
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 17 -What do you want? (5) [Volume1 Epilogue-2]

:: Arthur Xanders

Walking through the streets of the plaza, as people strolled past me, some in the same direction walking faster than me, some by whom I walked past by. Their attire was a mix of tattered rags and finely embroidered garments, underneath their cloaks. Baskets of fresh vegetables, chickens, and other goods clutched tightly in their arms

Releasing a sigh, I let loose my shoulders, my both hands inside my pants pocket. 


[The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "Tilt your head a little upward."]


Subconsciously I moved my eyes towards the sky, at a weird request from her.

The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over a bustling road, and the wind flowing its way gave the gentle feel.


[The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "That's it.! Stay like that for a second."]



[The Nubecula 'Whose bleeds for heartbroken" comments "That went well, hopefully."]


And a light smile formed on my face at that message.


[The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "Oh that one is better.!"]


I became a little curious at her message, but I focused on the previous one, as I kept walking. The smell of Roasted beans flows from a nearby inn, where a receptionist with a hearty laugh, greets each new arrival with a temperate welcome.

A Group of minstrels, dressed in colorful tunics, played sweet melodies of lutes, flutes, and tambourines. Their music adds a whimsical layer to the atmosphere.

The meeting with Regina really went well. Her curiousness, and eagerness to me about Lisa, were understandable. Lisa is Archduke, while Regina is the daughter of a Count from one of four Queendoms. If I were to find out that one of my cousins is some important figure, say prime minister in my previous world. I would have questions as well.


[The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Stop with your stalking tendency."]


[The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "T-this is for reference.!"]


[The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Then wouldn't one from inside the cafe would have been better?"]


[The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "I have some from there as well.!"]


[The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is sighing.]


'What are they talking about?' I thought as those messages flashed before me.


[The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "That gallant woman looked really beautiful."]


[The Nubecula 'Whose like Candy and Cigar' comments "Indeed, Aye hero boy?"]


I assumed they were talking about Regina. As a battle course Professor, she is always fierce wielding a sword. But today she looked quite feminine. 'Well, she is a woman after all.' I told myself, since I always considered that any woman can be consider beautiful.

But I put the details about her beauty aside since there is no need. Rather, I knew that she had shaken up before. It was apparent by her expression from the hall with glass cells, and even the look she had, after she sent the student around me, I knew how her heart just wanted to isolate us so that she could pour it all out.

Even if I preferred that I could slip past the situation. Since she knew that I also saw the message, where Lisa's name appeared, I had to have a talk with her. 

Nonetheless, it went okay. She isn't someone like Eddie who is too ambitious. Thinking about it, how is that two-face? Is he still suffering from the poison? I thought.

Anyway, Regina is different and loyal to the continent. Her Family Yates, is a family of swords, one that protects the continent. I knew she would show determination and loyalty instead of any malice intention, that is why I didn't try to dodge meeting with her.

I walked towards the 'Trivia', it was evening since the meeting went on for quite long, but it was an off day so both of us had nothing in particular to do. And I could only assume that she wanted to have a normal peaceful time, after what happened yesterday.

Thinking about yesterday, as I walked I subtly glanced onto my side, where Persephone walked- floated -shoulder to shoulder to me. Her appearance, even though lost of any glow that she had before we made a soul contract, was basked in the mahogany light of the orange sun. Her eyes, the only part of her that still had the glow, disregarding the feeling of my gaze, look around nonchalantly.

She hadn't shown any strong reaction since yesterday, just reacted like nothing special happened. To be honest, nothing special had happened as far as it is related to her, so I just let it go.

Children dart between the legs of the crowd, playing games with sticks and stones, their laughter ringing through the air.

Walking through the silent yet boisterous atmosphere surrounding me. Soon after reaching the 'Trivia' I went directly to my dorm room, there wasn't anything else to do. Since the day after tomorrow would be when the classes will resume and tomorrow is also an off day, I will visit the office then.

Slipping my hand out of my pocket, I twisted the doorknob of the door, after twisting the key inside it, swinging it open. Persephone went inside first, and I walked following her, closing the door behind me.

She went to lay on the bed, both hands behind her head, and pushed- stretched - her chest, trying to relieve tension on her back. Disregarding the tempting sight, I took soft steps toward the table, relatively near the bed. Pulling out one of the beautiful wine glasses, I poured some wine, uncorking the bottle, that was inside the shelf across the table.

As I put the bottle down near the glass, a message flashed before me.


