
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
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78 Chs

Vision 12 - Silvery-what? (3)

We walked through the Long hallway situated on the second floor of the Trivia school's Magic Research and Study - A large building solely built for that specific subject.

Even though it was early in the morning, the whole place felt warm. Sun was radiating high in the sky and the chirping of the birds made the whole place even more beautiful.

I matched Lisa's steps following behind her with a thin stack of papers and a file in my hand folded towards my arms. She walked ahead of me with grace, even though she hid the actuality that she is the archduke of this continent on papers, her body language hasn't forgotten the dignity it once held.

Today's class is to be held on the third floor of the Research lab. The hallway wall was decorated with several notice boards and abstracts. There were also alternating windows - showing the beautiful parks and pathways where students walked through to get to their classes.

Walking past all that, a painting came into view - all faculties were sitting in a formation - that seemed like a faculty picture taken some years ago. I am obviously not on it but I spotted Lisa just behind the Acting headmaster and Hekate in her cat form at the front.

We took a turn there which led to a staircase. I followed Lisa's lead and took each step thinking about how beautifully her hair looked, which was tied in a ponytail this time, swaying with each step she took.

Soon taking the last step Lisa reached the third floor and followed that a voice reached my ear.

" A very good morning Professor Lisa. "

A voice came in a polite singing tone. I still had to take the last step so I stood still on the last stair step. I couldn't see the owner of the voice. I shifted my head and looked past Lisa's shoulders so that I could take a full look of his face. A man with a handsome face and blonde hair became visible.

Certainly, a professor, his cloak, rested on a royalty-design suit that he had on and it had a professor symbol badge on his chest area.

" Good morning Professor Eddie. "

It's Eddie. Lisa's voice was maligned like it didn't matter whether the existence of his, actually existed or not. I could feel some bitterness forming in my mouth. This conniving little weasel is responsible for that attack, after all.

A smile dazzled on his face as he took Lisa's domineering greeting like it was a gracious compliment. His eyes slowly shifted from her to directly at me and his mouth hung open in awe.

" Ah. Hero of the city. "

His word snapped like someone had popped a party popper on me. A hero of what? I shot back at myself, surprised. I blinked several times trying to calm myself.

As much as a frown was struggling to appear on my face, I didn't let it show. Suddenly a thought that, I think something useless had happened over the night, appeared in my mind. It just keeps happening over and over, always coming unannounced.

Days before, at the Opening Ceremony, Eddie didn't even look at me. He didn't talk to me, he didn't even approach me at all.

I also didn't get many chances to talk to him after the Ceremony ended, not that I wanted to. But he sure was shaken up after what happened before that, everyone present in the hall was.

It turns out, The Legend Goddess's-favorite-cat, which, is the Goddess herself in a cat's body. If she treats you like her own master, people become shocked.

Eddie now wants me gone. Someone mysterious, someone whom "The most respected" perso- cat in the school treats well, someone who shares most of Lisa's time, and if I turned out to be someone powerful in social standing. I could snatch Lisa away from him.

That must how he sees things. For him, the ideal condition must be when Lisa has no one she could trust and rely on. That way, he can get close to her. He even hired spies and assassins to kill any obstacle in its path.

That is the reason, it was weird that he even took the initiative to talk to me. Shouldn't he try to avoid making contact with me? since he must really resent me. But then again, it's not like he can treat me any less, he had to maintain the lovable reputation that he had going on in the school. Still, above all these, I was more confused by how he addressed me.

" Good morning Professor Eddie. "

Ignoring his weird choices of words, I greeted him as well while trying my best to give him a polite smile. It was hard to deliver a genuine smile infront of this two-faced bastard, but foreseeing how I am going to mess up his life in the future, it helped a little.

" Yes, A very fine morning. " Eddie smiled back with his yet another usual beaming smile.

This bastard is so good at pretending. It is surprising how he can manage to act like this even though I know he must hate me to his bones.

He thinks that I don't know that he was behind yesterday's incident and I prefer it that way. He won't even realize why and what will hit him.

" Arthur. "

Suddenly I spoke, pushing the conversation further, while my eyebrows rose a little which indicated that I was correcting him on something.

" Hm? " Still he should have to disappoint me.

" My name is Arthur " I took a pause, giving him some time to grasp what I said, and then dictated his name pointing my words at him " Professor Eddie "

" Ha. Right. I know that. " he spoke, telling me he already knew my name.

And here's the thing, I know he did know my name. He got into the trouble to get involved himself with gangsters, they must have tried to investigate me thoroughly. Too bad no one can tell him anything about me.

