
Class President

Izuku was almost at the entrance of U.A, and as he grew closer he realised that the reporters were increasing in number, the reporters were camping outside of U.A entrance ever since All Might announced he was going teach. As Izuku drew closer, he saw the impatience the reporters had and how they ran towards any student that walked towards them. Not wanting to deal with these annoying pests, Izuku ignored them and walked past, well tried to. As soon as he was close, he got pounced on like a jaguar hunting its prey, Izuku tried to make his way through them but was not able to.

"[how annoying, would be so easy to snap their necks, although I wonder what their quirks are. Hopefully, they have useful ones. Whatever, for now, I'll just say nothing.] No Comment, please let me through." - Izuku

Izuku then tried to walk past them again but they didn't let up and still persisted. Izuku vein pulsed, he really wanted to let loose but his facade held him back.

"If you continue to bar me from entering and making me late for class, I'm going to report you all to the PCC. Please, Let, Me, Pass." - Izuku

"Why are you acting like this?! Just because you're a student in U.A doesn't make you better than us. Besides its in the publics best interest to know about All Might." - Reporter

All the reporters surrounding them agreed and it almost seemed like they all held their heads higher while looking down on Izuku for acting 'better' than them. Izuku just sighed.

"So let me get this straight, it is in the publics best interest to annoy the future candidates for heroes and disturbing their studies just to find out What All Might is doing? you don't think it would be better to focus on corrupt politicians and Heroes and show their actions to the public? Of course not, you wish to stand outside an academy and disturb students just to find out something about All Might that won't affect the people watching. All you're doing is is becoming a nuisance, if it was something important, All Might would have come and given an interview answering all your question. in the end, all you people are here for is to get the viewership that comes with All Might, don't try and make it that your doing it for the publics best interest. Now clear the entrance or I'm going to report every one of you, not to the PCC, but to the police for pressurising a minor." - Izuku

Izuku began to walk forward and the reporters instinctively cleared a path for him, as he walks past the entrance he can hear the reporters murmuring between themselves.

"[Probably talking bad about me, like I care. They're going to carry on being a nuisance but seems like they got less rowdy. Need to improve my speaking skills it seems. I Should go class for the morning then begin working on my nanobots in the afternoon after lunch.]" - Izuku

Izuku walks into class and sits down on his desk and waits. After a while, everyone is in class and Aizawa shows up. He starts to talk about the results of the combat training, he gave his own opinion of the results and how they can improve, when he gets to Izuku he looks up from his stack of papers.

"You didn't injure yourself as much, it seems you're slowly getting better control of your quirk. Well done." - Aizawa

The classroom was a little shocked, no matter how good the performance was he would find a mistake and give his opinion on how to fix it, he even did that for Shoto Todoroki, but for Izuku he just said well done, they all couldn't help but look at Izuku in envy, while Shoto and Katsuki looked at Izuku in anger. This was quickly forgotten once Aizawa announced to people that they were going to do some homeroom business, everyone was worried it would be something like the special test again, but were relieved when he said they were going to pick the class president.

While they were relieved it didn't stop them from jumping up and announcing their candidacy for the position, soon the class got chaotic with everyone trying to announce what they would do and how they would be perfect. Ilda like always interjected telling everyone to quiet down and expressed his opinion while raising his hand the highest. Aizawa didn't say anything but told everyone to have the president and Vice President by the time homeroom was over, before falling over in his sleeping bag.

"[hmm, who should I pick? Maybe myself? No, I'll use my vote for someone else, maybe Momo? She seemed to be the perfect person for this role, although Ilda is like that as well, I don't want someone annoying like him in a position to boss me around. I'll just give it Momo, Uraraka doesn't seem like the person to want that position.]" - Izuku

A while later, after everyone had voted, Aizawa woke up and announced the results. Momo became President with 3 votes and Izuku got Vice President with 2 votes.

"[This seems like a fine result, at least I don't need to manage it and can just add some support from time to time. Besides, I can get close to Momo with this, maybe even get her help.]" - Izuku

As soon as the results were announced Katsuki voiced his dissatisfaction about Izuku getting Vice President, while Ilda was heartbroken about getting zero votes. Izuku ignored this and went to stand at the front of the classroom with Momo.

"It's going to be a pleasure to work with you Yaozura-San." - Izuku

"Same here, please call me Momo." - Momo

For the rest of the class, Izuku talked with Momo and started to ask for help with his 'Business Idea' about creating nanobots. Izuku explained his plans and what he needed her help with, after thinking a while she decides to help but in return, she wants to be his business partner. Izuku doesn't need to think much about this and agrees. They then spend the remainder of the class, with Izuku explaining the design of nanobots and how to implement it, while Momo memorised everything until lunch.


Izuku and Momo grabbed lunch and sat together continuing to talk about the design, Uraraka and Ilda joined them but stayed out of the conversation since it was starting to go beyond what they could comprehend.

