
My Wolfy husband is too cute

"Hand" "sit" "stand" "roll over" Grace looks at the adorable wolf like dog and hugs it so tightly. "My handsome young Damon! You are so good and obedient, I can't believe someone left you in that condition."said Grace as she sigh Behind the bush "Hey Mark, isn't that wolf our lord?"asked a demon with black bird wings. She looked really beautiful "You are indeed accurate. That should be our lord, but why is he like that?"said Mark as he gasped in awe. Mark's blue eyes gazed at the scene and was shocked. Inside demon lord's mind "Pet me more Grace! I love your scent and everything about you!" ______ This book cover is not drawn by me, I edited a little bit. Credits to the original creater.

Lavender_Nolan · Fantasy
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23 Chs

14-The great spirit

Suddenly, a huge magic circle appeared, the entire environment became heavy.

A enchanting fairy appears. The fairy looked really beautiful. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The fairy saw Grace and she smiled at her.

Isabel looked scared and shocked. She immediately bowed down before the fairy.

"Our great spirit queen, what brings you here?"asked Isabel

The spirit queen looks at Isabel and smiles

"Isabel, the fairy of nature, the messenger from above told me that they were moved by your willpower and persistence to your love. So they send me here to give you a trial. You are now going to go under a trial. If you win this trial, you can marry the human and not become a human and lose your powers. If you lose the trial, we will erase your memories of him and you can never come out from the fairy forest. Isabel are you willing to accept the trial?"asked the spirit queen

Isabel looked at Ron then said"Your majesty, please forgive me. I won't be attending the trial. I don't ever want to lose him. I'm already ready to give up everything for him. My status, my power, everything. I can't bear to forget him."

The spirit queen looked at Isabel and sigh then asked"If you don't attend the trial, you will really lose all your powers. Are you ready to lose everything for love?"

Isabel was determined and replied"Yes, your majesty."

"Isabel! I will never marry you! So forget about me!"shouted Ron

Ron looked at Isabel with complex emotions.

Isabel shouted"If you don't accept me, I will never marry anyone till the day I die."

Grace felt so moved by their love. She clearly sees that both of them hold feelings for each other. If she was Isabel or her uncle would she make the same decision?

"Isabel, I will give you one more chance? Do you accept this trial?"asked the spirit queen

Isabel was determined, she will not accept it. Before she could say something, Ron interfered.

"Your majesty, please allow me to accept the trial in behalf of Isabel. I can't see her lose her powers. If I win the trial she won't lose anything. If l lose the trial then she will forget me. I don't want to waste Isabel's time. Please allow me to accept your trial."requested Ron

The spirit queen contemplated for a while before she replied"Sure, but the consequences will be changed. If you win the challenge you can marry Isabel and nothing will happen to her. If you lose the challenge you will die."

Isabel and everyone was shocked to hear about the consequences.

Ron looked determine and said"Your majesty I accept your trial."

Isabel quickly interfere and said"No your majesty please don't accept it."

Grace was shocked. She doesn't want her uncle to die.

"Human, do you accept the trial?"asked the spirit queen

Ron looked determine and said"I accept."

Ron looked at Grace and said to Grace"Take care of your grandfather." He looked at his parents and said"Sorry for not being filial."

Around the spirit queen, a huge magical circle formed.

"Human, your trial will begin soon, you have one last chance to back off. Are you going to accept this trial?"asked the spirit queen

"Yes!"said Ron

The spirit queen began to chant, the huge magical circle shone brightly.

"Stop!"shouted Grace

Grace's black eyes seemed like an endless black hole, her body began to grow older. All of the people couldn't breathe.

The spirit queen's magic got cancelled.

"Spirit queen, is there any other ways my uncle and aunt Isabel can get married? I don't want them to suffer. I can't bear to see them suffer."said Grace with tears in her eyes.

The spirit queen sigh, she went towards Grace and told her"There is a way but that way is even more difficult than the trial. They must seek the Goddess Gaia's blessing. The Goddess has been missing since a long time ago, no one knows where the Goddess went. The only way for them to receive the blessings is from the holy sword. The sword who was crafted by the goddess is the only one capable of giving their blessings. However, the sword is missing and the sword will only choose the saviour as it's master."

"So, if the sword can give blessing to my uncle and aunty. No one will interfere in their love affair?"asked Grace

"Indeed."said the spirit queen.

"Grace, Isabel, mom and dad. Please don't interfere anymore. I'm willing to go take the trial. Please allow your son to take it."said Ron

The spirit queen looked at Ron and asked him one last time"Are you really willing to receive this trial?"

Ron looked determined and said

"I'm willi...."

Suddenly, a huge light shone brightly...