
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vision 17 - What do you want? (4) [Volume1 Epilogue-1 ]


A gentle breeze, like a whispered secret, rustled through the sleeping leaves of the trees. The world seems to hold its breath in anticipation of the approaching sensation of the day.

The sun sent its golden rays to praise its arrival. Fingers of light stretched wide, across every inch of 'Trivia', touching everything they grazed with warmth and tenderness. 

Birds, still drowsy from their night's rest, stirred and began to sing, their melodies weaving into the very fabric of the morning. 

A new day whispering promises of possibilities and fresh beginnings. It was a reminder that, no matter how long the night may be, the light would always find its way back into the world, painting it with hope and masking the night, the night before. 

The last night held so many memories, no, it was a feeling that was difficult to blur. It was not impossible, just very hard, at least for me.

It is the next morning, just after the night when the nightmares of many ended. 

Some students had it rougher than others to forget the suffering that they had to endure for several nights. They were not voicing it out, but it was transparent as clean ice.

Fortunate or unfortunately, I experienced it for just a few hours, but it felt so longer for some reason. But the worst part of it all was the way I-we-were lured there. An illusion, an imitation, showing the person who held a special place in our hearts, using them to paint a beautiful picture, a beautiful promise, just to snatch it away and wash it with helplessness, and loss?

It was cruel in my opinion.

Yesterday night, as soon as all the students were safely returned, under the supervision of Professor Lothian and Professor Wale, the Acting headmaster, Eldrich-II, was immediately informed of the circumstances.

It took a long while, to explain everything to him, we explained as much as we knew. There were several holes obviously, no-one knew as to why such phenomena suddenly occurred.

The occurrence of a schema itself was not that weird, so many remains from ancient times are left behind in our realm, in our world, that there is no way to actually comprehend them unless one comes across them.

But why now and not before? that was the question that everyone was thinking. Many, even us, thought that maybe it was already there and that is why the floor was rumored to be forbidden to enter. 

But the Acting headmaster master said that it was not the case. Even we professors often told the students, that there is no secret behind the top floor, it is just a rumor, and the only reason it was not used is due to being used as a storage, which is actually true.

But now it raised so many questions. The acting headmaster listened and understood whatever vague description we could provide. He suggested that now that the schema has been cleared, we should not worry about it, and take a good rest. The classes are all dismissed for two days, a rational time to let everyone recover physically, as for mentally, there was no telling.

After discussing, the primary measure that is decided to be taken is to get in contact with one of the royal families. So that a god messenger could come and assess the floor. They are the only ones who could provide any answers and could confirm if the schemas has been disappeared or not.

And that is how it ended, by informing him of all that we knew of the situation and how it transpired. Everything apart from one thing, a piece of information that I held back.

Maybe he know already, or maybe he don't, but I didn't know how to, or if I should be telling someone what I knew.

The scene, with huge ice statue, in the shape of a furred tiger, standing on its hind legs, with details like ice flames around its mouth's corner, came into mind. And there was a message hovering above the statue with names written on it. 

'Lisa Hart', the name flickered in my mind. That was the name that appeared along side Arthur's name, as the schema was cleared. 

Hart, The Royal Hart family, the Archduke Family of Cloud continent. I always found it weird that Lisa, no, Archduchess Lisa Hart, had my family name, but I never knew her.

Also, I heard that since her husband died, she decreased her interaction with other families. I didn't have enough influence so that I could even meet her, and even if I did at some point, our meeting should have been so long ago that I didn't recognize her.

Many questions, and many thoughts, kept running around in my mind. I thought I should approach her just when we were released, but when I realized how our positions differ, I couldn't muster up the courage.

Why was she here so far from the Archduchess? the responsibilities she have are too much to just go out like this, and too dangerous. So, Why? That term attached to so many of my thoughts, and I wanted answers, at least discuss it with someone, say it out loud.

And that's when I saw him appearing, walking through the door into the hall room. I almost ran to him, but students flocking up to him made me halt my steps, but I still approached him, I wanted to talk. I tried and insisted everyone to take rest and went back to their rooms, they listened and I thought we had some moment, but then two more students approached.

I was about to instruct them to follow others but he stopped me. I knew I was being persistent and maybe he sensed my impatience and proposed we talk tomorrow, that is today.

Past one O'Clock now, the sun was still almost at the head of the sky. Despite at its height, the sun radiates, not scorching but warm.

Standing in front of the destination, the place where the student with silver hair named Ducas, the one who often stays near to him, told me Arthur and I would meet for the proposed lunch.

