
My will system

It all begin on eptember the 5th 2023 a blue screen appeared infort of every human on earth followed by a emotionless mechanical voice. [Earth is now suitable to join the path of evolution every living being will be granted a system based on their life achievements that will help you rise to the pinikle of strength and will even gain immortality] [You have gain the level 1 passive skill STRONG WILL all stats will be increased by 2 points when player HP is under 20%. Zombie, plant turning into carnivores even dragon and Phoenix. Let's follow the journey of Leo and how he survived the apocalypse.

1GYALLIS_Murder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 5 reaching the school

All of a sudden Lio looked around where he was to see the nurse lady that he had helped sleeping in a corner of the room " Hey wake up" Lio said as he shook the lady.

The lady looks at Lio before smiling and coughing blood out of her mouth.

Are you alright Lio asked yeah " this is happening for a while now," the nurse said before her neck twist back and let out a breaking noise.

Lio suddenly took a step back and rushed at the nurse and slammed his foot down on the nurse's head over and over.

A blue essence Crystal is seen in the bloody flesh of Lio bent down and pick up a blue essence Crystal stone.

[Essence Crystal of a Tierless Level 2 Zombie(Adult)→+0.1 stamina]

The essence of Crystal suddenly turns to dust.

[Essence Crystal of a Tierless Level 2 Zombie(Adult)→+0.1 Stamina]

[You have level up to level 1]

[You have gained 0.9 status points to freely distribute in any stats]

[Lio Kevin -

System: Will system

Level: 1

Race: Human

Job: None

Title: None

Stats point: 0.9

Skill: Strong will LVL1

Strength: 1.2/ Agility: 1/ Health: 1.8/ Stamina: 1.7/ Mana: 78 / Magic: 78]

[You can now open the status window by saying open status window]

Lio suddenly thinks about putting his stats points in strength Lio suddenly felt 2× stronger than he was before this all happened.

Lio opened the door and he saw the two dead zombie corpses and the two blue essences Crystal Lio rush at the Crystal and pick them up.

They turn to dust in Lio's hand but nothing appears in his retina.

Probably he had become immune to level 1 zombie essence crystal.

Lio got in a running position and bolt it through the door while the zombies were on his tail.

Lio jumped onto the bike that was standing up and hit the gas the place was really quiet if you as Lio.

Rosewood high is the biggest high school in the world able to accommodate 12,000 people, there was a massive gymnasium in the middle and it was 7,000 meters on all sides.

There was a small dent in the wall that was enough for Lio to fit through with his bike.

Lio pass through the small dent in the wall he saw 10s of giant black cats staring at him as soon as Lio pass the cats they were chasing him at a speed of 70 miles per hour Lio stepped on the gas reaching 120 miles per hour.

Suddenly Lio saw a man in what seemed knight armor.

The man slowly turns his head and slowly raise his red spear in the air and threw it at Lio's head but the spear was too slow.

The man roared in anger as he saw his prey getting away from him.

Suddenly Lio saw a group of zombies being decapitated by a group of people Lio tried to instantly stop the bike but he was thrown in the air.