Eddie's fake holier look suddenly took a turn of events as it changed to a pitying gaze.

" You are very famous, after all. "

I am famous? I couldn't help but question myself hearing his words. Trying to find some piece of the puzzle. I concluded that he must be talking about the Opening Ceremony incident. If being announced as Lisa's assistant was not enough, Hekate approached me openly in front of everyone should do the trick.

" Let's go. We have a class to attend. "

Before anything else could be said in our conversation, Lisa's voice cut through it like ice. Oh Yeah, the class was about to start.

" Yes, obviously, you both should be on your way. "

Lisa's tone was harsh. It didn't even feel like she was talking to him, but Eddie didn't mind it, instead, he smiled even brighter.

Crazy bastard. I didn't understand how he could suck up so much.

Now that I think about it. Why was he here? He must also have a class at this hour and we never crossed paths earlier in this couple of weeks. That leads, that he doesn't have a class here. So is this greeting moment a coincidence or what?

" I hope we will see each other soon, Professor Yates. "

Eddie made a sharp respected eye contact with Lisa while shaking his head in a quick bow node. A strong action custom to high royals. His holier aura, approachable style, and royal way of showing. All just to get close to Lisa, to become Archduke. That is a severely unhealthy attitude.

Lisa just nodded her head in return and Eddie turned towards me.

" I will see you next time. Silver wing Protector. "

The last three words of his felt low, like a hush to my ears and he walked past me. I followed his movement from the corner of my eyes. His cloak dragged behind him as he took steps descending the stairs with an unusually large approachable atmosphere.

" You are frowning. Very much." Persephone spoke while comically checking through the random classes without any interest.

Her remark came just after Eddie left my peripherical view and Despite my efforts, a disturbing frown appeared on my face, an aggravated one at that.

" What is his deal? " I muttered annoyingly.

" Something wrong? "

Lisa questioned my remark and started walking toward the lab. Calming myself I followed.

" Pardon my curiosity, but what is your impression of professor Eddie, Miss Lisa " I inquired.

" Troublesome. " Lisa spoke instantly. I also agreed that that specific word fits with Eddie's existence quite perfectly. "Better to treat him like a passing wind. " I thought so, but then again.

"But sometimes those passing wind, if left unattended, tends to chase towards a hurricane for some attention." which is more than I can say for Eddie, who will bring only problems for her attention.

" You are suspiciously talkative today. " Lisa spoke playfully.

" Right? Using very words from his vocabulary dictionary that he knows." Persephone also shot her comment right after Lisa's, paring with her.

Ignoring the taunt thrown at me. I cleared my throat, trying to ease myself.

Two students came into view, walking towards us. Both students were of the second year which was obvious from the indigo ribbon - loosely tied on their necks like a tie underneath their cloaks.

Students' year can be observed by their ribbons, which is in direct relation to the rainbow colors, each representing their academic years in ascending order.

As soon as both students saw us they greeted Lisa and then me and went their way.

" It was only a mere curiosity. By the way, I wonder why he called me by that weird phrase at the end. "

Immersed in our talk, I notice that instead of walking a little behind Lisa as I usually do, Now I was walking side to side with her. Lisa eyed me from the corner of her eyes as she spoke.

"Silver Wing Protector."

Hearing the same phrase leave her mouth. Suspicious and confused, I also eyed her from the corner of my eyes.

I was walking leveling her foot, which might have come out a little bold infront of those students earlier. But instead of going back a little, I stayed, walking while my head turn to look at her.

Confusion was written all over my face. She knows what that phrase is supposed to mean.

We continued walking toward the Research lab as Lisa explained the situation.


It was around a little past eight in the evening. The clatter of footsteps could be heard, as faculty and students walked on hard marble grounds. Some were meeting their colleagues or lover, some were roaming for dinner at all-around restaurants.

It was the time when all classes have taken place. Working hours are finished. Every faculty member and everyone had gone back to their dorm.

I lay down on my bed. The whole room was dark with shade, the royal blue color of the walls seemed even darker. Only a Yellow shade of light mixed with red and green came inside from my window.


" You have been sighing all day. " Persephone grumbly complained while sitting on my work chair. Her chin was resting on the back side of her hand, which was pointing towards her neck, and her elbow was on the work desk.



[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " It's Okay. " ]


Big-Sis Nubecua also showed her concern through the comment panel. Unlike that other weird username asshole jerk, she actually seemed concerned for me.


I flattened out, digging myself inside the bed's soft cushion with my hand up and legs wide open.


