
Special Lesson (Part 2)

From the size of the large steel doors, everyone thought that they would be entering a fairly large room, but instead they were now in an even smaller room, with another locked door in front of them.

The room was hardly large enough to fit around twenty people. There were a few seats, and a TV, where Mr Corvus was standing at the back.

“You have been specifically chosen by the academy for this task. It is a job that not everyone can do. If you have a problem please ask. Which is why, before we are even to proceed, I must hand you all the documents you need.” Mr Corvus waved his weird staff, and from below the seats where the students were sitting a piece of paper emerged, landing in their laps or hands.

It was like magic, but clearly that wasn't the case. Gary assumed it had something to do with the Teacher’s Altered forms power.

“Please read all the terms and conditions carefully before proceeding, and remember you have the option to accept or decline.”