[The Lower existence 'Todd Middleton' is showing vigilance.]



An exhausted sigh released from my mouth, I rubbed my eyes with my index finger and thumb, taking deep breaths. Persephone felt the change inside me, and as her question was coming, I spoke before that.

Arthur: "Both of you come out."

I spoke, no, I demanded, as I stopped rubbing my eyes and my hands rested on the table, putting my weight on them.



I didn't turn around but some noises reached my ears, and Persephone lifted her head a little to look past me. Our eyes met, there was interest, like she was looking forward towards the situation but that's all. My eyes squinted at her reaction and then straightening my back, I scooped the Wine glass in my hand and slowly turned around.

What came into view was a silver-haired boy, Ducas. I knew he was already here because - 'As if he would show vigilance towards me.' I grumbled.

He stood no past two meters from me, back straight, one of his hands stretched at the height till my chest, there was a sliver feather there, but past that, a needle-like knife was gripped between his fingers before it touched the feather.


[The Nubecula 'Who likes Candy and Cigar' is scoffing.]


[The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking your way.]


I shifted my eyes to him, and he quickly glancing at me, grabbed the knife in his palm and pulled it inside his cloak.


[The existence 'Todd Middleton' has deactivated the skill 'pass from sight' Lvl.2']


As that message appeared, the space inside middle of the room was distorted in a way that felt like an illusion was being cast away. And a man clad in a butler uniform with white gloves, Todd, appeared there, all professional like when he came last time in my room.

His Yellow eyes were focused on Ducas, before turning to me.

Arthur: "You know you can come like a normal person. Knocking on the door."

I was talking to both, Ducas and Todd, but both didn't show any reaction. Maybe they thought I was talking to the other one. Shaking my head inside, I took a sip of the wine, to keep the feeling inside.

Arthur: "So How can I help?"

I felt Ducas fidget a little, but I didn't know why, and I kept my gaze focused on Todd. He looks at me for a while, maybe musing over my words, before speaking.

Todd: "I am here to deliver a notice."

He said. I coked one brow at his word. He is here to deliver a notice? What notice? Was something supposed to happen just after the script was cleared? I thought to myself. And Oblivious to my thought Todd spoke again.

Todd: "I would be leaving Trivia."

This time my stoic expression broke a little as my brows threatened to frown, which I barely held. Why is he leaving? Is the workload too much? No, That would be my reason. 

Does he need to go to the Archduchessy? Is something happening there? I tried to recall the events I remember from my dreams. No, it is still early for those. More thoughts kept appearing, denying the one before them.

But if he leaves, how does he plan to protect Lisa? Not that she needs his help, maybe not anymore, but he wouldn't leave her here, so maybe-

Todd: "And so will Archduchess."

Answering my question he spoke. This time my expression broke, as I frowned a little, but it was a curious frown. I tried to maintain an unfazed expression and tried to find a reason for this unexpected notice, and out of all, one sensical reason surfaced into my mind.

Arthur: "Is a power struggle starting to show its existence?"

I was a little uncertain, the power struggle was supposed to happen in the near future but there should still be a really long time, it only happened after Gale brought the school into chaos, but it happened a little early, thirty days too early.

Eventually, Lisa left, because the school obviously attracted too much attention. There were already too many outcasted royals. It may be a good place to be, but it is still a double-edged sword, gaining even one strong Royal household's attention would mean attracting many others. Todd just narrowed his eyes at me.

Todd: "You really are always well-informed."

Well, I am just speculating, that is the only thing that I could say. 

Arthur: "Isn't it normal in Royals?"

Todd: "This time it is different. Her Highness, don't want Archduchess informed, but-"

Arthur: "But you did."

I spoke cutting him. I know her daughter wanted Lisa to have all the freedom, not to be burdened by the Royals. Her house is filled with memories, blissful and grieving. Even though Lisa doesn't mind, her daughter's feelings towards her are unconditional.

Todd didn't show much reaction towards my interruption as he went on.

Todd: "Too many things have happened, it would eventually gain attention. And Her Highness needs her assistance."

I agreed with him. First Plaza incident, the media took that into attention, then Felicity announced her succession, again Trivia took attention because she was a student here, and now Hidden script, not everyone would stay silent about it, Eldrich might try to keep it from spreading.

In normal cases, the occurrence of Hidden Script would do wonders for one's reputation, but as someone who 'collects' outcasted Royals, he doesn't want attention, and the experience among the one who encountered the script, isn't a pleasant one either.

