
Special Lesson (Part 1)

Despite everything Gary had been through, Apollo still had this strange aura surrounding him that told the Werewolf on an instinctual level that the person was quite dangerous. It wasn’t that the Altered used it in any conscious way to threaten him, it was just there and made Gary aware that he should treat him with respect as he had done the head supervisor.

The visits between the two of them had been short, their interactions practically nothing, and yet, his words were quite weighted on Gary’s mind the last two times they had spoken. When thinking about it, before thinking about getting better than Xin, or anyone in the AFA and AFC, he needed to beat this person in front of him, he just had no idea what level Apollo was at, or his two teammates that were with him.

“I’m happy that you took my advice and made it through your group at the top.” Apollo said.

It was good that Apollo had broken the ice, because the conversation between the two groups was lacklustre for a while.