Again a sigh left my mouth. I just couldn't help it, my worst nightmare had come true. It shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't suppose to happen.

" In the name of the supreme being. Stop it. " Persephone scolded in frustration.

-If it is so annoying. Why were you razzing me all day?

I shot back at her using chatbox, rolling my head to look at her, uninterested. All that was on my mind was, what Lisa told me in the morning.

Her angry frown disappeared, and a mocking tight smirk appeared on her face.

" Pftt. " her finger quickly moved from her chin to her mouth trying to hold her laughter inside. " It is just that name- "


I sighed again cutting her words and buried my face back into the soft cushion of the bed. Closing my eyes soon some light sparkles appear in the dark and my mind focused on what Lisa told me earlier.

Apparently, the Attack incident of the Plaza has become popular among the people of the town. It was a big deal, I get it. The whole market of Brimos could have been destroyed. Those spies went to extreme measures, using bombs and all.

' But do they have to name the incident with a weird title? '

The Incident has taken cover on the daily local newspaper's front page. I guess the big mystical wing covering the whole plaza like a dome might have been a little too much.

There was local news about how we - Me, Ducas, and Valerie - had saved the market from the spies, but it has its main focus on me.

The reason for that was obviously the angelic type silver wings that stretched through my back to cover the whole central area.

Fortunately, they didn't get any of our faces. The picture in the newspaper was taken from a far height. It showed the big silver wings that covered a large portion of the area.

And luckily Valerie was able to keep knowledge of our involvement to a minimum number of people.

" Silver winged protector "

But still, the headline ' The Silver Wing Protector Who Protected The Plaza ' made its way. And that's how people from the city, who didn't know me were addressing me after the incident.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is laughing. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is trying to control her laughter. ]


Even Nubeculas were laughing at me. My worst nightmare. God why I got a cringy nickname? Will it be okay if I just go outside? People will forget about it as time goes right?


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " I think it is good. I can work with it. " ]

[ Some Nubecula are nodding their heads. ]


Shit. I was hoping that the name would just fade over time but if she says she can work with it, then it is a name that would definitely spread.

" I will definitely make him suffer for it. " I grumbled in a dark tone through the cushion that muffled my voice.

Eddie needs to pay for it. He is the center of this whole problem in the first place. I can't let someone escape after screwing with me to such an extent.


Suddenly, I heard a knock, snapping me from my thoughts. It was very faint and I wasn't even sure if I heard it. I wasn't sure if it really was a knock or just a random sound.

I waited for a few seconds focusing on the sound around me, but I didn't hear any sound again and I thought it was just my imagination.

Knock... Knock...

But another knocking sound came through the hallway, two this time. It was still very faint like someone was tapping their finger without any strength whatsoever.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

-You hear the knocking sound right?

Uncertain I used catbox and asked Persephone, who was sitting uninterested looking through some papers on my desk.

" Hm?, ha, Yes. There are three people outside. "

I see. So it was not just my imagination. I let out a yawn and put some strength in my muscles pushing myself to sit up straight.

I sat at the edge of my bed, holding my weight by my arms. I didn't want to move as it felt sore from all the work. I thought it would have been so good if someone could get it for me.

Knock... Knock... Knock... Knock...

The number of Knocking sounds was increasing one after another, and my eyes wander to look at Persephone. Should I ask her to get it?

That thought was gone as soon it came. First, If I ask her, she would just brush it off with some glib joke, and Second, if she opened the door then no one would be able to see who opened it. So, It was a tribble idea.

Knock... Knock... Knock... Knock... Knock...

' Yeah, Yeah. Hold on, I am coming. '


The number of knocking sounds started increasing and soon it was like someone was drumming at my door. Hurriedly I walked over to the door and jerked it open with a slight frown.


As I opened the door with an annoyed expression. I saw two people standing in the hallway.

It was the silver-haired brat and the red-haired princess. Ducas walked past me, then Valerie followed walking behind him.

I blankly stared at them, as they walked to the middle of the room without saying anything to me. I closed the door and went inside the room as well.

" What are you both doing here? It is past the evening hour. "

I questioned while pointing my hands towards them and with a confused expression. I was already annoyed by the Silver winged fiasco since this morning, and then these two showed up knocking on the door like some woodpecker.

" Sir Arthur, you see... We... Umm... "

Ducas stammered uncertainly while standing straight with his hands behind him. It looked like he wasn't able to find the right words but still continued.