?: "Welcome to Abode."

Regina: "Afternoon. Table for two, Please."

A man, a valet, who had slight wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. His brown hair with white in it was combed back. He wore a suit like a god messenger but it was bulky, so it was not looking exactly like them, and obviously, no flickering light particles danced on his forehead.

I went inside within the welcoming embrace of Abode, a coffee cafe. Following the valet, an atmosphere of ease and charm emerged, welcoming clients into a world where every detail has been lovingly crafted to evoke a sense of peace and warmth.

My senses were immediately engulfed in a soothing symphony of earth tones. The walls are dressed in a warm palette of calm browns and gentle creams, with textured surfaces embroidered with framed artworks. 

The warm, gentle lighting bathes the space in an amber glow, casting subtle shadows that dance along the corners of the room.

The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans flows through the air, and a symphony of wooden furnishings takes center stage. Tables, each unique, and complementing these tables are inviting, cushioned armchairs and plush sofas.

Overhead, a chandelier adds an element of beauty, and the barista station, a gleaming spectrum of dark mahogany, glistens with polished simple machines and a collection of gleaming glass jars filled with coffee beans.

?: "Here you go miss. Please take a seat."

The man stood, gesturing to a table with cutleries on it, a flower vase with orange and yellow flower petals grown in all directions, marigolds were in the middle. It had two chairs, facing each other. It was situated at the edge of the room, sticking to a big window with beautiful carvings.

Nodding at him, I sank into my chosen seat. 

?: "Miss, this someone else would be joining you later?"

He asked politely, with professionalism oozing out of him, and looking at the valet, I nodded.

Regina: "Yes, he will be here soon."

The Valet smiled at me at my chosen words and a gentle smile it was.

?: "I hope you and your partner have a pleasant afternoon. Please feel free to tell any waiter or waitress whatever you need."

Regia: "Ah, He isn't-"

The man turned on his heels with a benign smile and left towards the Abode's entrance door, attending to other customers who were coming.

Regina: "-my partner."

Leaving me to softly complete my words. I released a sigh while flattening the cloth over the table infront of me. Putting my elbow on top and resting my face on my palm, I looked through the huge window, showing the street outside.

Serenaded by the soft murmur of hushed conversations and the occasional hiss of steam from the machine, as the barista poured hot water over the powdered coffee, my mind became lost in the scene beyond the window.

People walked on the side of the road, as the carriages were drawn by the ground horses at the heart of the scene. The ground horses were much more versatile now than the ancient times. 

Families with men and women, holding their children, Some people wearing cloaks- not of Trivia-with books in their hands, I could only assume they were children aspiring to enroll in the academy, some young people laughing with others, all walked. 

That scene, that world, was separated from me by a single wall, and I was looking at it all through a window. It gave me a weird kind of feeling, I was disconnected from it, it was just at my arm's length, but still untouchable.

Something about being isolated and looking at the blissful world was soothing and beautiful. Time seemed inconvincible to me, maybe after experiencing the dark, and isolated night with no hope last night, made this scene infront of me special.

Releasing a sigh, I peeled my eyes and as I turned, two dark obsidian eyes looking at me with interest came into view.

Across me, a body clad in a black loose shirt with two upper buttons unbuttoned, tucked in black pants, one leg raised above another, one of the pale hands was on the upper knee and another was stretched to the table.

The bangs loosely draped over the forehead, and the rest of the black hairs were combed, seemingly by fingers, from the side and back, going all the way to a little below the crown, was tied by a band.

Effeminate face, with long eyelashes, but with masculine features, as the sharpness of his eyes looked at me calmly, but his light smile said otherwise.

Regina: "Arthur, You should have told me when you arrived."

Calming the racing of my heart due to his unexpected appearance I said so, to which his light smile stretched at one corner.

Arthur: "I could have, but the scene was akin to a beautiful painting. I would have been cursed if I intentionally rippled it away, Miss Regina."

His eyes gently shifted from me to the surroundings. I was confused by his round way words that were put beautifully, but tracing his gaze, I spotted many eyes that were looking our way.

By pure chance, I made eye contact with a man sitting straight across. He flinched, then became beat red, and pulled his eyes away, fidgeting, rolling the fork by the shaft between his fingers.

Arthur: "You have an incredible sense of style, Miss Regina. This is the first time, I have seen you wearing something else other than your leather Armor."

My eyes shifted to him, and then I glanced at my own outfit. Royal blue one-piece skirt, with black flowery lance on the top opening, from cleavage to shoulders. The dress had baggy sleeves, and I put a corset leather belt at my waist, to compliment the dress, I wore black high boots and black leather gloves.

Finally, a fabric around my neck with a jewel in the middle, two light earrings, and holding my Hazelnut middle-parted slightly wavy hair was thin hair clippers on either side of my head.

Arthur: "I should thank you for delivering such a beautiful sight."

The compliment was apparent in his tone, and I didn't brush aside his words. Unlike when I had to deliver the role of Battle course professor for the senior-year students. Always wearing my armor, putting my hair in a high ponytail, with a strong and sharp expression, I do understand how current me look different.

My eyes shifted to him again, his words pulling me.

Regina: "Well, it is an off day. It's also been very long since I have come out and relaxed. And honestly, You, yourself look quite soothing to the eyes, Arthur."

I wasn't just being polite, looking around I could also feel many eyes of the female looking at him secretly. A man wouldn't notice a woman's gaze secretly looking their way, but I did.

His head tilted to one side, and his eyes softened, as the three long fingers of his hand, that was on the table, opened, directing at me.

Arthur: "Well I had to come as handsome as I could, for the partner that was waiting for me."

His head leaned back and eyed the valet at the door. I realized then that the valet must have directed Arthur when I was looking outside all lost in the view. He must have said something like, 'Your partner is waiting for you, I'll direct you to her.' or something like that.

I was about to say something to clear the misunderstanding, but then his brows flinched and his jaw tightened like he heard a snarky remark. I thought maybe the heat that I was feeling on my cheeks might have been visible. I did think he looked handsome and quite mature sitting so open like that.

Claiming myself, after releasing a sigh, I focused, he is younger than me for God's sake, and there was a reason that I wanted to meet him. I wanted to talk, he was the only one I know, apart from me, whom I saw looking at the message appearing after the schema cleared. I tightened my muscles and became a little serious.

Regina: "So Arthur, you proposed a meeting knowing that I wanted to talk to you about something, Isn't this the case here?"

His expression loosened and the tightened jaw became relaxed, as his eyes focused back at me.

Arthur: "Oh yes. You want to talk about-" his eyes squinted looking only at me, his voice low, like he was whispering, and mouthed "-the name that appeared on the message yesterday-" his expression and voice returned to normal "-Right?"

Hearing his words I became convinced and determined. I leaned closer to him, folding my arms and putting it over the table.

Regina: "So you also saw? Her name? It was Hart." I also mouthed in a little whispering voice "Lisa Hart."

Maintaining his posture he nodded looking right into my eyes with understanding, and my heart raced.

Regina: "So I didn't just imagine that."

I whispered to myself, my eyes lingering on the vase between us.

Arthur: "You thought you imagined that?"

And his question pulled me back to him.

Regina: "More like I want to believe I might. And of course, I didn't want to believe it. Why would the duch-" 

I held my words and quickly glancing around, I scooted closer to him. 

Regina: "Why would the Archduchess herself be so far away from her house, in a simple school, and taking my name?

Is ArchDuchessy alright? Is she running? Who is looking after all the work then? I think I heard somewhere that Her daughter, Her Highness, is actively being seen as of late, is this the reason? It has to be. Why would she take my name? Then Is my family alright? The questions were too many.

Arthur: "Well is it a simple school?"

hm? he pulled me out of those. I cocked my head to the side, confused by his chosen words. What does he mean by that?

Arthur: "Allen, Lothian, Wales, Sherman .... Yates."

My heart skipped a beat as he mentioned those family names. Indeed, those aren't simple names. Those are Royal family names, the only reason that they don't stand out so much is that most of people of this city don't know what our standing in the families are.

And even if someone figures that out, we professors are different from royals. We all have been outcasts, most don't know who we are. Most only assume we have distant relations with the family. 

But that is far from the truth, we are close members, who have been outcasted, and some who purposefully left the family, like me. Does he know? no, the way he speaks, he must know, but how?

Arthur: "I assume she had her reasons. And isn't this the best place to be, to remain out of sight and still remain around Royal?"

That is true, if one takes into consideration, even if outcasts, almost every member of the Royal family is among the Faculty members.

 Arthur: "You are one yourself. Isn't being around royals is a kind of a way to remain close to your own family?"

His words struck like thunder. Yes even though I left the Count Household by choice. Being grown by a Royal was etched in my mind. The simplicity of life among commoners always attracted me, but the discipline and hard work became a routine in my life. I even sometimes missed, how my parents used to discuss political remarks about other households.

Arthur: "As for taking your name, I guess she did so because she thought she could trust you."

Regina: "Trust me? why?... why would she?... I could have-"

I was baffled by his words, but then he cut me.

Arthur: "Could have. but didn't." 

He pointed out, to which I became tight-lipped.

Arthur: "Those are two different things, aren't you here? still hiding it and assessing it? I assume if it wasn't me, you would talk with her directly, before doing anything else. You wouldn't threaten her, would you?"

Regina: " I-" 

I mused over his words a little. He is right, I still haven't said anything about it. The information that the Archduchess is not in her Archduchessy could be life threatening to her, and to her family's reputation.

But threaten her? Absolutely not. I have known the Archduchess's benevolence, even though I heard she became somewhat cold, and now I can see she is, but since her husband died, who wouldn't be? but she still kept Household strong, none could challenge the Archduchessy even now.

And the bravery of Archduke is well known even among slaves, the man who fought bravely, and protected as many as he could, at the expense of his life. He didn't cower but stood tall.

I could never, I am a Yates, I am from the count family of the protector kingdom, a sword. Loyalty to the only Archduke family is a given. Now the question from before seemed to be overshadowed by determination, I looked ahead with a clear head, looking into eyes of the man sitting ahead of me, the one who also knew this sensitive information.

Regina: "What do you think about it, Arthur?"

If she trusted me, I would like to keep that trust, but then what does he want to do?

Arthur: "Well, I don't care either way."

Regina: "You don't care?'"

Arthur: "I am simple, weak, and don't attract much attention. So I would like to be that way. "

He is simple? Weak? doesn't attract attention? The defensive feeling in my heart was put down by a slight chuckle inside me. His words sounded funny to me.

He might be weak, but his will is not, the fight from yesterday, how gallantly he fought the beast surfaced. As for doesn't attract attention, one look around and the faces of the women around us could prove how bogus that is. He isn't simple by any means.

Arthur: "Why would I want to do something?'

Regina: "Isn't a Royal could do a lot of favors?"

Arthur: "Miss Regina, every professor of our trivia is a royal in some sense. I don't want anything. Well if had to, I would want all of them to become stronger, and more capable. I don't want to hinder them from their path."

I didn't how many of his words were true, but they sounded so noble. He referred to Trivia as ours, so he already considers himself a part of us. And he wishes for everyone to become capable, but he thinks he would hinder them. Can someone with such a positive outlook hinder anyone?

Arthur: "That goes for you as well, Miss Regina."

His words, for some reason, stir my heart. A sense to improve myself, so that I would make the wish of one who wants my well-being could come true, blossomed inside me.

Regina: "I see."

Words could do wonders, I knew that, but this is the first time I felt it. The warmth around my chest soothed me.

Arthur: "So I would say you should not burden yourself with troublesome matters. And I hope you can focus on the peaceful feeling that surrounds you, cherish them, and thrive. Future can be unpredictable."

His words seem to contain a hidden meaning, like he is trying to tell me something, I couldn't put my finger on it though. But I also understood what he wanted me to focus on. Making the most of the present. A smile adorned my face at that.

?: "I am glad you both are having a pleasant time."

A feminine voice pulled my attention. I raised my head to look to our side where a girl, seemingly the waitress, was standing with a pleasant and suggestive smile. She seemed to take my smile that was out of relief, as a positive indication.

I sighed in my heart, as to how it was twice that someone had misunderstood me and Arthur being partners, but I let it slide since it didn't give me any repulsive feeling.

?: "Would you like to give an order?"

Regina: "I would have a Mocha, Please."

Yes, let's have that, I want to drink something sweet, now.

Hello readers,

I hope everyone is healthy and happy in their lives.

A new chapter is out now, The VOLUME EPILOGUE!

Too many things happened. Arthur woke in his dream world, met Persephone, and then his journey started. The Island situation inside the shed, then meeting Bob high, he cleared the first hidden script and gained an incredible skill shattering Zoe's chains, while she abandoned her greed and decided to liver for him. Then he went to the small church and looted everything and rescued, I mean took, Ducas with him. Then going to Trivia, so many things happened here. Originally I was thinking of Writing one Epilogue, but I decided to split it into two.

So, the next chapter would also be an epilogue. I will be uploading it on Tuesday, along with an announcement, so please look forward to it.


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