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When they are not using there powers. They are pretty much normal humans. They are not like Superman whose power comes with enhance durability. Franklin is overpowered, anything he thinks can become reality. But if he is killed faster then he could think, his power is useless. The same for Susan. Franklin never did anything to give himself high durability even without his power, the same for recovery capabilities. Yes Franklin can tank attacks from celestial, but in my eyes that’s mainly thanks to the fact he sees the attack coming and have time to think. So long as he can think, he is Galactus level, if not and he doesn’t have his guard up, he is just a kid
The novel is made, your thoughts
🤣🤣 this isn’t a translation
I mean read the comic
The zombies in marvel can speak and stuff, it’s something I forgot thanks to Marvel what if. Zombie spiderman still talk to much, and the smart zombies can still build stuff, I only remembered this because I went back to read the novel
No, I’m on a work trip. I will try and post when I could, but as things look like, I will not be posting here or on telegram for some time. I have been so busy I forget to give you guys an update. I will make the update when I have time
I can do that, give me like 2 weeks
Really? It’s $Itachi1010author
Thanks for the heads up, I will look into that
Yes, my brain works weird as I can’t go back and proofread my own work. My mind will correct any mistake, leaving me thinking everything is perfect. I have to use ai, or else these chapters would be filled with mistakes