Some professors might comply, even some students would find it better- not to tell everyone, but some would not. Most students, even though older than me, from their sense they have only lived less than a quarter of their lives, so how could a juvenile not want to discuss about what happened with them that night? 

And for Lisa, even if no evidence was there she did use a powerful ice skill, even if, apart from me and Regina, no one saw her name on the message, strong ice skills are of Queen Lineage. Commoner's might awed hearing that, but Royals would take interest.

Arthur: "So, when will she be informed?"

I spoke passively, without much reaction, maybe it really is better for her to leave.

Todd: "I already left a message. I assume she will inform the Acting headmaster, Eldrich, and go back in four to five days."

My face went back to a normal stoic one. I took another sip gently, to mask the little uncertainty and questions that were building up.

As far as it is concerned for Lisa, it really is better for her to leave, and if there is a power struggle showing its wake, then the sooner the better, she did eventually.

But 'eventually' is the word concerning me.

Why is it happening early again? Is it because of Felicity, the rise of the Hanson family? but that is between the Duke Davison household and the Marquis Hanson household, the Archduke household has nothing to do with it. 

If it is the original reason as in my dreams, only happening early, then Lisa wouldn't find the boy that she is supposed to take as an heir so early. With the timing change, how would that go? Originally I thought I would take his place but-

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I focused on, because even if they are leaving now-

Arthur: "Wouldn't it be weird if both of you left? Even if it is on different days."

He wouldn't leave Lisa out of his sight for too long, not until she reached Archduchessy.

Todd: "After what happened yesterday, some people are planning to resign, I would be considered one just among them."

His speech of voice was distinct as if speaking the obvious.

Arthur: "...And you are here to tell me to stay out? Not follow her?"

That was the logical thing to assume. I am mysterious to them, already had caught up in weird situations, and he is the Hart family's protector. Why wouldn't he want me away, even to disappear? but Todd surprised me.

Todd: "I am not. Make no mistake, I would prefer if you don't follow her, but it is her decision. I eliminate threats, so, if you do show any sign of it. I would take action but so far you have only helped. So I am abstaining on the matter. That is all."


[The lower existence 'Todd Middleton' has activated 'pass from sight Lvl.2']


And with the message that followed after his words, his appearance distorted like an illusion and he vanished. I couldn't even ask about the thought that was giving a prickling feeling inside me.

 'How did I help?' 

Silence hung for a while and after an ample time, when it was sure that he left my room, Ducas looked at me.

Ducas: "Sir Arthur... would you be going then?"

He hesitated a little, I didn't know why. Does he have some history with royals? or is he just curious? I didn't know. Swirling the wine in my glass I took another light sip and said, my eyes focused on the red liquid fading into dark at its depth.

Arthur: "No. I would remain at Trivia."

Bitter-sweet astringency taste lingers inside my mouth. I was thinking, and originally planned, that I would go with Lisa, make her my blesser, and then take the place of the boy she took as an heir. But things are going astray. I knew it was inevitable but, it is following in a way that I could only form a rough idea. So it is better to live away here and deal with the situation only in one place, at least for two years and nine months, that was the time I had left with.


The night felt long, the hours passed, the world outside grew quieter, and the weight of the darkness pressed upon everything like a heavy curtain.

I kept thinking about why the situation among Royal is at a point where the Archduke family has to be vigilant as well. I even read the BTDW text file, but the brief information I could make through that was. The power struggle that was originally happening because the Royals among men was making things difficult.

From ancient times, The Cloud continent has been governed mostly by women, ever since Ice Princess, Crystal established it. Some exceptional families are there, but none of them are related to the Queen. 

The ones like the Demin-human households, where strength is an important factor are among the exceptions. Hanson-Household of Felicity's family, her father is Marqius of the household, Lion is considered a king. Artao-Household of Bears has a male Count. Whereas Stelmar-Household of Tigers has a Female Viscount and Adelar-Household of Eagles has a female Baron as well.

Duke Davison Household has Valerie's father as Duke, but that is because its previous generation didn't had a daughter, that means, Valerie don't have an aunt, but she could be a Duke. With tradition of Cloud having female leader, it was welcoming, that is the reason that Felicity always thought Valerie rejecting the position was a lie.

What separates the Hart family is that Lisa is a sister of the Queen. She was an Archduke of the household, and then she gave the title to her husband, and after his death she retook her title, retook might be the wrong word from her sense, she held the title for a while. 

Nobody really should have thought that deeply. That is, until Lisa's daughter formally reached the age of forty and her coming ceremony was held. Because that is the age when she will meet the age to take the Archduchess position. 

What irks others is that there is no male left in the household as of now. With no man, how would the men's group form any alliance with the family? Only the one who would marry her would have the power.

Politics it is, is all I can say. But there is still time, three months time. It is all supposed to happen after three months. Her birthday is after three months and then after the formal ceremony happens the voice really starts to come out. But has it started early? If yes, then why?

Thoughts kept mulling all night in my head till I eventually slept. 

Right now, as I woke up early in the morning, I decided to go to the office and prepare the material. Even if Lisa will leave, I have already decided to stay, so the work still needs to be done.

There might be some new professor be assigned, and they might would not want me as his or her assistant. I might also be taken by some other professor to be their assistant. But I can say for sure, that I won't be kicked out.

I can at least understand, that people of Trivia don't feel repulsion, or atleast don't see me as someone 'unworthy' or 'unqualified' to remain as an assistant professor, as they used to.

Descending the stairs, I reached the reception, Todd was there, he looked similar to as he always looks, uninterested, and forcefully married to his work, completely different from the assassin, who always appeared out of thin air, throwing knives at me.

'I assume today is his last day as well.' Our eyes met, I nodded at him, and he nodded back but unlike usual, he spoke to me this time.

Todd: "Assistant Professor, you have a guest."

Arthur: "Guest?"

His words caught me off guard, as I blurted out. Even if my expression was stoic, the tone in my voice gave away that I was surprised by the information, even greater than when he told me he and Lisa would be leaving.

But his reaction didn't change much. His face was simply uninterested, and only his eyes shifted from me traveling towards the path leading to the hallway, where all the offices were.

Todd: "Yes, he is waiting in your office."

Uncertain, I nodded once and headed towards my office. I have a guest? I was confused. Who would come to meet me? Someone I know? I don't know anyone here. No, It was the other way around. Nobody should know me in this world, and I am not particularly close to anyone.

I tried to search for everyone with whom I have interacted after waking up in this world. Is it Bob? But he should not know about me being here. Is it from some household? Someone's parents?

Thinking, speculating much about the situation I quickly strolled, and reaching my office I opened the door without thinking and went inside.

Going past the opened door, There was a person sitting on the chair, with his back facing me. Even from the back of his head, I could make out that his hair was neatly combed back. But what startled me was the symbol -A cloud, forming a crown- on his shoulder strap as a part of his uniform.

Listening to the sound of the door being opened, the person lifted his head and turned back, as his body moved to stand up. I recognized the man.

'Timothy?' I was very shocked inside, but I somehow managed to hide it by holding my breath and tightening my jaw, as my muscles seemed to stiffen up.

His hand pulled the chair back, and as he stood looking at me, stepping aside to the chair, he moved towards me, stopping two steps apart.

Looking at his clean-cut face despite being a military man, his ever-so-accusing light brown eyes with black pupils, that were rested under a frown, made me tilt my head upward, making me look down at him, even though our heights were quite similar.

Arthur: "What do you want?"

There was no threat in my voice but annoyance was clear as clean water. But instead of showing any averse reaction, his posture remained straight, and his tone neutral.

Timmothy: "Arthur Xanders, resign now. You are coming with me."



[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Justice Boy." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "I don't remember him." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "He is the one he encountered near the shore." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Military man huh? He should have a good strategic mind." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is making a grim face. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is sipping his wine.]


[ The Nubecula 'Kafziel' is looking at you with interest. ]


Hello readers,

I hope everyone is healthy and happy.

The Final EPILOGUE of VOLUME1! with this Volume is ended.

I know I have already said it in the previous epilogue, but man it's been so long writing this novel. It seems like yesterday.

At the end of Volume 1, Arthur who wanted to leave Trivia with Lisa to have a comfortable life has decided to stay, so that he doesn't tangle up in the unforeseen events occurring at her household. But now Timmothy, the character who might be long forgotten, has come in front of him, telling him to resign. Quite the blunder.

I will write an author's words just for the sake of the first volume completing. I might upload it tomorrow, I have quite a lot I want to write, but this author's thought is too damn small to see.

The next Volume will be uploaded from next week on Monday. I will write details about it in the Author's words.

Please support the novel, and at least give comments and review. I love reading them, that's all.


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