"[Being the class President and Vice President sounds complicated.]" - Uraraka

"[What are they talking about? It sounds complicated, it can't be?!...]" - Ilda

Izuku has finished explaining the design and implementation for the nanobots to Momo and she finished memorising it, She tries to create some but Izuku says she should wait till they're in a place with the suitable equipment. With nothing else to do Izuku decides to tell Momo what ideas he wanted to add on to the nanobots design, like adding a semi AI to them but keeps getting stuck on implementing it to something so small. Momo thinks about it and then just explains how she can create it since she can have complete control on what she makes, Izuku starts getting excited then starts explaining to Momo how she can implement that and when they got to test it she should try. While they're talking the alarm goes off.

"There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." -Announcer

Ilda asked someone close by who seemed like an older student what a level 3 security breach was, the asked student panicky explained he hadn't seen this before in his three years here and ran away while telling Ilda to hurry as well. While everyone runs around him Izuku stays calm, he ignores Ilda, Uraraka and Momo trying to get him to come with them and hurry and walks towards a window, he scans the school grounds and sees the disturbance.

"[So it was the nuisances, they sure have guts breaking into U.A.] - Izuku

Ilda, Uraraka and Momo come and try to grab Izuku and take him out, Izuku dodges and then just points out at the reporters, they look and see the problem before sighing in relief. Meanwhile, Izuku is looking and the so-called future Heroes, he couldn't help but show disgust from his eyes towards them.

"How disgraceful..." - Izuku

This sentence brought Ilda, Uraraka and Momo's attention back towards him, they were confused until they saw how the students acted as well, not only theirs but the few people that were around Izuku looked towards him as well. When they realised he was looking at them when he said that, an angry expression came upon their face.

"What was that?!?" - Random Student One

"Who do you think you're talking to?!?" - Random Student Two

"BRAT, repeat what you just said!" - Random Student Three

Izuku scanned the faces of the people that looked angry, it wasn't only the three that voiced themselves. Izuku face didn't change, however, a calm smile did creep onto his face while the disgust in his eyes showed more clearly.


This gets the attention of everyone and they all look over.

"Do you think you aren't? Look at how your acting, even citizens act better in situations like this. Yet look at how U.A students are acting, pushing and shoving each other just to get to safety, you have the nerve to come and study at the greatest hero academy in the country, truly and utterly disgraceful." - Izuku

The students listen and are ashamed of their actions but still decide to fight back. They start insulting and swearing at Izuku and ask him why he's trying to act all high and mighty, Izuku keeps the same face as before, until his smile grows and he just points at the reporters through the window, he then ignores the reaction of the students and goes back to his table to continue eating. Momo, Uraraka and Ilda join him, Izuku continues to talk with Momo while Uraraka and Ilda talk about Ilda's 'rich' family.


After finishing Lunch Izuku bade farewell to everyone and told them he'd see them when school finishes. He headed towards the Hero Support department, only this time it wasn't to create the nanobots as he now had Momo for that, this time it was to get Power Loaders help in improving the Nanobots. Once he arrived he noticed that Power Loader was working on something.

"Are you busy Power Loader, I needed to get your help with something, if you are I'll come back when your not." - Izuku

"Oh, Izuku, Yeah I need to get this done by the end of today, but I'm almost done, at most I'll take an hour." - Power Loader

"I see, then I'll come back in an hour, meanwhile I'll go and talk to TechWiz." - Izuku

"Okay, I'll come to you guys once I'm done, I needed to talk with him anyway." - Power Loader

Izuku walked out and headed towards TechWiz's office. Once he arrived he noticed TechWiz playing games on his computer, TechWiz's quirk allowed him to control technology with his mind, so he was playing the game without using the mouse or keyboard. Izuku entered and then asked TechWiz his problems of the Nanobots, and how to Hack proof them. They talked about what to do and what not to do for around 37 minutes and 19 seconds before Power loader walked in, Izuku then told him about Momo and how she was going to help with the Nanobots. He told him how he could now improve the Nanobots as long as it was possible. Power Loader and TechWiz were both excited at the prospects and started putting their brain together to make the perfect nanobots. By the end of the day, they had finished their design and it could be called the perfect Nanobot, now all Izuku needed to do is explain everything about it to Momo so she can make it.

Izuku Bade farewell to Power Loader and TechWiz before heading out towards the entrance of U.A to wait for everyone. Once there he saw the rubble that was left of the gate and couldn't help but wonder, would the reporters' dare do something like this to get in? Momo, Uraraka and Ilda arrived and they started to head home, they all questioned the rubble but Izuku quickly started talking about the new Nanobot design to Momo, the more she heard the more she was amazed and told Izuku to send the blueprints to her so she can try to make the Nanobots while she was at home. Izuku agreed and told her he would send the Nanobots when he was home.

After arriving at home Izuku sent the blueprints and decided to do some mental training on the computer. He did that until it was time to sleep, he was very excited to see Momo's results the next day.


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So been a while since I wrote, so iv forgotten most of how the characters should act, so bear with me on this.

P.S I might have rushed a little, I was getting tired.

P.S.S I don't know how to take down the chapters that I talked to you guys on.

No idea when next one is coming out, still not sure how I want the fight to go.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts