
My Wolfy husband is too cute

"Hand" "sit" "stand" "roll over" Grace looks at the adorable wolf like dog and hugs it so tightly. "My handsome young Damon! You are so good and obedient, I can't believe someone left you in that condition."said Grace as she sigh Behind the bush "Hey Mark, isn't that wolf our lord?"asked a demon with black bird wings. She looked really beautiful "You are indeed accurate. That should be our lord, but why is he like that?"said Mark as he gasped in awe. Mark's blue eyes gazed at the scene and was shocked. Inside demon lord's mind "Pet me more Grace! I love your scent and everything about you!" ______ This book cover is not drawn by me, I edited a little bit. Credits to the original creater.

Lavender_Nolan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

15-Xeller the Goddess's son

Suddenly, a huge light shone brightly, A man appeared, he had black hair and eyes. He looked too handsome and otherworldly.

Grace immediately realizes his identity, she recognised him as she was about to call out to him.

The spirit queen immediately asked"Xeller, the Goddess Gaia's only son and creation. You are still alive? How? Do you know where did the Goddess went?"

The handsome man with black hair and eyes faced the spirit queen and replied"Yes, I'm still alive but even I can't find my mother. I'm afraid, mother is no longer in this world."

The spirit queen looked so sad and disappointed.

Xeller looked at Ron and Isabel.

"The love between this human and the fairy has moved my heart, my mother always told me that love is the greatest power of all. In behalf of my mother, I would love to bless them and wish them a happy marriage."said Xeller with a smile

Xeller called Ron and Isabel to come before him.

Ron and Isabel kneeled down on their knees.

"May your marriage be fruitful and filled with love. May you two be happy."said Xeller as he blessed them.

A light appeared in the area of Ron and Isabel.

Xeller smiled sweetly as he vanished.

"Xeller! Wait a minute!"shouted the spirit queen, but he had already disappeared.

The spirit queen sigh, she missed the opportunity to get more information.

Isabel and Ron were dumbfounded, are they able to finally get married...

"Isabel, since the Goddess's son has already bless you guys. You are able to get married with each other. Congratulations!"said the spirit queen

Isabel and Ron looked at each other, Isabel immediately kissed Ron in joy and happiness.

Everyone smiled and were happy to hear the good news.

The spirit queen went towards Grace, Grace noticed that the time had stopped.

Everyone was frozen.

The spirit queen hugged Grace in her embrace. She kissed Grace in her forehead.

Grace began to feel lots of warmth and she could feel her body rapidly changing.

She felt like her clothes were too tight for her, her clothes became smaller and tighter.

Damon observed the process but he did not move or did anything. He couldn't afford to reveal his identity. He just stayed frozen like everybody else.

Grace could see the spirit queen's love for her.

She wanted to ask the spirit queen some questions but she was quickly shushed by the spirit queen.

The spirit queen smiled and said"When the time comes, I will reveal everything to you."

The spirit queen took out one of her flower petals from her bracelet. The flower petal gently fall on Grace.

Grace held the petal, then Grace entire body began to shine.

She was surprised to see that the petal transformed into a beautiful floral pink dress.

The spirit queen bid her farewell.

The time began to move.

"Congratulations! Uncle and aunty."said Grace as she smiled brightly

Everyone was surprised to see Grace.

The little girl looked grown up.

She no longer looked like a child.

Her long straight black hair and her dark black eyes. Her skin so pale and the dress she wore made her look like a divine being. Her smiled was too destructive to everyone. She was just too beautiful and otherworldly. It was like she came out of a painting.

Damon quickly went towards Grace and snuggled.

"Grace, how did you grew so fast?"asked Ron

Grace also shook her head. Even she doesn't know how she grew up so quickly but then she couldn't understand the reason except the possibility that magic had hindered her growth.

"Uncle, I have no idea how I grew up but I think my growth was always stopped. I feel like I stopped growing by the age of 10. So, when I finally started to understand and learn about magic, it could have allowed me to grow older."said Grace

Ron remembered what the doctor said and what Grace said did make sense.

"Um.. Grace, is that dress given from the spirit queen?"asked Isabel

"Yes."replied Grace

"You must be loved by the spirits and fairies. You are just like your mother, she was also loved by the spirits and fairies."said Isabel with a smile

Grace remembers how the spirit queen treated her and she smiles because it warms her heart.