" Sir Arthur, We didn't know where to go. We- "

" What are you talking about? "

I asked ambiguously, cutting him off. It felt like he was saying whatever that was coming into his mind, I could see he was confused. Calming myself I went towards the couch and sat on it. I don't really care that much about their reason for coming here. I made myself comfortable, thinking of plausible excuses to kick them out.

I am not trying to be heartless. I just think whatever is bothering them, they should try a little harder and solve it themselves.

You know that is exactly how it should be. Because I want to live comfortably, where I only act when I really want to or I really need to. And the rest of everything should be handled by the people of this planet, without my involvement.

This time Valerie spoke, shifting toward me and dragging her cloak that seemed a little dirty which is usually always spotless.

" Sir Arthur, he is talking about him. "

Saying so she pointed towards Ducas, well, not him specifically. And I also noticed the pointy person before but I simply chose to ignore it.

Ducas was standing straight but he had someone on his back like a sack. It definitely wouldn't be easy to stand so straight with a two-hundred-pound sack on their back.

The said sack person looked unconscious as his head was falling down on Ducas's shoulder. I couldn't his face.

" I see. Still, why come here? " I remained impassive while questioning Valerie, but now I couldn't ignore him either.

" The person is injured and... "

" Then take him to hospital. "

I cut her off before Valerie could speak. I was trying to give them an idea about what they should have thought first before coming to me.

I know, they might have already considered all the possible solutions that I could think of but I still had to say it. This time they came to me but I don't want it to become a habit.

Valerie's mouth shut at my words and I could see her jaw clutching tightly, before speaking again.

" He will need more than that. "

" Then take him to the church. " Again I spoke emotionlessly.

Even though the church is a corrupt organization, it still have the second most influence in every city. The church act as a primary help center for everyone, like a beacon.

" We thought about that but... " Valerie trailed off as her eyes shifted from me to Ducas.

" We can not trust them. " Ducas spoke as a fact like it was a decree.

Right. I forgot I am not the only one who knew about their iniquities. Ducas was one of the survivors and during the Lunch before the Incident, he told a part of his story to Valerie, so she might also be uncertain.

" So we came to you. "

What a lonely statement, make some friends for God's sake. But contrary to what it felt to me, Ducas was smiling, which made me confused.

" I get it. "

I waved my hand as I said that. His smile was giving me the creeps.

" Ducas put him on the bed. " Taking my words as approval, Valerie gestured towards my bed, flicking her head.

" Wait. "

But I repudiated it as I got up from the couch. " It is more comfortable. " saying so I headed towards the bed and sat there. I was right, The bed was more comfortable. Smiling at my own joke I lay down on my bed.

Valerie and Ducas looked at me once and then at each other. They nodded their head in some unspoken consent and moved. I didn't pay much attention to them.

Ducas moved towards the couch and put the unconscious person on it. Valerie observed the whole scene including me.

" It looks like he is poisoned. "

Persephone's sudden words reached my ear. She also walked and sat on the bed. I had my back on the bed and my eyes on the ceiling, and naturally, I couldn't see what was going on. I only heard the shuffling of clothes and clammer of the outside that came through the window.

" It is a strong poison as well." Persephone also continued her observation taking some of my attention. " Lucky boy. Normally, He would be dead already. "

So why isn't he? what is keeping him alive? I spoke in my mind, asking the obvious questions. As if she knew what I wanted to ask. She gave me the answer while speaking her thoughts out loud.

" But his beast gene is resisting the poison. Hmm... Lion tribe, must be pure one as well, that explains how he could still last this long. "

As the observation continued, I listened to whatever she said. Persephone must have great knowledge about this universe, since, you know, she is old. Now that is something I should never say out loud.

But from among everything she said, a phrase caught my attention. Lion Tribe? but he looked like a normal human to me. I thought to myself.

Raising my body a little I supported its weight on my elbow. Ducas and Valerie walking toward me came into my view. I looked past them to the couch.

And the face of the unconscious Person - that was tilted upwards and rested on the upper edge of the backrest of the sofa - became visible to me and words just came out on their own.

" Are you kidding me? "

Valerie and Ducas, both heard me and they flinched. Maybe because they thought I directed my words at them.

But I wasn't even paying attention to them, because the person on the couch was someone I recognized, and there is a problem with that.

He isn't supposed to be here. At least not before the chaos that is supposed to happen because of the hidden script. Then why is he suddenly in my room? On my couch. Unconscious.

Damn it. Looks like another event might have changed, again.

Hello everyone.

Finally, Holidays are coming and I have come home. I also recovered from injueries.

I hope everyone will have great day.

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