with systems, there were even those that go around hunting down system users.

he looked down upon the earth below, but just as He was about to fly forward, he frowned while looking at the black-winged man before him.

"Might I know who you are and what you're doing here?" Diablo asked calmly,

"I'm here to kill someone named Alex... also known as Igneel. mind pointing him out for me?" The man asked with a smile, causing Diablo's eyes to turn cold.

"And why would you want to kill him?" Diablo asked, to which the man sighed while disappearing, appearing before Diablo and aiming to kill him in one blow. but chains appeared from space, shooting out and wrapping around the man. the man claw stopped inches from Diablo's face,

"What type of chains are these?" the man asked with a frown, he wanted to teleport away, but space was also being held down by these chains. he wanted to break free, but these chains could absorb his power to grow stronger, while at the same time draining his life force.

"A dead man doesn't need to know," Diablo said while the man used some power, and with a burst, the chains shattered like they were nothing.

"Interesting, I had to use part of my true power to break free." He said with a frown, he was a multiversal+ level existence, even the smallest of his powers was infinitely greater than a universal+ level existence. 

universal+ was a tier for those with the power to destroy a universe that was infinite in size. Multiverversal+ for those with the power to destroy an infinite number of infinite-size universes. 

The man moved to grab Diablo, but he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. he was stunned, he sensed inside his body and there he sensed the shattered bits of the chain doing all types of damage while adapting and growing.

"You're annoying," he said while his energy gathered, trying to destroy all of the bits and pieces within his system. But Diablo reached out, the illusion of a heart appearing in his palm, which he crushed. sadly, the man was too powerful for his heart to be crushed, but it did leave him paralyzed, giving Diablo the opening to summon a chain that had a sword on its edge.

the sword ignored space and time, appearing before the man instantly, and stabbing through his neck. the man's eyes widened in shock, not expecting such a sharp blade. But sensing that he could move, he reached out, grabbing the sword and pulling it out. 

he coughed up some blood while his injuries healed without trouble. He coldly looked at Diablo before disappearing, appearing before Diablo as if he had teleported. Diablo... felt... death.

the world disappeared, and all he saw was the incoming fist shooting toward his face. This was the fist of death, the power to destroy it all. Diablo's head exploded.

"i'm pretty sure that was Graps Heart, is the system user here with an anime system or something?" He said in annoyance, these types of systems were always the troublesome ones as they came with hax. He sighed before just pointing at the planet, he will just destroy it.

but just as he was about to make a move, he blinked and found himself back in reality, chained up and his palm an inch away from Diablo.

"These chains trap a target within an illusion the second it touches them. adding the suppression to your whole being, you didn't sense the illusion." Diablo said calmly, while the man looked at Diablo in shock and disbelief. he used his full power and wanted to break free, but the chains had grown strong enough to handle his full power.

"I had some fear that I would force the lords to make a move. it brings me great pleasure to see that wouldn't be happening." Diablo said with a smile, he defeated someone infinitely stronger than him. he was happy...

Fun fact, The real MC of this verse is Emma. If Alex never got the system, he would have killed himself.

Emma would have gone on to cultivate to get her revenge on Adam who would have been pretty much the big villain of the story. She would die at his hands, and wake up in the past,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I will also be slowing down on the updates, maybe a story every 2 days. Sorry.

itachi1010creators' thoughts